corriebenedict Member


  • ME FREAKING TOO...and I get what I want.
  • LOL, my favorite one! I'm not a cauliflower fan either but I do mix in mashed steamed cauliflower into my mashed potatoes and no one has called me out on it yet!!
  • Butter.
  • Pinterest is full of a lot of great HIIT programs that include cardio and body weight only exercises that you can do on your own in your own home with no weights to get you started! Good luck on your journey!
  • LOL, You know how huge I'd have to get to fill it with muscle!? I've been doing CrossFit for some time now and have quite a large build when it comes to muscle as it is. I'm okay with it if it doesn't change but I know there are products on the market that women use for pregnant bellies and such and I was just looking for…
  • Tuna packets! I can get down with that!
  • Poach pod! How cool!! I love eggs for breakfast but I'm really on the fly in the morning. I go to crossfit from 6 to 7 and have to walk the dog, be showed and at work by 8:30!! In another post I did find a recipe recommended by MFP for Freezer breakfast Quesadillas. I made them last night with what I had left on hand of my…
  • I did just find a recipe for chocolate peanut butter oat bars and the protein powder my husband has now is also chocolate peanut butter...and I didn't even think to toss some of that in there...but I will now!! Thanks so much!!
  • THANK YOU!!! That is very helpful. I'm trying to lean more towards a pescetarian lifestyle, incorporating more seafood and less meats which I should have mentioned. I have to be gluten free due to celiacs but I'm going to check these out. Are you finding them at health food stores or do you have to special order them?
  • Hi! What's your game plan?
  • I was 245 and got down to 175 and told myself I'd stop there...and then 30 lbs came out of no where while I wasn't paying attention...and now I'm back to work. Don't lose focus or you'll regret it later in the game. Try giving yourself ONE free day (Saturday or Sunday) and log everything else religiously. We've all been…
  • ooooh, I'm going to try that. Has anyone tried the powdered PB stuff? Is it worth the hype? The calories per tablespoon are so much lower.
  • YOU CAN DO IT. Don't discourage yourself. Tell that inner voice inside you that's saying you can't that YOU CAN. You have to, your health is important. Now get up and go!!
  • Sounds to me like you're ahead of the game!! A 19 lb loss is incredible, congratulations!! If you're putting in 3 to 4 miles per day though 1000 calories might be too little fuel for your body. Try adding a 200 calorie protein shake with low sugar or change up your routine to keep your body guessing. Pinterest has TONS of…
  • 36 year old Female, 5 ft 10' 189 lbs dying to hit 170. Could use all the help and motivation I can get!
  • ABS!!! ABS!! ABS!! I've been working hard lately. Give me a year....I always get what I want.
  • Hi, just looking for more motivated people for encouragement!!
  • I'm going to cook the fish on my George Foreman and make this for dinner tonight. Thanks ladies.
  • I try to avoid all processed foods that contain added sugar and try to only eat natural sugars and even with that I go over the daily recommended goal. There's not much you can eat that doesn't have added sugar that's also quick or "on the run" type snacks so eating a healthier lowered sugar diet not only takes a lot of…
  • We've been taught that calories in (eaten) - calories burned (fitness) will lead to weight loss which is partially true BUT food is FUEL and you have to learn how to fuel your body properly and how certain calories/foods react once eaten. The best way I've ever heard it explained was in a documentary by Katie Couric on…
  • You got this. Check out Pinterest for healthy food alternatives and keep putting yourself out there, the more accountable you make yourself the more likely you are to stay on track! Best of luck.
  • Diet and Exercise. There is no magical trick... How bad do you want it is the question? I log and journal my food and exercise and hold myself accountable. I've lost 70 lbs and then got off track and quickly gained back 20. Once it's gone you have to continue the diet and exercise to maintain. It's HARD WORK. Good luck.
  • Great Job! You're an inspiration!