Water Weight

Hello everyone,

I have been drinking a gallon of water each day for the past 5 days. I sort of expected to lose some water weight by now, but I haven't. Can anyone tell me when I should expect to shed some of that?


  • ahbach2005
    Everyone is different....watch your sodium levels...I gained 21/2 pounds over two days because I was going out work lunch functions.

    Also if you have just started weight training or meduim to heavy cardio in the same period it may take longer.

    Hope this helps.
  • Dlhigh
    Dlhigh Posts: 72 Member
    A gallon might be a bit excessive if you are not exercising vigorously.
  • stacybolstridge
    I had no idea that you could have too much water. Should I stick with the basic 8 glasses a day?
  • stacybolstridge
    It does help. I just started walking/ running again, so I suppose everything needs to rebalance itself. Thanks
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    water weight is the easiest and fastest to lose, sorry to tell you but I dont think you have water weight to lose. and you need water only when your thirsty dont over do it!
  • ahbach2005
    The rule of thumb that I have been told to use is half your body weight in pounds on ounces of water.....If your are very overweight that may be a little high.

    Once you get to 100 ounces it will depend on your activity level.......
  • VialOfDreams
    Hello everyone,

    I have been drinking a gallon of water each day for the past 5 days. I sort of expected to lose some water weight by now, but I haven't. Can anyone tell me when I should expect to shed some of that?

    I am not sure how much sodium you take in each day, but try limiting it to under 2000mg per day. Not sure how much you do work out, but at least 30 mins a day is recommended.

    As for how much water you drink, it is recommended that you have 64 ounces a day, but that's just a guideline. You can get fluids from other sources like veggies as well, so you might not be thirsty enough to drink all 64 ounces.
  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
    if you hammer to much water you can become hyponatremic which if the level is low enough you can die. so be careful and use the recommended amounts ie 6-8 glasses a day (64oz). A gallon is 128 oz.good luck on your journey.