Does Anyone know about Japanese Herbs?
Hello Everyone-My sister is currently seeking a degree as an N.D. She did some sort of exam on me and that I have a sluggish lymph system and weak kidneys. She gave me this herbal supplement called "Enviro Detox". I was wondering if any of you had used this, and if it is effective. I'm not sure what I should be expecting…
Need to get rid of this "muffin top"
Okay, I have never had to deal with this issue before, until about a year ago. I have developed a case of the dreaded muffin top and I can't get rid of it. On top of that, I have the beginnings of a pot belly and it jiggles when I walk. I noticed this the other day. I am horrified because I have always considered myself in…
Water Weight
Hello everyone, I have been drinking a gallon of water each day for the past 5 days. I sort of expected to lose some water weight by now, but I haven't. Can anyone tell me when I should expect to shed some of that?