sandman933 Member


  • I had some Amaretto and Ginger Ale at a party once which actually turned out to be smooth and easy to drink.... strong too.
  • From what I have done and seen written in posts is that you should be eating at least 1200 calories in the day. If you end up with leftover due to less eating or more exercise then you can either bank that or use it to enjoy a little extra eating. My philosophy has been that I make sure I get to 1200 and then after that if…
  • What contributed to my success so far I think is refocusing myself each day as to why i am doing this. Blogging was a great way to help me do that. And to never allow myself to cheat. Some people think that "Oh hey its the weekend I can cheat a little or be a little lax." But that mindset is what got me to where I was when…
  • Good Luck! This site has helped me tremendously and I hope it does the same for you!
  • You could get one of those underdesk stair steppers to do while you are at work.
  • Are you staying at 1200 because the program put you there or you just only eat that much? Your body could be putting you into starvation mode possibly.
  • This is a great site and really helped me start off and make the right choices. The forums and topics are good for helping regain my focus and tackle problems. Good Luck!
  • I made this recipe the other day and I thought it was great! Might have used a little corn starch to thicken up the sauce but other than that it was good!