Can someone please look at my food diary and help me!



  • fevermaps
    fevermaps Posts: 162 Member
    Are you sure you're recording your portions correctly? I find a lot of the measures on here don't bear much relation to reality. Some people are happy being really precise (like me), others aren't. If you *can* bear to do it, try measuring/weighing everything - even just for a week, to make sure you're not actually having loads more than you thought. Remember that the info on most food packets is for a 'portion', rather than the whole contents. I bought a set of digital pocket scales off of Ebay (pretty cheap), very useful if you're out and about. But yes, you will get interrogated / be given odd looks by anyone who sees you weighing stuff, so fair enough if you don't want to do that.

    Good luck!

    I have scales and weigh out all my portions very accurately so it def can't be that! Thanks for the suggestion though! :)
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Step back here for a minute.

    You are not overweight. You want to get back into a certain size jeans that you wore before. These are vanity pounds. And your body is going to fight you all the way on them.

    If you really want to lose that last little bit, then yes, you are going to have to be super strict on what you eat, and possibly give up muesli and cut down on fruit. And the past few days you've been over on calories.

    Are you doing any strength training at all? I think if size is more important than the number on the scale, then maybe that could help.

    I hope this doesn't sound too harsh,...
  • FoundProdigal
    FoundProdigal Posts: 32 Member
    Keep in mind, if you are working out you are building muscle...muscle, I believe is heavier then don't get too discouraged by not seeing the numbers change on the scale will the meantime you're getting healthier. :)
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I didn't look at your diary because the bottom line is calories in vs calories out is how you lose weight.

    If you are eating items that are high in sodium you will see that reflected on the scale....make sure to drink lots of water.

    You don't need to cut back carbs if you don't want to and limited refined sugar is a good idea however sugar from fruit and whatnot is not something to be horribly concerned about.

    How many calories is your goal? Are you eating back exercise calories?

    I say focus your meals around protein and watch sodium and you should see a shift soon!

    Good luck!
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    I should also note with my comment when I mean processed sugar this also includes carbs. Carbs are converted straight to sugar in your body. So, maybe the problem isn't the amount of sugar you put in your tea, but the types of carbs your eating. Look at the labels and see how many ingredients are on the back of your carb items. If there are more than 5 or 6 ingredients and some chemical names you can't pronounce then those foods are processed, even if they say Whole Grain on the front.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Keep in mind, if you are working out you are building muscle...muscle, I believe is heavier then don't get too discouraged by not seeing the numbers change on the scale will the meantime you're getting healthier. :)

    Muscle isn't heavier than is more dense. Honestly with eating at a deficit and doing cardio she isn't building muscle.
  • btoblake
    btoblake Posts: 9 Member
    Have you tried strained yogurt? It has a lot more protein, and less of the sweet whey, so it's really filling.
    Don't forget, if you're carrying a kiddo around and exercising a lot, you may have more muscle than before. It weighs more than fat, but looks good on you.

    I'd switch from measuring pounds to the actual measuring tape, if possible. You could also just stick with the diet that gives you the best energy levels. If you can stick to a diet that makes you feel healthy and energetic, your figure will take good care of itself.
  • Nacho12
    Nacho12 Posts: 164 Member
    Here's a tip I hope helps you. It helped me.
    Without looking at your food diary, be sure that you
    have a protein for breakfast, 3 fruits and 4 veg during the day.
    Have 2 light carbs before dinner. Try this for 1 week:
    Breakfast :Protein, Fruit, carb
    Lunch :2 veg, 1 fruit , 1/2 protein carb
    snack :fruit
    Dinner :2 veg 1/2 protein
    Then plug in your food.
    High sodium impedes your progress, too, so don't add salt.
    Good luck!
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    You are already at a healthy weight, so loss will be slow. I notice your goal seems to be set at 1200. I think that's probably too low for you. I'd recommend working out your TDEE, and subtracting 20% from that for your daily goal. (See the In Place of a Road Map thread here for info.) Since you're already light, you should aim for about 1/2 pound a week of loss. I know that seems glacially slow, but anything faster isn't healthy for someone your size, and you just risk losing muscle.

    Reset your calorie goal higher, eat healthy, continue to exercise, and above all, be patient. It could take a few months to lose those last few pounds. Good luck!
  • DeniseMCronin
    DeniseMCronin Posts: 27 Member
    You are eating a lot of Tesco own brand foods and they sneak in a lot of sugar into their products to mask poor quality, tasteless ingredients. I was in Tescos yesterday with a friend and she was looking at a bag of frozen mixed veg to add to a stirfry and there was sugar in there. When compared to a branded similar product it had no sugar in it. Also they add way to much sodium to foods. M&S have way less sugar & sodium in their products.
  • fevermaps
    fevermaps Posts: 162 Member
    I didn't look at your diary because the bottom line is calories in vs calories out is how you lose weight.

    If you are eating items that are high in sodium you will see that reflected on the scale....make sure to drink lots of water.

    You don't need to cut back carbs if you don't want to and limited refined sugar is a good idea however sugar from fruit and whatnot is not something to be horribly concerned about.

    How many calories is your goal? Are you eating back exercise calories?

    I say focus your meals around protein and watch sodium and you should see a shift soon!

    Good luck!

    I am drinking 8 glasses of water a day at a minimum. I have cut out most refined sugar. I had a cheat day so to speak and had a triangle of chocolate but i have been eating healthy so i'm just a bit discouraged.
    I have about 1200 calories a day and eat more if i exercise but i don't eat it all back.
    Thanks for the advice!
  • Nacho12
    Nacho12 Posts: 164 Member
    Here's a tip I hope helps you. It helped me.
    Without looking at your food diary, be sure that you
    have a protein for breakfast, 3 fruits and 4 veg during the day.
    Have 2 light carbs before dinner. Try this for 1 week:
    Breakfast :Protein, Fruit, carb
    Lunch :2 veg, 1 fruit , 1/2 protein carb
    snack :fruit
    Dinner :2 veg 1/2 protein
    Then plug in your food.
    High sodium impedes your progress, too, so don't add salt.
    Good luck!
  • fevermaps
    fevermaps Posts: 162 Member
    I never even thought about that! Thanks!
  • fevermaps
    fevermaps Posts: 162 Member
    You are already at a healthy weight, so loss will be slow. I notice your goal seems to be set at 1200. I think that's probably too low for you. I'd recommend working out your TDEE, and subtracting 20% from that for your daily goal. (See the In Place of a Road Map thread here for info.) Since you're already light, you should aim for about 1/2 pound a week of loss. I know that seems glacially slow, but anything faster isn't healthy for someone your size, and you just risk losing muscle.

    Reset your calorie goal higher, eat healthy, continue to exercise, and above all, be patient. It could take a few months to lose those last few pounds. Good luck!

    Thanks a lot! I am happy to lose half a pound a week just been discouraged when it's been nothing in 3! I am overall wanting to eat healthy for the long term so it's not a race so it's not about how fast i lose but i just didn't know if i was eating as healthy as i think i am!
  • fevermaps
    fevermaps Posts: 162 Member
    Have you tried strained yogurt? It has a lot more protein, and less of the sweet whey, so it's really filling.
    Don't forget, if you're carrying a kiddo around and exercising a lot, you may have more muscle than before. It weighs more than fat, but looks good on you.

    I'd switch from measuring pounds to the actual measuring tape, if possible. You could also just stick with the diet that gives you the best energy levels. If you can stick to a diet that makes you feel healthy and energetic, your figure will take good care of itself.

    I've never heard of strained yogurt? What is it?
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    I wouldn't worry in the least about cutting the fruits just because of excess sugar/carbs, It also doesn't matter what time of day you eat fruit or any other meal for that matter. That being said I agree with others about cutting down your sodium intake and drinking more water as well as upping your calories.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    It could take a little time, if your metabolism is messed up. I think though, it may not be a calorie problem, as much as it is what you're eating. Remember, PFF; protein, fat, fiber, try to include those in all your meals. Higher protein, moderate fat, and fiber from fruits and veggies with all your meals, as often as possible. Be creative, and try to "sneak" veggies into your dishes. Also, I noticed you're not drinking enough water, unless you haven't been logging it. You NEED water if you want to lose weight, it is a very important part of the fat burning process, and will also help flush out any excess sodium. My diary is viewable, if you would like to take a look to see what I mean. :happy: Hope this helps! Good luck!
  • fevermaps
    fevermaps Posts: 162 Member
    Does anyone know how much sugar should i be consuming a day?
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    It could take a little time, if your metabolism is messed up. I think though, it may not be a calorie problem, as much as it is what you're eating. Remember, PFF; protein, fat, fiber, try to include those in all your meals. Higher protein, moderate fat, and fiber from fruits and veggies with all your meals, as often as possible. Be creative, and try to "sneak" veggies into your dishes. Also, I noticed you're not drinking enough water, unless you haven't been logging it. You NEED water if you want to lose weight, it is a very important part of the fat burning process, and will also help flush out any excess sodium. My diary is viewable, if you would like to take a look to see what I mean. :happy: Hope this helps! Good luck!

    Forgot to mention, also, I've noticed you have a lot of cheese in your diet. A lot of cheese can cause constipation, which could also be the problem...:wink:
  • fevermaps
    fevermaps Posts: 162 Member
    It could take a little time, if your metabolism is messed up. I think though, it may not be a calorie problem, as much as it is what you're eating. Remember, PFF; protein, fat, fiber, try to include those in all your meals. Higher protein, moderate fat, and fiber from fruits and veggies with all your meals, as often as possible. Be creative, and try to "sneak" veggies into your dishes. Also, I noticed you're not drinking enough water, unless you haven't been logging it. You NEED water if you want to lose weight, it is a very important part of the fat burning process, and will also help flush out any excess sodium. My diary is viewable, if you would like to take a look to see what I mean. :happy: Hope this helps! Good luck!

    I just haven't been logging it! I do drink water, i just forget to log it! I just went to have a look at your diary and it seems to be closed.