

  • I dont say you do, but you can be off. Look at this video and see the difference. Wow. That was an interesting video. I don't usually fill things over the rim like that, but I don't go way under, either. Thanks for posting.
  • I suppose if my difference between sort of maintaining and losing could be in 250 calorie errors, that is entirely possible. I can enter the recipes I make in the recipe builder, but sometimes it's hard to know how many meals actually come out of a recipe, so that is likely one of the errors that could be made. (And for…
  • ok, thanks everyone. I'm not feeling like there's any one answer, but just to keep plugging along. I do drink water (probably not enough, but I'm working on it), I just can't bear to log it. Logging food is bad enough. And the "I weigh most things" is true, but how do you weigh that finger-full of dip or those 2 french…
  • I use a Fitbit Charge HR. But I really don't pay much attention to my "calories out" numbers. I figure I should be losing if I'm even somewhat close to eating at my BMR. My BMR is 1500. My TDEE (counting exercise 3x per week) is just over 2000.
  • Yes, I weigh my food. Maybe not everything, but most things. And, like I said, even if I'm off by some factor, I'm not off by 1000 calories in a day (which is about what I'd need to be off by to explain this non-weight loss).
  • No, I'm eating 1800 a day. Not eating back exercise calories. I know the exercise looks excessive, but as I mentioned, I'm in a competition at the gym and you get points for every half hour of activity. I'm doing pretty well in that, but not doing well at all in the weight loss category!
  • "Anyway, to OP ~ I would say go up. Track your weight and see how it goes. Also, with your workouts, maybe your body has simply gotten used to the intensity and type?" I try to mix it up, like today I did tabata sprints for half an hour on the treadmill, which I haven't done in a couple weeks, some days I do steady…
  • No, I totally understand. I am accurate in my logging. I have a scale, and weigh things. I make a lot of food from scratch, and I plug in everything into the recipe calculator and get the calories from that. If I weren't sure I was being accurate, I wouldn't be asking what's wrong. I started exercising just after…
  • Is that net or gross 1650? I've been eating (gross) 1700-1800/day, so i'm guessing you're suggesting gros 1650. Just want to be clear.
  • I usually do okay on water. I just can't bring myself to log it. But I don't think that's it, and my sodium levels are not out of control (I cook most everything myself, and so am not at the mercy of restaurants and their high salt as a general rule). I initially lost some inches, but even that seems to have slowed. I…
  • Guess I just stump everyone. Damn.
  • Please? Only thing I can think of is maybe I'm miscalculating my TDEE? Is that possible?
  • Now that it's Monday, maybe more people might have some thoughts and weigh in? I sure would appreciate it!
  • I don't think I have any words of wisdom for you, just empathy. I'm in the same boat you are. Feel like I'm doing everything right and have been gaining and losing the same 4 pounds for the past month. I'm not sure what the answers are, but feel free to friend me and maybe we can figure it out together :)
  • Someone just pointed me to this site: http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/ It's really great. It eliminates the grey area in trying to decide what activity level you are.
  • Thank you for that site! That came up with my TDEE as 2600. It feels like being able to put in all the different activities and their duration in a day is much more effective in determining activity level. Thank you very much. I hope this website gets publicized more!
  • When you say you "eat 1600-1700 per day", is that gross or net? I think gross, but want to be sure.
  • Anyone else have input? I swam for an hour this morning, but being a good swimmer my heart rate never got above 125. I'll walk tonight for another half an hour with a HR of about 145. So not high intensity, but an hour and a half today. 7 days a week is similar - moderate effort, but at least 9 hours in the gym (including…
  • One thing that is unclear to me is you say you're down to 1700 calories, but your TDEE shows you should be eating much more than that - up to 2300. Perhaps you should bump up the calories a bit if you're only eating 1700/day. At 1700 and all that exercise, you're likely to be eating below BMR every day.
  • Without knowing everything, I'd say you probably need to eat more. 1200 calories with an hour of exercise a day isn't probably enough. Also, I'd check that you're really burning 700-800 calories in an hour. That's a really high number of calories for an hour. How are you getting that number?
  • I followed the Road Map, and understand that TDEE-20% is what you should eat every day, regardless of whether you exercise or not, it is an average assuming. However, I'm finding my TDEE-20 is routinely netting me less than my BMR. Should I up to the next higher level of activity? I don't have rest days (I'm in a challenge…
  • 1900-2000 is my TDEE-20%. I put myself as Moderately Active, which for my height, weight, age, body fat, gave me maintenance of 2479. So maybe 2000 is technically closer, but with 50 pounds to lose, I rounded the other way. My BMR is 1500. But that means if I do more than 400-500 calories of exercise a day, I'll end up…
  • bump. Could really use help with this.
  • But doesn't your heart rate give you some idea of how many calories you burn? Why else would all kinds of people be using their HR monitors to help them determine calories burned?
  • No, I swim. Not play around with the kids, but actually swim. And usually at a pretty good clip. I sweat too. But my HR isn't any different than it is working hard (for me) on a treadmill. So I'd think that based on HR, the two would burn the same amount of calories. But that's never what comes up when you plug it in…
  • Is there a lifeguard or someone there? Most jurisdictions have a law that requires people to shower before they get into the pool to get that kind of stuff off.
  • In case anyone is still reading, I have another question... Looking at my BMR vs calorie expenditure, it was suggested I try to net 1600 calories a day. Other people suggested that the Road Map plan worked better for them because it was easier to follow. I logged in my information, and that suggested that I should eat 2400…
  • I do appreciate the help. I try to be accurate in what I record, and I do weigh most things (yes, it was a tablespoon of almonds, they were just sprinkled on a salad for some crunch, same with the goat cheese - just a little on the salad). I'm a little daunted at the idea of eating 1600 net calories a day... it's 3pm and I…
  • Thanks. 1600 net is what I will shoot for. No way could I consume 2700 calories in a day, unless I sat down with a jar of peanut butter!
  • Thanks, everyone. I will try upping the calories a bit. Does 1900 net sound like a good goal?