globe_trekker Member


  • I was off to a rough start with metformin as had been warned by my doctor that it could upset my stomach, which I took to mean nausea and vomiting. Since I don't do well with vitamins, always having to cushion them with food to not upset my stomach, I thought this would be my biggest problem. Not to be, I found out the…
  • I am a huge fan of Siggi's high protein/low carb yogurts (I use lots of fresh berries as the taste is not really awesome), and the only other yogurt that I have found to be higher in protein/carb ratio is Voskos yogurt, but only in plain flavor, anything else results in a much lower protein/carb ratio. I also like Boulder…
  • Yes, it makes a huge difference. Recently, I started snowballing, and am too afraid to look at the scale but fear it is around 3lbs or so, and I find myself being more slouchy, and not walking tall. Those 3 or so pounds make a huge difference, I am still around minus 20lbs, but this recent setback has me not standing tall,…
  • This is a great post, thanks for sharing! My 10 things: 1. My best friend's success (and same struggles sometimes, but we get through them) on MFP, I attribute my staying on target due to the accountability with her, we may be hundreds of miles away, but the MFP status updates on each other, keep us in check. Her…
  • I love eggs, and you can reduce calories even further in the egg dishes by poaching them in a poach pod by not frying them. Another good link:…
  • I have lost 23lbs and not only are friends whom haven't seen me in months not noticing (despite knowing that I am actively losing weight and working hard since the beginning of the year), but my facial lady recently said to me when asking about my eating habits (she does this every time she gives me a facial) and I told…
  • Hello, I saw this article from the SF Chronicle and it lists 20 vegetarian diets: Also, I eat mostly vegetarian (have since I was a kid and told my parents that they can't force me to eat meat anymore), but do eat chicken for the protein…
  • On the top header under "Message Board", clicking on "My Topics" is in effect a "bump", all of the posts that people want to look at that they've written are listed here. Going to a topic that you've posted on with a new message and finding that the new message is just "bump" contains no info. It's happening so often that…
  • I love tortillas and chips, and recently started making my own corn tortillas, you totally control the sodium, and since you can make them as thin as you like, control the calories per tortillas. These can then be cut up into 12 pie shaped slices or strips, whatever you prefer, and baked, no oil. I am going to experiment…
  • I've used chia seeds and let my friend whom used flax seeds (she ground them every morning) now likes the chia seeds because they are more easily digestible. I think of them like psyllium, if they are allowed to be in water for awhile, it becomes gelatenous, I don't like that texture, so I just have a bit of water, then…
  • Isn't clicking on the "My Topics" already a way to bookmark the ones that one has posted on? I think a much better way, and then when you are checking to see what new posts are written to a topic that you previously wrote on, to see "bump" is just disappointing. I'm just being honest.
  • Nom Nom! I like the cheddar chipotle recipe, will definitely have to try, lots of great recipes there, will definitely be checking it out often.
  • I used to have the same problem about food going bad, but that was before I actually started cooking (I used to never cook except for breakfast on the weekends). For me the key is menu planning for the week and using the soon to expire foods right up front. I too eat a lot of chicken as that is my main source of protein,…
  • Hi, I know that this is small, but the exercise calories burned from the database seem really unrealistic for me. I have two other friends (one is studying to be a nurse, so she looks at the calories from a medical point of view) and we all use a fraction of the database calculated calories burned. For instance, when I run…
  • Way to go, and I know how it can be on a plateau, but I agree with another poster on here that it could be muscle and not fat. I've reached a few mini plateaus in only a few months which is frustrating to hit them so early into this as I have a long way to go, but for me cardio is the key. When I feel stuck and the scale…
  • The fabric bunching is a great indicator! And the support and positive words from a mate are awesome. To me, probably around 8-10lbs I noticed that my face looked a bit slimmer, and by now I thought it would be more obvious, though hardly anyone has commented. But I shall keep on truckin' as I feel so much better standing,…
  • Baisleac, I totally understand about your post. I lost 16.5lbs (though have regained about 2 lbs in the last two weeks, which I hope will go away soon as I had started slacking) and nobody has said anything, even people whom haven't seen me in months, most of these people know that I'm getting fit and being diligent about…
  • After my aesthetician's urging, I asked my OB/GYN to test me for PCOS as I had all of the classic symptoms, and sure enough I did have it. Kind of bothered that I had been seeing my OB/GYN for years and he never thought to test me for it or ask me more about it, i had to do a lot of research before asking him for testing.…
  • I totally agree about the being hungrier after a low calorie, healthy breakfast, and it is nice to feel like my metabolism is kicking in gear. I was determined to have a quick, high protein breakfast and am definitely even more hungry with the higher protein, but again, I see that as a good thing. What I have been eating…
  • Dr Oz had a segment on this a couple of months ago with chef Rocco Dispirito, the link to the recipe is: I haven't tried it myself yet, but they picked someone out of the audience to try it and…