

  • I eat one fried organic egg on a whole wheat english muffin with one slice of cheddar or american cheese. It's right around 250 calories and it keeps me full all morning. Yummy.
  • I love those foods too. Chocolate is a beast. Yoplait yogurt makes 100 calorie chocolate yogurt that's really good, My kids eat it. You can make healthier pizza is you go homemade. I make homemade whole wheat crust, light sauce, and part skim milk cheese. Or, you could make them on pita bread, which is good too. For…
  • Yep. Here I am. 5 feet exactly. I used to weigh 104. Last time I checked I was something. hard to lose the weight when you are short.
  • Hi. I just watched a program about it. It has terrific antioxidant properties, but scientifically cannot help you lose weight. I saw it last week on 20/20. It is vastly produced now. Definately not bad for you. Tons of Vit C.
  • I have done the HCg diet. Unless you are doing injections, you are wasting time and energy. HCG scientifically cannot be absorbed through mucous membranes. So if you are taking drops you are not actually getting any of the horomone. I know that the injections work, and do not require any calorie restrictions.
  • I don't know really what it is suppose to do. It's a bunch of herbs that support your organs blah blah. Just wondering if anyone had taken japanese detox herbal supplements and felt results.
  • I have read that those snacks are not healthy. It's a lot over over processed stuff (chemicals and fillers). There are definately more healthy, tasty, filling snacks available. They really don't fill you up or even hold you until your next meal. Not much protein:smile:
  • It's really hard for me to, but I've done it a couple of days this week and I don't mind it! They say that you should get up at the same time every day, so I'm going to start doing that. You have to reprogram yourself to wake up at 5. Just like you are reprograming yourself to eat better and excersise. We aren't born with…
  • Thank you everyone for your insight.
  • It does help. I just started walking/ running again, so I suppose everything needs to rebalance itself. Thanks
  • I had no idea that you could have too much water. Should I stick with the basic 8 glasses a day?
  • I think you are craving sweets because you aren't keeping your blood sugar at an even level throughout the day. It sounds like you could use more protein in your evening meal. It stays longer in the system and will keep your blood sugar more even for a lot longer. I used to do the same thing with evening snacking and it…
  • Thanks. Hopefully I can be rid of this thing that has attached itself to me before spring...