

  • I completely agree here. At first it was all about losing the weight for me. But now I feel completely different when I go to eat junk food. It's amazing but I really don't want it. I may eat some unhealthy stuff at get-togethers and things but I often find a regret it because I just feel so unhealthy after eating it!! I…
  • This site helped me A LOT! I still stuggle from time to time being lazy or going over my calories but seeing it on here makes me think twice where normally I would have just shrugged it off as one day and no big deal! This site helps me keep myself focused and see what I'm really doing to my body with the food I choose to…
  • Good to know.. maybe the germ issue isn't such a big deal after all.. definetly makes me feel better!! But I'll still keep the lid down :)
  • I would go with the idea that she probably is a little jealous. It may not be because of her weight but it could be because you are determined and successful. You've accomplished a lot and maybe it makes her feel like she hasn't accomplished much. I'm not sure.. I'm not her but it makes sense to me. I find it very…
  • The only problem I have with the seat up or down issue is the germs... Everything... and I mean everything! in the bathroom can be covered by the germs sprayed around from the toilet.. just flushing it once with the lid not shut shoots germs onto everything in your bathroom... even your toothbrush!! One of the reason i…
  • It has worked for me!!! It is amazing the calories you eat without even knowing it!! This site is awesome! Good luck to you!
  • I have been doing this for 6 days and I gained a pound and then lost it again... so I feel your pain! Just remember... losing too much weight too fast is not healthy... it takes time!:wink: At least that is what I tell myself!
  • just the game... you hold the remote in your hand and follow along!
  • just dance 2 and zumba are my favorite ways to workout on the wii!!! the zumba dvds are also really good if you don't have a wiii!!! It is amazingly fun and you will feel the pain from the awesome workout... plus you get to advance the better you get with zumba!!