

  • Trust me mate, I do. I eat most of my food around my weight lifting sessions to give me the extra energy. That is a good point, however. Weight lifting should always be incorporated into any diet, no matter how orthodoxed or unorthodoxed.
  • Bro, I don't mean to be a pain in the *kitten*, but the G.I. Diet is complete nonsense. Trust me, just hit your macros with good wholesome foods and you'll be fine. The Glycemic Index of a food is changed very easily. Let's take a low G.I. food with say, a 30 G.I. rating. Now, add that with some chicken. The G.I. of the…
  • 3300 calories seems like a lot for mere maintenance, espeically since you aren't even working out, unless of course you have a very laborous job. The way I see it, the larger the deficit the better. So if your willpower is strong enough for 1800 calories, go for it. Make sure you stick to it though. If you NEED to up your…
  • Probably it will be stored as fat, as all excess calories are. But our bodies are ALWAYS storing and burning fat. In the end, as long as by the end of the day, or week, you have a calorie deficit, you will have burned excess fat.
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