

  • Yes but so many have fallen astray. It happens.
  • I did not make my goal for February, so I'm going hard in March! I'm doing a 21 day fruit/veggie/juice cleanse. Also, I've had some health concerns so the weight "has to" (according to my doc) come off! My goal for March is 15 pounds. I started at 230. I'll be weighing in on Mondays! Good luck to you and…
  • Still on it!
  • thanks!
  • I'm eating clean, which (for me) is nothing packaged or processed in any way. So all bars are off limits. However, Kashi has some really great "clean" bars. Totally all natural! Good luck!
  • It is my understanding that the abs are the only muscle group that we are actually able to work daily! So go for it!
  • I started back w/my boxing classes at TitleBoxing yesterday. WORKOUT LOVES: Boxing Spin Yoga/Pilates Running WORKOUT HATES: Elliptical Step Aerobics Anything w/water
  • How do I get my ticker to add to my posts?
  • HAPPY DAY ONE TEAM SPRING FLING!! Weight: 223.2 Size: 16/18 Height: 5'4 Spring Fling Goal Weight: 200 LET'S GET IT!!!
  • Accountability it is! Let's encourage and motivate one another to stay on track. Spring is just around the corner and I'm tired of wearing long sundresses and light-weight denim when the sun is shining bright!
  • I'm loving the "bring it on!" Woo hoo!! Personally, I'm doing healthy, clean low carb. So I'll have my share of fresh veggies and I'm eating chicken and seafood. No red meat. No pork. Nothing fried.
  • Hey crew. Please add me as an atkins buddy. I actually started on the 24th and the weight is not coming off. After reading up, I've discovered it's because I'm relying too much on the bars, shakes and meals. So I'm gonna start going at it the old fashioned way and do more cooking:) Well, once I'm done w/the bars I have…