CarmenNeitz Member


  • Thanks for sharing. Your transformation is awesome. I've been having problems most of last year getting myself motivated to get out there to exercise and just move more. Thanks for sharing your exercise growth. Also, I never heard of IF. I will be sure to read up on that and check it out. Thanks again for sharing! Let us…
  • I would like to get into biking. Thanks for posting cuz eventually I want to get a new bike too.:happy:
  • P.S. So it is a banana omelette. I'll still give it a try. I need something different for breakfast. Thanks again! :wink:
  • Here is another recipe I have for pancakes, but I have not tried them yet called Skinny pancakes. Skinny Pancakes Serves One What you'll need: 2 egg whites 1/2 cup uncooked gluten-free oats 1/2 banana 1/2 tsp vanilla extract A dash of cinnamon How to make them: Place all ingredients in a food processor or blender. Blend…
  • I will have to try this because I love pancakes. I usually have to splurge on them sooner or later after weeks of going without them. This is a great alternative. Thanks for sharing, Carmen
  • Thanks! I found this information with you and your sister more helpful.
  • You go Girl! Glad to see those that are still doing the challenge. You inspire me. I'm failing at this miserably but September is a new month and a chance to reach that goal. It's wouldn't be called a challenge if it was easy would it? I just need to carve out the best possible time in my day to do these and just do it.…
  • Can't believe it is the middle of the month all ready. I haven't done my abs, but hope to find time today to start. Glad to see some of you are getting them in. Keep up the good work. , , ,Carmen
  • The C25K app sounds like it would be handy to have and much more convenient and easier to use than using the stop watch on my cell phone where I have to keep looking at the time. Right now I have an older phone so I'll have to make do for now, but it's good to know it's available if and when I do update my cell phone.…
  • I've been drinking more water. My water bottle holds 20 oz. I usually forget how many times I've filled it up though in a days time. I get two or three in a day with no problem after that I lose count, but I really need to keep better track of it somehow I've also started putting real lemon juice in my water which I enjoy…
  • LoL, Love the exercise dogs! Never seen anything like that before.
  • Hi Everyone, I haven't had a chance to read all the post but I hope to soon. The day after my birthday in July of last year I had a goal to be Fit-n-Fifty, but unfortunately I failed. I got down to 159 lbs by November but then started to gain in December and fell off my plan most days till I wasn't on it at all. Now I have…
  • I'm in. I try to get 8 in but I need to do more.:drinker:
  • P.S. What is the C25K app? is it some kind of running/tracking app?
  • Thanks for sharing your success story and pictures. I also started last July 22, 2012 (just after my birthday) on my journey to lose 30 lbs. I was a tight size 12 and 173 lbs wanting to get down to143 lbs by my birthday this year, but unfortuately I failed. I had gotten down to159 lbs (after struggling to get past the 160…
  • Hi, I'm new to MFP. I agree with you,Puijj, this is why I joined MFP as well. I want to hold myself accountable and keep track of my progress. I hope to find buddies not bullies to support and encourage me in order to reach my fitness and health goals, especially when I am heading on a downward spiral or failing to stick…