aka1030 Member


  • If the regular gym stuff isn't something you like, try dance, kickboxing and other activities that help you be active and relieve stress. While I was in law school I just danced in my room to a concert video online or just music while cleaning etc. for a couple hours and went from a size 18 to 12 in about 6+ months - I…
  • Hi, I have PCOS too and also looking for support and would be happy to do the same. Metformin didn't help me with getting my period regulated although I was on it for some time. Weight loss definite helped (my fertility doctor also said he wouldn't help me if I didn't lose weight). What helped me most was acupuncture -…
  • You're amazing! That is a great accomplishment and strong dedication. I'm trying keep the processed junk out and working to limit my carbs. Adding you for continued inspiration!
  • I haven't read any of the other comments so I may be repeating others, but don't lose weight for anyone but yourself. YOU deserve to be HEALTHY. It is not about wearing bikinis, short shorts, etc. It's about being and feeling healthy, positive and loving yourself. And it is also about him loving you - not "fat" you, not…
  • Hi! I'm in Toronto, feel free to add me :)
    in CANADA! Comment by aka1030 March 2013
  • Hi, I'm fairly new to MFP (does 1 month make you new?) and always welcome new friends - adding you both!
  • I've got a similar story - lost weight, gained it back, was in denial and now I'm here. Adding you so we can motivate each other :)
  • Added you :) I've been an emotional eater too. MFP has helped me a lot to think about food in a different way and the support is amazing. Good luck on your journey!
  • I keep thinking the same thing. I always thought a food diary was silly - how could writing down what I ate help? But I think this medium more than anything else has helped me to be accountable to myself and to be motivated. I like checking in and being able to tell people "yeah, I achieved that". Feel free to add me :)
  • I'm not a mom, but I'm hoping to be soon and that's one reason I'm trying to lose weight - I don't want to add more weight to what I'm already carrying and just want to start living a healthy lifestyle now. I've got a similar weight loss goal to yours, but older (ouch...), but I can help motivate you so add me if you like!…
  • My calorie goal is set at 1470. I usually have 3 meals and 1 snack during the day and have been doing ok with this. The days I workout I normally still net lower than 1470 (except recently when we've been going out a lot for dinners!). Feel free to add me :)
  • I'm truly sorry for the passing of your family members. In my opinion, your attitude to getting healthy again is the first and biggest step to this journey and the second step is joined MFP - it has been a huge help to me over the last couple weeks since I joined. I'm 30 and trying to lose about the same amount of weight.…
  • Chips and bread...in a perfect world I could eat all that I want, sigh!
  • You look amazing and I'm glad to know you feel that way too! This is really inspiring, thank you so much for sharing.
  • Yup, another newbie here, looking to give and take some motivation! I've finally made up my mind to get on the right track to health and be a better me. Feel free to add me!