srk369 Member


  • Oh, and I always eat to maintenance on blood/plasma donation days...I don't worry about a deficit.
  • I echo being hydrated. When I was plasma only, I had no issues. The 1 time I did plasma and platelets, I fainted during the platelet time that happens at the very end. I've heard that that isn't uncommon. Just as an aside...I was scheduled to donate last week during the fiasco in Texas and had to reschedule, so I'm sure…
  • I'm not vegan, but I get a lot of plant based recipes from these sites... and on youtube I know there is a ton of info, but I enjoy watching
  • And since this is your first month, pay attention next month to see if the same thing happens. It could be that at certain days of your cycle, you are more hungry. Just make a plan that during that time every month you are going to eat at maintenance.
  • The negative calories is just an adjustment between what Fitbit says you've burned and what MFP thinks you have burned. I have a lightly active setting and anytime I sync with less than 6000 steps or if I run early but don't have any other movement, I get a negative adjustment. This usually goes away by the afternoon for…
  • Thank you! As I was reading this I had the thought that for a good stretch I was daily but this week I noticed that it was more once every 2-3 days and the only real change in my diet is that I've been eating yogurt every 2-3 days instead of daily like I have been doing for the last several months. And I love my daily…
    in Poop Comment by srk369 September 2020
  • I also use this method where I name it Three Bean Chili (1g) and then log 300 servings if I dished out 300 grams...but I also weigh my pots/pans before I start. So I start with the Pot weight, add my ingredients, and then at the end I weigh the final product and subtract the weight of my pot. This helps so that I don't…
  • Is the exercise new? There are many reasons the scale doesn't move (is it your time of the month?) but water retention with new exercise is a big one.
  • There is an option to enable negative calories and this will adjust your daily goal down if you aren't moving as much as normal. I use this option with lightly active. I started with sedentary, but this makes sure I'm moving every day to watch the negative calories go away!!
  • I've been listening to the Half Size Me podcasts recently and I really like the message of changing habits (which you seem to be doing!!) but she also talks a lot about binge eating. If you like podcasts, it might be worth listening.
  • I think it is fine to weigh daily if you like that, I do! I'd suggest you use a trending app such as happy scale or libra. I'm one that loses and then jumps up for 5-6 days. This month I was the same weight on 8/11 and 8/23 with the numbers jumping up between those dates. Then I lost 2 lbs...which puts me on track for my…
  • I tend to lose in a 5-7 day cycle...drop 1 day and then jump up for 4-6 days and then drop down again. I changed my Smoothing to 10 days to cover that cycle and the forecast to 14 days and that seems to keep my chart about .5 to .7lb average loss. When it was 7/7 I was always jumping between small loss to small gain and it…
  • You can adjust your activity setting, or you can turn on negative calorie adjustment. With negative turned on MFP will adjust with your Garmin calories. I am set to lightly active and right now because I am being a slug, I have -102 exercise calories. Once I start moving today, that will adjust.
  • Here is a great place to start on logging...
  • Someone posted this article last year and I loved it. It looks like it may have even been updated recently. Not sure if you will find anything that hits home with you, but it might be worth a read...
  • No, I meant to say mine also look like that...more of an I didn't think anything of her numbers. 1200 will always look crazy with inflated exercise.
  • My weekly net often looks like that when my Garmin adjustment is crazy high. I eat 70% of my exercise calories back and am finding that works. My trend weight loss is between .8 lb/week and 1.1lb/week....but when my goal is 1200, the net can be funny. (I am under 5'2, so sedentary goal low, use activity tracker to eat more)
  • My husband is celiac and I would never do it by choice. It is a PITA. And he has gained weight since going gluten free. It is all about how many calories you eat.
  • I didn't see if you answered about using a scale or not, but bars can really be off on package size and my scoops don't usually measure what the serving says in grams. You could be overeating if not using a scale.
  • Try MOD pizza. They have a pizza salad. The crust is 650 cals on it's own. I already logged a caesar salad pizza for dinner tonight. You can read through their menu on their website, they have lots of calorie information that might get you close to what you had today.
  • I only weigh my eggs if making a large batch of scrambled eggs for the family. Otherwise I've found the eggs to be pretty close and will just use the 70 cal/egg if making fried eggs for myself.
  • Another options is to create a recipe. I did this last week...weigh the pan and then build the recipe. I used butter in the pan, whisked the eggs with a little milk (all weighed and measured) and then added shredded cheese at the end. I weigh the final amount and subtract the weight of the pan. I then record how many grams…
  • If you are creating it on a desktop, there is an option to make it public. I don't always do that though, so I'll take a screen capture of the final nutrition for say 100g and then make a new food item, enter the nutrition values and then name it with my name in the title and give that exact name to my husband...example…
  • I wouldn't use a recipe from someone else. You can build your own in the recipe builder. I always weigh the pot I am using, weigh each ingredient and when the meal is done I weigh the final product. Subtract the weight of the pot and you know how many servings are in the recipe. I then note my recipes "enchilada casserole…
  • You gotta wonder why people are surprised that you can be blunt when it is literally your name??!! Keep calling it out!
  • I made the veg count but today was a high calorie day. Hungry all day long. And no movement because I am in Houston area and it was cold and icy...pretty much shut everything down. Oh well, today's another day :) Banana 1/2 svg Lunch - Meal Simple premade meal I just popped in the oven. Sprimp Vindaloo with vegetable…
  • Yesterday was good. I took my plan from hiking Sunday and made a bag of veggies early and used that to snack on throughout the day. Breakfast 77g Banana (More banana bread) Lunch: 358g Mason Jar Salad (My family is loving having these pre-made and ready to go!) (Tomato, carrot, onion, cucumber, kale, spring mix, cabbage)…
  • Today was good. I filled a bag with veggies to snack on during my hike and kept snacking later on those that I didn't finish. I think I'm going to do that daily and see how it works. I actually had 2 big slices of banana bread that I had just pulled out of the oven for lunch. I am counting the banana just because I know…
  • Met the goal on Saturday 250g Southwest stuffed peppers (330g gram total but estimated the quinoa that was in it) 80g salsa (had about twice this but stopping at 1 serving...homemade salsa with tomato, onion, garlic, cilantro) 35g onion 165g berries 316g raw veggie plate (turnip, radish, cabbage) 846g total. Already have…
  • This could also cause water gain for a short time. How long ago did you add this?