

  • Good ideas! Thanks!
  • If you're uncomfortable with frequent personal attention from strangers, stick with locations that people can't see. I end up having small talk about my tattoos every single day I leave the house. I still love them, but that gets old.
  • I used to feel like I was way too fat to be in a bathing suit around people. I'm much smaller now, but I am always inspired when I see larger people in the pool at the gym. Or really anywhere at the gym. It makes my day to see someone working hard for something they want. Especially since I know how vulnerable I felt when…
  • Keep a cup in the bathroom and chug a glass real quick after brushing your teeth. That's two glasses a day.
  • I look at things a little bigger picture. If I'm a little under, I don't force myself to eat. And I go easy on myself if I go over a different day. I just try to keep my weekly deficit where it would be if I hit my goal every day.
  • Nope. Just hyperbole to emphasize a point. There doesn't seem to be a lot of room for discussing the gray area on this board, so I went with the short version.
  • My husband and I say crap like that all the time. And I know that it isn't the popular opinion, but I think it is more disrespectful to lie to your partner by pretending that no one else in the world is remotely attractive. He and I went through this exact same thing a few years ago when I gained about 75 pounds being…
  • If you're easily demotivated, I wouldn't suggest it. Normal daily fluctuations for women can be many pounds, and totally unrelated to anything you are doing or not doing. That said, I weigh myself every day. My primary goal isn't scale related though.
  • Thanks guys I appreciate it the feedback. I'm a little disappointed that it looks like I'm alone with this particular character trait, but it's not a big deal. Gollum will keep me company.