New and fustrated

I have always tried different diets and figured I try this. I want to loose weight and get fustrated when it doesn't come off fast enough. I joined a gym and starting off slow on the treadmill, but anyone has any other suggestions?:cry:


  • Timeforme714
    Timeforme714 Posts: 189 Member
    I don't use a gym at all. I just walk and do yard work! :)
  • LexyDawn
    Eat less, Move more, Be patient and Believe in yourself. You can do anything.
  • taylorsmom81
    Try some fun dvd work outs like The Firm express or some dance workouts .. hang in there
  • pattynava
    First...don't get didn't put it on a day, and trust me honey...You won't get it off in a day. it takes time, and I am one of the most impatient people you will ever meet...but hang in there, this is a great site....we will help you take it day by day =0)
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Diets don't Work!!! We all want Instant gradifcation!!!! It is about clean eating 80% ~ 20% exerciseing moving your body, building your fitness levels up and Being Consisant Day in and day out with your eating and exercise.

    You will see results .

    Make this your life style not just in the Moment
  • alfredapittman
    alfredapittman Posts: 256 Member
    None of us gained this weight overnight so we can't expect to lose it overnight. Slow and steady is the way to go. Just take one day at a time and you will get there. Good luck.
  • Amyding115
    Finding what works for you can be daunting. If you don't like it, you won't do it. If it doesn't work fast enough you won't do it. For me, I love zumba. I found a good deal for some classes on living social. It's fun so even if there are days when I don't burn as much as I want to, I still go because I enjoy it, and every little bit helps. I also bought Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD (9.99 at Wal Mart) I like that because it's only 20 minutes of my day so when i get home and I'm tired, I can talk myself into just doing 20 minutes. See what classes your gym offers, try a few. Nothing says you have to keep going, it's included in your membership. Find what you like. Good luck.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    Start with changing your username.

    You are whatever you tell yourself you are.
  • capricorn144
    capricorn144 Posts: 335 Member
    Log into your food diary and be honest with what you log in.
    Do it EVERYDAY.
    Forget about TIME.
    Just stick with it.

    Slow and Steady wins the race. This is TRUE. There are no short cuts.
  • birdlover97111
    birdlover97111 Posts: 346 Member
    Eat less, Move more, Be patient and Believe in yourself. You can do anything.

    Amen to that...And if you want to get a better cardio workout, use the elliptical...Good luck on your journey..!!.. :flowerforyou:
  • Enginette
    Enginette Posts: 123 Member
    The first thing you need to do is wipe the word "diet" from your vocabulary! Seriously...all too often, people say "I'm going on a diet." What I believe you truly mean to say is "You are changing your lifestyle."

    You are off to a great start with joining a gym. Another great thing is joining MFP for the support. I think you are on your way to success this time!

    You have to try hard every day to stay focused on your goals and do not let one or two days of bad eating or not exercising cause you to fault on your journey to reaching your goals. We ALL have bad days! You have the right mindset and the right go change that lifestyle! :smile:
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    I know it's nice to see quick results, however, those kind of results are short lived. If you lose just 5 lbs a month, you'll be 60 lbs lighter in one year. ONE short year. What's a year in the grand scheme of your life? 1-2 lbs a week is ideal and focus on making a real lifestyle change and you'll succeed. Good luck!
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    I always remind myself that even if I am not losing weight, I am becoming healthier. Good eating habits and exercise will do wonders for your whole body and mind.

    If you get frustrated, try to find something other than losing weight that you can realize that you have achieved.

    Does the treadmill at the gym have preset courses with different levels? Do one level for a few days and then try to push yourself to the next level on the treadmill.
  • determiend24
    determiend24 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you for all of your help and encouragement. :blushing:
  • hjaawyk
    This site helped me A LOT! I still stuggle from time to time being lazy or going over my calories but seeing it on here makes me think twice where normally I would have just shrugged it off as one day and no big deal! This site helps me keep myself focused and see what I'm really doing to my body with the food I choose to eat or not eat and what I choose to do for exercise. I find the best exercise is the exercise that I don't realize I'm doing. Like walking with my sister and her dogs at the dog park. Or doing dancing games with my sisters. Playing wii with my friends. Taking classes at a gym would also be fun for me if I was a memeber of a gym but I can't afford that right now so I find ways to work out on my own. The other day I walked the 4 blocks to mail a letter from the post office instead of putting it in my mailbox at home for the mailman to pick up. Any little extra walking or other exercise helps!! I've also had some awesome motivators from here. Feel free to add me if you need a boost from time to time. If you don't log on for a while I'll message you to see what's up... that is what I've had done for me and it really helps to know that someone out there is thinking of you and wanting you to be successful with this.
  • determiend24
    determiend24 Posts: 7 Member
    Yes they do. I may even ask for help from a trainer
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    As a very slow loser I have to constantly remind myself that quick weight loss is just plain not going to happen for me. So, I set small, attainable and reasonable goals and try to keep my main focus on "being healthy at any size". One day at a time, one step at a time. You're gonna have slip-ups, plateus and maybe even occasional gains. Prepare yourself in advance for minor set backs so they don't undo your overall resolve.

    I also track the measurements of my waist and hips in addition to doing weigh-ins, which helps encourage me when the scale readout is not as low as I'd like to see.

    Quick weight loss is bad in the long run anyway. Don't set yourself up to fail by making unattainable goals. You know your body better than anyone else.
  • pshalamar
    Hi Frustrated! You are off to a good start and this is an awesome tool to help you in your quest! Here's the secret: you have to log in everyday and don't cheat yourself by not logging anything you consume (include those sodas in there too :) I used FatSecret last year and lost 15 lbs without working out. I just had a baby so there was no dieting then :)) I've been on for a few weeks now and I've lost 4 lbs by trying to stay as close to my carlorie count as humanly possible and working out 1-2 times a week. I suggest finding friends on here because accoutability can be huge for some people. This tool shouldn't make anyone feel bad about what their eating, but make us more aware so we can change some habits that keep us from achieving our goals. Keep working out - walking on the treadmill 30 mins 5 times a week and staying close to your count is a great way to do it. Good luck and feel free to shoot me an email if you ever need encouragement!!

  • crazycat80
    crazycat80 Posts: 121 Member
    Also, don't try to go into the pantry and throw out every bad thing and replace it with all healthy stuff, or put in a full hour workout if you haven't exercised in months. It may work for some people (I wish I was one) but most people's bodies feel deprived and taxed and next thing you know it's 2am and you're at the qwikky mart on the corner buying ice cream. Make your changes slowly so you aren't discouraged by cravings and soreness. I started off simply by changing my white bread for wheat bread. Once a week I picked something to change, like my donut for a granola bar or my big 10 inch dinner plate for the smaller 5 inch saucer thing my husband brought into our marriage... It's taken me years (literally years!) to get over 30 lbs to come off, but every one has stayed off, and that's been the biggest goal I've accomplished. Just remember - slow and steady wins the race!
  • hjaawyk
    I always remind myself that even if I am not losing weight, I am becoming healthier. Good eating habits and exercise will do wonders for your whole body and mind.

    If you get frustrated, try to find something other than losing weight that you can realize that you have achieved.

    I completely agree here. At first it was all about losing the weight for me. But now I feel completely different when I go to eat junk food. It's amazing but I really don't want it. I may eat some unhealthy stuff at get-togethers and things but I often find a regret it because I just feel so unhealthy after eating it!! I just feel much better about myself and I don't even worry too much about what I weigh as long as I feel healthy. It has more become about me staying healthy and making sure I am making good choices than "I need to make that goal weight and I want it make it there now!" I am much more relaxed and find that I enjoy things much more if I don't focus only on the weight.