ChristineZenk Member


  • I had also experience the fluid build up on the knee but once my knees got use to the pounding it went away. I am finishing my 3rd week in insanity and plan on trying the tapout next to mix it up.
  • Totally sounds like something my old man would say. Love It!
  • I don't know why but I did notice int eh past when I was a compulsive calorie counter that I was the same way. I think it was I was eating so many small meals that me energy was just spiked and when I ate a meal that was bigger than what I was used to, its was like over eating now is. I don't know your situation but that…
  • I started running awhile ago and you will enjoy it as long as you enjoy pushing yourself. I get such a high off it and a feeling of self-worth. I hope you fin what you are looking for and accomplish some running goals. Can't be much help here because I just started running and didn't have anything to follow juspast…
  • I have been a member of the pillsbury website for awhile and I just went there the other day and emailed a few recipes to my friend that was healther than what she would normally eat. I've been telling her to get on this website but she never seems to remember. She requested the recipes because she was doing Zumba and…
  • I also am 5'7 and have the horrible dimples in my thighs. I only weigh 142 currently but fit in a size 9-11 because I carry all my weight below. I am currently doing Zumba and will add in some Barry's bootcamp as soon as I get it back from a friend. My goals for doing this is to just be in better shape and hopefully start…
  • I have the PS3 move and Zumba. It is easy and cheaper then the kinnect. Guess it just depends what you wanna spend and what system you already have. I enjoy doing the Zumba and it deff makes you sweat.
  • Hello, I am just a 24 yr old who is trying to get into better shape. By shape I just mean fitness wise. I would like to tone up but I don't really need to lose weight. Wish everyone the best of luck.