

  • Wow, some people can get mean on here. :smile: I'm going through a similar experience only it doesn't really have to do with exercise making me hungrier--I really don't want to weigh in on that debate. :) But I have lost about 62 lbs. and I'm only the last 20--I think it's gonna be 20, bc I'm shooting for 18% body fat (I'm…
  • All boxed cereals are so processed. Even Kashi, looks nothing like the "natural" nutty texture it is in the box when they start. When I crave cereal, I eat old-fashioned oatmeal. And I LOVE CEREAL, but it's just too sugary, too processed, etc. to fit into what I'm trying to do. But keep in mind, I thought I was gonna knock…
  • Here's a very, very helpful statement I have heard and keep in mind: weight loss is 80% food and 20% exercise. This is just me, but I wouldn't partake in a binge day--at least not until you develop the habit of the "diet" calorie target. For me, I need 6 weeks to make a habit a habit. Even then I wouldn't have a binge…