njjazz16 Member


  • So many women in the science and health fields. That's awesome. I'm studying neuroscience and even at a female dominated school (Boston U), the ladies can sometimes get lost in those departments. Sometimes it's hard to find the energy to go the gym after a long day of class/work/lab, but we can do it! Cheers to the long,…
  • I'm also graduating in May and trying to lose some weight for the big day. So many pictures! My graduation is on May 22nd and I want to lose about 10 lbs by then to be around 118 (I don't know my current weight- I don't like scales and prefer to estimate my success based on what I see in the mirror). It seems reasonable as…
  • I know I could use a little more protein in my diet, maybe that would do the trick. And I need to be more consistent with my water intake- some days I drink a ton, others...not so much. Thanks for your insight!
  • Thanks! All of you have been very helpful :)
  • I've been on and very off working to change my habits for a few months now. It'll be going well, and then something will really throw me off track for a while and un-do all of the work I had accomplished. I don't have too much to lose, but enough. So I ask: What made you finally stick with your plans? What did you do…
  • Thanks! All of your suggestions were really helpful, and I'm definitely going to put them into practice. After having the weekend--okay, while we're being honest, more like the whole week--"off," I'm ready to get started again (how trite?). Here's to losing two pounds by Thanks giving!...
  • HOW DO YOU GET IT?! It's not that I can't stay away from the junk food, but I've eaten my weight in kiwis, low fat organic apple cinnamon peace cereal, and peanut butter (not together of course, though it could be interesting...) over the past few days. I marvel at those who have trouble meeting their calories at the end…
  • This weekend didn't go too well as far as keeping on track with my calories (think typical college weekend). In fact, it was horrid. I've done the math and if I have slightly larger deficits this week, by Friday I will have the same caloric intake as if I had stuck to my guns the past two days. Now my question is, does…