tuesgirl1031 Member


  • I get all the time, "You look fine the way you are". At this point in my long struggle, Im not really looking for compliments. Right now Im looking for "Way to go" when I have lost a little, or "Good job" when I worked out.
  • I have the same kind of schedule. So far Kashi Go lean crunch is the ceareal that stays with me the longest. 200 calories, 9g of protine, 8g fiber 4.5g fat, for 1 cup.and if you can keep some almonds..in desk, or in a pocket, (depending on what you do) that is helpful. Much luck!
  • I am not going to try and blow sunshine up your skirt. But just try to let go of the things you have absolutely no control over.. The stupid cheating husband, the real estate market, and all the little day to day things that happen that you can do nothing about. At this point, live one day at a time. Dont be afraid to ask…
  • First of all, look at your success....your trying! Thats the important thing.. Keep doing what your doing.
  • Even though you are within yoru calorie goal, its still not great to skip meals. Eating on a regular schedule is an important part of keeping your metabolisom (sp) running. Even if you dont eat a full supper with your family, you probably should eat a little something...a garden salad, or string cheese, or any low cal…
  • at two...hugs and kisses are the best things, It also teaches them to show others love and affection.
  • I had the same thing, I was using a trianer at the time....he said to really warm up well, I also used med tight ace bandages when I ran. It helped me.
  • Thanks Guys...all your comments really helped. I dont care about dorky....much, I just want to do what I can to help my fitness efforts. You guys rock!!
    in shoes Comment by tuesgirl1031 March 2010
  • First thing, put your scale in a closet and DO NOT step on it a while. Second, whatever today is, thats the day you start. If you have two or theree good days, and then make a mistep with your workout or your eating...The next day is the day you start again. Weight loss can be a series of do-overs, the only failure is when…
  • already...I know you guys rock! Thanks for the support