two months of exercising and...

I have been decent with food. I wouldnt say I have binged all the time.

I havent lost much weight. I can see I am much stronger and teeny bit more toned.
However I dont see any loss in inches.
Is it possible to get toned and remain the same weight without losing inches?
My clothes do fit better just a tiny bit. But havent gone down sizes or anything.

Is toning and weight loss so slow?

I am trying to eat my TDEE, with may be 2 times a week going over.

This is my workout -
30-40 mins cardio - elliptical mostly
30 mins weight training and floor exercises - squats, lunges, planks, abductors, adductors etc started doing upper body, biceps, triceps, shoulders too

How can I speed up this process?


  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    You need to eat below your TDEE to lose weight, not at it. Are you sure you are not confusing TDEE with BMR? To speed up weight loss, eat less, move more, or both. Also how do you define slow? How many lbs in how many weeks? Also how much do you have to lose?
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Just curious, how much is not much?

    I'm also wondering why you say you are eating your TDEE if you are trying to lose. That may be the problem since your TDEE is what you are supposed to eat in order to maintain.
  • ntnunk
    ntnunk Posts: 936 Member
    Also, are you actually taking measurements or just going by how your clothes fit/feel? People are subjective, and even more so about ourselves. Pictures and a measuring tape are much more reliable.
  • ksaranya
    ksaranya Posts: 50
    Oops I meant I am eating TDEE-20% for weight loss as recommended by a good post here in MFP.

    I have a good 30lbs to lose, i am overweight but not obese. I would like to lose atleast 1-1.5lbs per week.

    For examples last week I worked out for 7hrs total 6days in the week. My joints are strained, started having back problems. I cannot work out so much I seem to have biomechanical issues with repetitive motions.

    Eating wise I eat about 1500 calories. Is it too much. I know I should up my protein.

    In two months, I have lost may be 3lbs or so.
    I realized first month of exercising , you dont lose much, but i thought at some point I should start losing weight, it is not happening..
  • CLM1227
    CLM1227 Posts: 61 Member
    You need to eat below your TDEE to lose weight, not at it. Are you sure you are not confusing TDEE with BMR? To speed up weight loss, eat less, move more, or both. Also how do you define slow? How many lbs in how many weeks? Also how much do you have to lose?

    TDEE could also (erroneously) be referring to her target calories.

    To OP, are you using the calorie counter at this site and did you put in how much weight per week you'd like to lose in your settings? If that is how you set up your caloric target, the first recommendation is to ensure proper measurement of food.

    Also, you mention your pants fit a little better without having lost inches. You could have lost inches in a place you are not measuring. Standard measurements seem to be waist (smallest point or 2 inches above navel), navel, and hips. I've also tracked arms and thighs before.
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    I wouldnt say I have binged all the time.

    I'm not sure what you meant by the above but, as the others said, try lowering your caloric intake. And try not to binge...
  • ksaranya
    ksaranya Posts: 50
    tape doesnt give me anything... no change..
    Is it possible i am losing in areas i cant measure...?
  • d0v3r13
    d0v3r13 Posts: 61 Member
    you are not very likely to lose weight by exercise alone. its difficult to burn the amount of calories needed to create such a deficit. also, if you are not tracking calories you probably are eating a lot more than you realize.

    i ran 3x/week for 7 months, including two half marathons and didn't lose a single pound the entire time. but i thought i was eating healthy, or at least healthier than i had been before. i didn't start losing weight until i finally got my eating right. now i've lost almost 40 pounds since may. exercise is great for becoming healthy, but its only a small factor in weight loss. managing how many calories you eat is far more effective.
  • CLM1227
    CLM1227 Posts: 61 Member
    Oops I meant I am eating TDEE-20% for weight loss as recommended by a good post here in MFP.

    I have a good 30lbs to lose, i am overweight but not obese. I would like to lose atleast 1-1.5lbs per week.

    For examples last week I worked out for 7hrs total 6days in the week. My joints are strained, started having back problems. I cannot work out so much I seem to have biomechanical issues with repetitive motions.

    Eating wise I eat about 1500 calories. Is it too much. I know I should up my protein.

    In two months, I have lost may be 3lbs or so.
    I realized first month of exercising , you dont lose much, but i thought at some point I should start losing weight, it is not happening..

    Are you stretching? Do not under-estimate the power of the stretch. It is not recommended before workouts, but after and on off days, stretch those tight muscles. My back frequently started causing pain when I started working out regularly. After months of chiropractic work and being afraid of running, I finally realized it was all about the stretch. Hamstring, toe touches, and hip stretches are the most important for lower back.

    Also - were you eating your exercise calories back? 7hrs in 6 days is a lot and could have put you below the weight loss threshold of calories.
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    Oops I meant I am eating TDEE-20% for weight loss as recommended by a good post here in MFP.

    I have a good 30lbs to lose, i am overweight but not obese. I would like to lose atleast 1-1.5lbs per week.

    For examples last week I worked out for 7hrs total 6days in the week. My joints are strained, started having back problems. I cannot work out so much I seem to have biomechanical issues with repetitive motions.

    Eating wise I eat about 1500 calories. Is it too much. I know I should up my protein.

    In two months, I have lost may be 3lbs or so.
    I realized first month of exercising , you dont lose much, but i thought at some point I should start losing weight, it is not happening..

    You're over training for starters; I'm doubting that before you decided to lose weight that you were working out 6 days a week.

    Rest days are crucial, you need to find an exercise program that is going to fit your lifestyle for the long term, otherwise you'll fight that 30lbs on and off your body for the rest of your life. There's a good chance you'd see better weight loss working out for an hour 3-4 days a week, tops. Also, what is your exercise program; cardio, strength, both?

    1-1.5lbs a week might even be too aggressive for your weight loss since you aren't that far from a goal weight, and therefore presumably a healthy weight.
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    How often do you have cheat meals/days or binge?
  • ksaranya
    ksaranya Posts: 50
    usually i do 3-4 days a week for 50mins or so. Lately since I Have some time I have been upping my workout times.

    My binge days are may be 2 days a week. I eat may be 2100cal.

    I do measure my food as accurately as possible, follow mindful eating, eat when hungry within limits.

    I do both cardio and strength. elltiptical 30-40mins, strength -30mins.

    My protein intake is not great average 50-80grams. Eat more carbs. Could that impact weight loss so much?
  • CLM1227
    CLM1227 Posts: 61 Member
    Its debatable how much macro-nutrient ratios affect weight loss. Too many competing outlooks on it.

    It has been argued that if you have some insulin resistance, they could be blocking fat burning... which could lead to more muscle being burned when your carb energy runs out. So, it could be worthwhile to balance out your protein and carbs a bit.

    It has also been argued that a calorie is a calorie.

    Knowing what the macros do for your body and their different roles, I tend to lean on the macros matter end of the spectrum.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Eat at a deficit = lose weight. You must be eating more than you think, or you're retaining water (that would be 3-7 pounds), due to increased exercise. Do you have a rest day?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    if you're not losing after logging 100% accurately for 2 months, then you're not at a deficit.

    you're likely eating more than you need to lose or not accurately logging.

    Since your diary is closed, giving advice isn't gonna be easy to do.
  • clestasue
    Here's a very, very helpful statement I have heard and keep in mind: weight loss is 80% food and 20% exercise. This is just me, but I wouldn't partake in a binge day--at least not until you develop the habit of the "diet" calorie target. For me, I need 6 weeks to make a habit a habit. Even then I wouldn't have a binge day--have a "cheat meal" and even then be mindful. Others have been giving you good advice on here I see, but especially if you are close to a normal weight, it's going to be that much more crucial it's the food you are adjusting and not the exercise. (Of course, exercise, but it sounds like you are doing that already.) One last thing, just because you mentioned it: upping the protein was NECESSARY for me to 1. stay full and 2. see the results I'm seeing. I don't advocate Adkins or anything that extreme, but for me, reducing the carbs--cutting out bread, dairy (except cottage cheese and Greek yogurt, skim milk), ANY SUGAR except in fruit and even then being careful with that--made huge moves for me in terms of body fat % going down and the clothes swimming.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    How are you 'measuring' your food?

    Are you using measuring cups?
    Using a food scale?

    TBH, if you're not weighing your food, in grams, then you are not accurately logging, which in turn means you are probably eating more than you think.
  • ksaranya
    ksaranya Posts: 50
    How are you 'measuring' your food?

    Are you using measuring cups?
    Using a food scale?

    TBH, if you're not weighing your food, in grams, then you are not accurately logging, which in turn means you are probably eating more than you think.

    I do use measuring cups.

    I used to track food 6 yearsa go when I tried to lose weight, I measured very accurately and lost consistently. So I have a good eye for portions..

    Something seems to be wrong since i turned 30 and had a baby ;--)
  • BramageOMG
    BramageOMG Posts: 319 Member
    Ive been doing this 2 months (as of last Friday) Lost 42 lbs, and am 5 away from my goal weight:

    Eat under on calories, and exercise (adds to deficit) I like the 80/20 comment.
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    How are you 'measuring' your food?

    Are you using measuring cups?
    Using a food scale?

    TBH, if you're not weighing your food, in grams, then you are not accurately logging, which in turn means you are probably eating more than you think.

    I do use measuring cups.

    I used to track food 6 yearsa go when I tried to lose weight, I measured very accurately and lost consistently. So I have a good eye for portions..

    Something seems to be wrong since i turned 30 and had a baby ;--)
    I wouldn't trust your "good eye" for portions. I have been religiously weighing and tracking food for years and without my scale I know my accuracy would severely diminish. If you are going to go through the trouble and effort to track all your food in MFP, spend the extra 5 seconds to weigh it on a scale.