

  • I also do not understand this. I burned almost 500 calories today at the gym and when I did not eat the 1200 calories that I am alloted each day, it said that I needed to eat more so that my body would not go into starvation mode. I am so confused!!
  • I read an article that showed how taking time out to write helps you to lose weight. I am also an emotional eater and I am going to try that technique. I find that I get hungry just before I go to sleep so maybe writing instead will help me. After all, you can not write and eat at the same time.
  • I feel the same way. I was really sick over the weekend and did not eat for several days. I am just starting to eat again. I feel so unmotivated to work out and eat healthy. I just want to consume calories. At this point I do not care what I am eating...I just want to eat.
  • I am finding it easy to stick to my daily calorie intake. I am struggling though with my carb intake. I LOVE my carbs. HELP!!!
    in Carbs Comment by mel555 February 2008
  • I am also looking to lose 20-25 lbs. I really need help to stay motivated.
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