

  • I am in the same boat. I haven't been diligent for about a month and I am going back and forth about 7 lbs. I want to get back, too. I need to get back to Logging daily. Good Luck!
  • I commend you for your efforts. Different plans work differently for different people. I know a few people who have had great success with the HCG. Don't feel threatened here- I just started and its amazing what I never wrote down! We should all be here to encourage and support eachother! Best of Luck!
  • Here's a tip I hope helps you. It helped me. Without looking at your food diary, be sure that you have a protein for breakfast, 3 fruits and 4 veg during the day. Have 2 light carbs before dinner. Try this for 1 week: Breakfast :Protein, Fruit, carb Lunch :2 veg, 1 fruit , 1/2 protein carb snack :fruit Dinner :2 veg 1/2…
  • When people ask me are you on a diet, I just say I'm eating healthier. I believe those programs you mention are just stepping stones to a lifestyle change. If you go back to your old ways when you reach your goals, you gain the weight back. Once you reach your goal, you learn how to reintroduce foods you avoided in a…
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