idagaines Member


  • I’m struggling too. I work all day and never have time to sit down and eat properly. I go to work before the sun rises and I get home after the sun has gone down. I don’t have time to exercise. I’m exhausted every day. But yes I’m scared I’m going to end up binging and purging. That’s my issue
  • Feel free to add me. I'm a weight watcher lifetime member. Have done it since 2006. I stay within my goal weight. Tried this for awhile and it stressed me out, lol. So I stopped counting every single calorie and just did WW and ive gained weight. So I may start using this website again.
  • So glad I'm not the only one that cant eat just one of something. My stomach is bottomless. Mountain trail mix is the worst for me but then there's chocolate cookies, donuts, candy and chips.I have so many sinful foods
  • I have that problem too. And the bad thing is we have to have it to survive, ugh. Add me and we can fight this battle together.
  • My cheat days are on the weekends but I do double the amount of cardio so I wont feel horrible. Very dearly do I go over.
  • Ive been trying to lose 10lbs for 6 months now and I cant!!! Add me and see if we can do this together.
  • Thats what I thought, lol. And its so funny to see people work their butts off then they go get a diet coke and a candy bar. I'm like "really" And the calories are calories thing is something i struggle with in Weight Watchers. They say eat fruit and veggies all you want cause they don't count. Uh yes they do calorie wise.
  • Stretch is all I can say. I suffer from leg pain every night. I jog daily and I too used to never jog. The pain is unbareable but don't let it stop you.
  • That is so awesome!!!! Congratulations!!! I hope to one day be able to do the same. I'm just so scared of failing.
  • Good Luck!! I have done the same thing. I log into both sites daily. Add me
  • I'm a Lifetime WW member since 2007. I still follow the "plan" and do this as well. I weigh in every month and go to a meeting once a month. But I have noticed that when I log in WW I feel so guilty and when I put my calories on here it doesn't upset me as much. Points go fast it seems like. And calories just seem to last…
  • All I can say here is WOW, people are so cruel
  • I get that way too. I try to rest once a week but I feel horrible when I do. I get really depressed and I feel so sick and light headed. But I also feel very guilty, like I don't deserve to eat that day. I normally have a banana every morning but that's its until I jog. I love to jog so when I skip a day its torture. And I…
  • I am stuck in that same situation right now. At first I was taking in 500cal/day and working my butt off. Saw little change and I was becoming very weak. So I upped my calorie intake a little bit more. Still no change. But I'm getting more tired and the scale stopped completely. Im very frustrated! I'm so scared to eat…
  • I totally understand that. I have 2 growing kids, 11 and 15 plus a husband that aren't watching their weight so why should they suffer. So I have to hide food from myself. I would rather eat shacks than eat a meal. I cant stand that full feeling but I cant do that so I'm learning to balance. Not easy at all. Buy you some…
  • Its all up to your body. Try different things and you will figure it out. Me personally, I cant eat anything and I have to be careful on how much I drink before a jog. I'm still trying different food though
  • I'm also a Weight Watcher lifetime member. I use both daily. Ive lost less than 10lbs since the first of January and I don't go over my calories nor my points. I stay under and my body has just stopped losing! Yes I'm under my BMI. I don't know how to lose anymore and I want 110 not 114