MichelleKS37 Member


  • Hello...I'm new to the group also. Emotional eating is something I do a lot of. I'm a stay at home Mom (to a 2 year old little girl) and I go through a lot of daily stresses. You know how it is with a Toddler. On top of that my husband is gone 14 hours a day (who is the one person that takes my stresses away) and I don't…
  • Way to go!! I know what it's like to not want people to look at you. I struggle with that just in my own neighborhood but you are an inspiration by sharing this story! Thanks for doing that!
  • I just got into Kickboxing and love it!!
  • I am also a Diet Coke drinker...I just try my best to limit it and am drinking water more. I still can't believe the people that can drink 80 some odd ounces..I think I would float away!! I allow myself to have some juice but make sure that there is no added sugar and all natural. You could add a little lemon to your…
  • Good luck to you on your journey of losing weight and getting yourself healthy. This website has been a lot of help for me as I am sure it will be for you. It's great to see all of the support that you can get from total strangers who are going through the same as you. Each of us has our own story but we are all brought…
  • Age: 37 Gender: Female Married? Yes Kids? 1...2 year old little girl that is my whole world Goal weight: 175 Current weight: 268 Height: 5'10 Favorite exercise: Dancing with my little...we have a lot of laughs!! Least favorite exercise: Burpees or Jumping Jacks Pets? 1 female Doberman/German Shepherd and 2 gray cats…
  • I usually do it weekly also. If you do it on too close to a day to day basis you go insane. It's so easy to fluctuate one to two pounds. I would also maybe every month measure to see the success too.
  • Welcome! Just like you I also have around 100 pounds to lose and have succeeded in the past. Mine crept back on me while I was pregnant with my baby girl. And now I'm starting the fight to take control of my health and weight. I'm also 37 and want to watch my baby grow up to be a beautiful woman. I'm here if you need…
  • Congrats on the weight that you lost before joining! Way to go!! First thing in my opinion that has to happen is you have to have feeling that you are ready to commit yourself. I have had a lot of trouble getting there but have finally found my motivation! I'm here for you to give all the support I can. But the thing I…