

  • Ohhh i really like the idea of alternating. That will be good for days when it's raining really bad. Or i just don't feel like going for a run as i can do the shred in the kitchen!!!
  • Thanks everyone. I don't have a race to do, but i just wanted to do some physical activity. I like the idea of doing the couch to 5k 3 days then adding TDS as i get fitter.
  • Thanks everyone your answers have really helped me :) . My muscle pain is definatly just from not using them i haven't injured myself. I think I'll aim to do it everyday but if i can't for some reason I'll replace it with 30 minutes of brisk walking. I really want to see results, im planning to do it for 60 days and ways.…
  • Thanks for the replies everyone. This is what i was hoping you would say :) . I didn't feel like her warm up "warmed me up" enough, so i think tomorrow I'll do her warm up then do my own!! I've been drinking loads of water and eating plenty of carbs and protein!!! It's just my muscles that hurt but if anything else hurts…
  • Yes and no. I think it depends on your body shape. I'm 5 foot 11 and I'm the classic big hips small boobs shape (ie pear shaped) I've got some weight to loose and i need to tone up, but if i lost too much I'd look too skinny and i do think there is such thing as too skinny. If you've got a tiny "boyish" shape then you…
  • Hi jessica. Hopefully you can do it without the need for a gastric band!! Add me if you like. I'm 23 and i started off at 13 stone 5lb i lost weight on slimming world and im now 12 stone 5lbs I've got a stone left to loose and I'm using mfp and doing the 30 day shred also :)
  • Hi. I started it yesterday and i hurt so much, but i love the workout. I'm hoping to carry on through the pain and hopefully it will start easing off!! I'm doing it on YouTube as there all on there!! Xx