Deeosmun Member


  • Good morning All! My name is Dee, I'm 30 years old and happily married to the nicest man ever. We started our true weight loss journey in Arpil 2010 with a Medically monitored extreme diet. We both lost over 50 lbs in 3 months, which I loved. However, the extreme diet has its advantages and disadvantages. I'd been able to…
  • Cherries and blueberried help me get a kick of sweetness. I completely understand, you cravings. My nutritionist told me that we crave Fatty, Salty, Sweet when we are deficient. When you crave certain things find a healthier alternative that offers the same base feature. For example, Fatty; instead of chips or greasy food,…
    in sugar Comment by Deeosmun September 2011
  • You have accomplished SO much! Make this one of you goal and check it off! "Fit into a size 10 - DONE!"
  • Turbo Fire and Turbo Jam are Excellent Workout Tools. I workout with a group of people and we change up our workouts often. We've done turbo Jam, Jurbo Fire and Turbo Kick, along with Insanity, P90X, Brazil Butt Lift, and Rev Abs. I've always had so much fun with Turbo Jam and Its easy to follow, you can take things at…
  • Congrats to everyone on their success. In June 2010, I was wearing a tight 18. Now I've been able to fit nicely into a 10/12! I share your joy. Keep up the great work!
  • you take it one day at a time. Make sure that your levels are in check often. Your TSH levels can change just slightly and bam. The fatigue comes back and the wieght problems. I was diagnosed for the second time in my life, with Hypothyroidism in June 2010 after gaining 35 lbs in 4 months. I lost at total of 60 lbs from…