

  • Great idea! I believe that my 9mm would be too big for that, but it is worth a try.
  • Most takeout and buffet fare is not good; deep fried, starchy, salty, MSG (if you have a problem with that), and who knows what else. It is doable, but you have to watch what it is that you are getting. Stir Fry is great, if you do it yourself, as it uses little oil and does not overcook things.
  • IMO, use a solid belt and an SOB holster. (Belt worn against the skin under your running outfit if necessary.) This is the ONLY time I would consider an SOB holster, (because that is what it feels like to fall/sit on one) but most other options are not good because of the weight unbalancing you or the motion of your…
  • Aren't herbivores technically Vegan? Hence the beef is not vegan free. (Pork on the other hand...)
  • T Tauri: Joy to the world (no Felt Mix)
  • <Insert snarky comeback here>
  • While I don't care much for McD. I can find something to eat at any restaurant that is within my plan. It is usually one of the cheapest items (a small bonus). I tried a grilled McWrap last week. Not too bad, but a small burger would have been just as satisfying (and 1/3 the price). I also tried the Wendy's Chicken Wrap.…
  • I feel that it was being brought up poor and not getting the nicer things. So I made sure I got the things (food) I thought I was deprived of so that I would feel successful. Food was an entitlement. Also a comfort and time killer. About 6 months ago it dawned on me that it didn't matter if I had the things, but that it…
  • My first car, in 1984, was a blue '62 VW Beetle, with a Baja kit. The Baja kit was how my dad fixed it after it was totaled for the 4th time (before I got it.) I had to park it on a curb so I could 'pop' start it. The exhaust manifold was literally held on by beer cans and bailing wire. (We looked for colorful beer cans.)…
  • When you are losing a LOT of weight (30% of your total weight or more) just changing your diet will work for a while. I have found myself moving more now than before. When you are down to only 10% or so to lose, you will have to do something to make your body move. It isn't necessarily the areas you are exercising that…
  • I think everyone starts every day. I have been starting every day since the end of November. Welcome!
  • Height: 6'2" Age/Gender: 45/Male Highest Weight: ~340 lbs November '12. Current Weight: 295 lbs Lowest Weight: 185 lbs, 18, in the Navy. Goal Weight: 195 lbs, the upper end of normal for me according to BMI.