sylkates Member


  • I've tried a bunch of natural alternatives, but the normal antiperspirants you buy at the store just can't be beat if you can't afford to have BO. I wear natural stuff in the winter and if I'm not exercising, but it would be cruel to those around me to not put on the artificial antiperspirants when I go to the gym or in…
  • Lots of dietary cellulose DOES come from the lumber industry. Not just alarmist nonsense. Now whether or not that's bad, meh, it's generally recognized as safe. I was certainly surprised to find it out, too . I don't normally think of "trees" as "edible" but I guess I was wrong.
  • Do you ever see something that you want so bad that it gives you an inexplicably aggressive attitude? It's a weird thing but it is happening to me on this thread with all these pics. BTW people please post the city names! We're from all over the world here and let's represent our local places!
    in Best Donuts Comment by sylkates May 2016
  • I'm with you on most of these, but the mustard seed thing is at least half legit. Mustard seeds being ground or unground affect the taste of the final product, since the flavor compounds in the whole seed last longer than when the seed is crushed first. Same principle for why fresh ground black pepper is more spicy than…
  • There's a UK/US gap here. "Biscuits" have a different meaning in UK English, and cracker isn't a word for a type of carby food there, so kommodevaran looks like she was trying to get a handle on what that word actually means, compared to food/terms she is more used to.
  • Krispy Kreme are amazing. Fresh only. Holy crud. I also love Doughnut Plant and Dough, both in NYC. It's not like NYC is some obscure place nobody's heard of, so I figured it's worth mentioning them on here for anyone who takes trips there or who lives there, to check out.
    in Best Donuts Comment by sylkates May 2016
  • I allow myself small treats. Fewer than I used to have before I was counting calories, but enough to keep me from going nuts. That makes avoiding the full-size donuts that are often in the office easier for me. I also have become a total snob about sweets. I like baking my own, and finding good bakeries and candy shops. So…
  • Here we go - 250 mg for 6oz. Not bad.
  • I eat plain Greek yogurt almost every day. By random coincidence, one brand I bought actually had the potassium listed (Whole Foods house brand organic Greek yogurt.) I base my estimates on potassium from plain Greek yogurt for that fat % on that label.
  • I have been incorporating cheat days into my plans and I've been successfully losing weight. However, even before I started counting calories, I tend to limit my food intake in general, since I hate that 'really full' feeling and easily get really tired from over-indulging. I also just feel gross when I have too much fried…
    in Cheat day? Comment by sylkates May 2016
  • I eat mine back, on average about 75% of them, and I've been losing weight as predicted by the mfp app. Your mileage may vary as everybody's goals and body are different.
  • Yeah, I make a smoothie like this, but instead of brewed coffee, I make it with 2 teaspoons instant espresso powder and 2 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa powder. The protein powder and banana combined should be sweet enough to fight the bitterness of those two things.
  • You're assuming that someone who buys chocolate in easily-portioned pieces like Andes mints can't stop themselves from eating more than one or two. That's quite an assumption. It takes me 14 days to go through a 7 ounce chocolate bar, but having it as part of my calorie-deficit diet keeps me from feeling dissatisfied.
  • Anything low fat that normally relies on fat. Most noticeably cheese. Low fat yogurt and milk are OK, but really I'm usually having that mixed with fruit or coffee. It's the cheese that's awful, it just tastes artificial. These weren't eaten on my current weight loss journey, they were eaten when my mom was into "low fat"…
  • Kale is garbage raw. You have to cook it. Or buy baby Kale for eating raw, it doesn't taste that strong.
  • PCOS? Does anybody here have experience with whether or not that makes losing weight especially hard? I thought it was one of those disorders that makes losing unusually difficult.
  • Hey I'm 5'3'', cw 138, gw 125 or 120, adding you!
  • This sounds less like an addiction to carbs and more like a binge eating disorder for someone whose favorite food is carbs. The idea of being "addicted" to carbs is a popular buzz word nowadays, but binging and having it control your life sounds more like an eating disorder than an addiction to a specific type of food. I…
  • I am sure that if this person could afford the space and the equipment to build their own private gym they would, but a gym membership is much cheaper...
  • The larger belt that I bought when I was really frustrated at how my old belt didn't fit anymore- that belt is now too large for me! Time to go back to my old, pre-most-recent-gain belt!
  • A shot glass of ice cream (one fluid ounce) topped with a serving or 2 of Reddi Whip.
  • Lightly salted nuts and fruit. Weight the nuts, though, since a little goes a long way.
  • I have friends who like the meetings. They do motivate some people, really well. The points system though, I don't think it makes sense anymore. It was invented before smart phones, when keeping track of calories would have to be in your head or a pad of paper- what a pain in the butt. Compared to that, the points system…
    in Curious Comment by sylkates April 2016
  • Bread is fine, especially if it works better for you. Bread isn't particularly harmful to one's health. Enjoy!
  • I re-trained myself to take a shot glass of ice cream instead of a bowl. One fluid ounce. If that's not enough I top it with whipped cream, which doesn't add too much to the calorie count since a lot of it is air.
  • I used to have a fit bit before I lost it. When you first wake up, you have around 600 calories used. That's not from exercise, that's from being alive. That's the amount of your TDEE that has passed so far, just from time passing. It was a little confusing to me at first, too.
  • Local young person blown away that some people think differently than he does. "Why can't they all be as awesome as I am?," he asks. Full story at 11.
  • Note: I am NOT a doctor. This is not medical advice. Please see a doctor. Possible causes: 1. Not eating enough. Most likely scenario. 2. Problems with blood sugar. You don't have to be overweight to become pre-diabetic. See a doctor if you suspect this. 3. Problems with low blood pressure. This runs hereditarily in my…
  • I like coffee too much to really like their milkshake drinks. Iced coffee or hot Americano for me since I like their espresso and iced a lot more than their drip. One packet of that brownish sugar and a splash of half & half is enough for me!
    in Starbucks Comment by sylkates March 2016