drshadowblack Member


  • mucho gusto conocerle. soy americano pero hablo espanol. esta aqui por la primera vez? yo empece hace par de semanas y me gusta mucho este programa de salud. me ha ayudo mucho! le espero lo mejor en llegar a sus metas de salud.
  • Hi, welcome to the club! My advice: Don't try to lose your weight all at once and then go back to the normal style of living. Try making permanent lifestyle changes. Be a fitness person for life. Be a healthy person for life. Once you establish healthy living, you will lose the weight that you want to and it will NEVER…
  • Welcome! I feel like that a lot too..especially on the weekends! Don't get discouraged about today, there is always room to progress and as long as you are progressing over the period of time from when you started, you are doing great! I created a new blog entry today..maybe it'll help you out! :)…
  • Yeah, I believe your attitude is the #1 determinant if you can reach your goal. You can "loathe" to get on that treadmill or eat your carrots, you have to make the choice to look forward to it and be excited!
  • This is all so true. I went to Five Guys Burgers yesterday and checked what I ate afterwards (which is something I would have never done in the fast). The total caloric input was 1540!!! Needless to say, next time I go there (if there is a next time), I will be going conservative on the meal :)