Can someone please look at my food diary and help me!

Hello. I am 25 and 127.6 lb and 5'4. I have lost no weight and it's been 3 weeks now. I am exercising also. I am getting very disheartened.

Could someone please have a look and see where i am going wrong? I have noticed that i don't look as bloated in the stomach area but i have lost nothing!

I know i am not massive or anything but i would just like to get back down to the weight i was before my daughter (lose 8 or 9 lb)

Any advice would be appreciated!


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I didn't look at your diary because I don't really believe that what you eat plays any significant role in weight loss. How much you eat and what you do play the majority of the role in weight loss. If you're being honest with your food intake the weight will come off although with only a little to lose it will probably be slow.
  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    Well it seems like what you're eating has a significant amount of sodium, that you may want to cut back on a little. I couldn't tell you a no fail way to get the weight loss going except to tell you what you could do to make your diet more "perfect" which is cut back on sodium, perhaps eat a little more, and drink more water.

    As far as eating more... sometimes varying your caloric intake can jump start things.. although your intake seems to jump around a little bit as it is. I dunno!
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    Try cutting processed sugar you seem to always be over. Also, when you eat fruits eat them in the morning so that you can use the sugar you get from them for fuel, so that your body doesn't store that sugar as fat. For the rest of the day eat mostly veggies and protein. This may or may not help each persons body is different.
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    Your sodium levels look high - this will retain water which shows up as weight on the scales.

    Try drinking lots more hot water rather than cold, add a tablespoon of lemon juice to the first cup you drink in the morning.

    Are you exercising everyday?
  • My wife had the same thing when we started this. I was shedding pounds and she wasn't losing at all (or barely). But after probably 5 weeks of being true to her calories and exercise she noticed her ring was looser and she fit better in her clothes. Then the scale finally started showing some progress.

    Stick with it.
  • Here's a tip I hope helps you. It helped me.
    Without looking at your food diary, be sure that you
    have a protein for breakfast, 3 fruits and 4 veg during the day.
    Have 2 light carbs before dinner. Try this for 1 week:
    Breakfast :Protein, Fruit, carb
    Lunch :2 veg, 1 fruit , 1/2 protein carb
    snack :fruit
    Dinner :2 veg 1/2 protein
    Then plug in your food.
    High sodium impedes your progress, too, so don't add salt.
    Good luck!
  • Jackdog89
    Jackdog89 Posts: 57 Member
    Try cutting processed sugar you seem to always be over. Also, when you eat fruits eat them in the morning so that you can use the sugar you get from them for fuel, so that your body doesn't store that sugar as fat. For the rest of the day eat mostly veggies and protein. This may or may not help each persons body is different.

    I was just going to say the same thing. You're over on your fats and sugars just about everyday. Hope this helps. ;)
  • stackhsc
    stackhsc Posts: 439 Member
    your last week looks ok net cal wise but the first few weeks looks like you were way under your net.... maybe ?????
  • michaela4910
    michaela4910 Posts: 544 Member
    My wife had the same thing when we started this. I was shedding pounds and she wasn't losing at all (or barely). But after probably 5 weeks of being true to her calories and exercise she noticed her ring was looser and she fit better in her clothes. Then the scale finally started showing some progress.

    Stick with it.

    Excellent, very encouraging.
  • sarahbrown1015
    sarahbrown1015 Posts: 92 Member
    Try cutting processed sugar you seem to always be over. Also, when you eat fruits eat them in the morning so that you can use the sugar you get from them for fuel, so that your body doesn't store that sugar as fat. For the rest of the day eat mostly veggies and protein. This may or may not help each persons body is different.

    I agree with this. Since you are pretty small to start with going over on your sugar and carb intake everyday might be keeping you stuck. Also drink more water!!!!
  • fevermaps
    fevermaps Posts: 162 Member
    Your sodium levels look high - this will retain water which shows up as weight on the scales.

    Try drinking lots more hot water rather than cold, add a tablespoon of lemon juice to the first cup you drink in the morning.

    Are you exercising everyday?

    Yes i exercise every day! Plus i just started Zumba on top once a week.
  • fevermaps
    fevermaps Posts: 162 Member
    Try cutting processed sugar you seem to always be over. Also, when you eat fruits eat them in the morning so that you can use the sugar you get from them for fuel, so that your body doesn't store that sugar as fat. For the rest of the day eat mostly veggies and protein. This may or may not help each persons body is different.

    I agree with this. Since you are pretty small to start with going over on your sugar and carb intake everyday might be keeping you stuck. Also drink more water!!!!

    Hey, i have cut out most sugar in my tea e.t.c but i like having some natural yogurt e.t.c but this makes me go over. I eat fruit and that makes me go over too!
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    Even if you don't wish to go low carb, you still need to be aware of your carb intake. It is very hard to loose weight when your body is flooded with extra insulin (which it's job is to convert carbs to body fat). If you want to have sugar in your tea, that's fine. But, you then need to adjust else where.
  • fevermaps
    fevermaps Posts: 162 Member
    Even if you don't wish to go low carb, you still need to be aware of your carb intake. It is very hard to loose weight when your body is flooded with extra insulin (which it's job is to convert carbs to body fat). If you want to have sugar in your tea, that's fine. But, you then need to adjust else where.

    I didn't think i was having too much bad sugar as i eat fruit and yogurt but i didn't realize this was a problem! Will adjust my intake and see what happens.
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    Your calories seem fine to me, but what do I know? Are you taking measurements? I'd suggest doing that because there are probably changes that aren't reflecting on the scale.
  • fevermaps
    fevermaps Posts: 162 Member
    I know i have been over on sugar but in the morning if i want to have some musili it takes up 11grams! I don't think i should have to cut out on everything, should i?
  • christabel6
    christabel6 Posts: 173 Member
    Could you use something else instead of sugar to get that sweetness you want, eg Truvia?
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    No matter what suggestions you take, whatever you do...don't give up. It may take you longer to start to drop the weight than others. I cut out most processed carbs and eat about 3 servings of fresh fruit a day instead. Eat about 3 to 5 servings of fresh veggies a day and watch my salt.
  • fevermaps
    fevermaps Posts: 162 Member
    Could you use something else instead of sugar to get that sweetness you want, eg Truvia?

    I dont usually put sugar in my drinks and i have cut out all sweets really. I am getting frustrated as it seems i have to much sodium and sugar in my diet however if i have a kiwi and some museli i seem to go over so what do i do? What can i eat? If i have to get my calories to a certain amount most things have sodium and sugar in so what can you eat?
  • shotpurple
    shotpurple Posts: 4 Member
    Are you sure you're recording your portions correctly? I find a lot of the measures on here don't bear much relation to reality. Some people are happy being really precise (like me), others aren't. If you *can* bear to do it, try measuring/weighing everything - even just for a week, to make sure you're not actually having loads more than you thought. Remember that the info on most food packets is for a 'portion', rather than the whole contents. I bought a set of digital pocket scales off of Ebay (pretty cheap), very useful if you're out and about. But yes, you will get interrogated / be given odd looks by anyone who sees you weighing stuff, so fair enough if you don't want to do that.

    Good luck!