Want/Need a Supportive Friend? Add your name!!!



  • I Always Need Motivation & Support. I am new to all of this. I just recently joined the Biggest loser @ work. So I need the Most support and motivation I can recieve. I am very competitve. But Losing weight is somehting I've always struggled with.
  • Newbie here also. Always in need of supportive people in my life. Forgive me if I become too needy though.:smooched:
  • New and really wanting to kick this baby wight and could use some good supportive friends :)
  • Hello
  • akal0423
    akal0423 Posts: 9 Member
    Going through a really rough time in my life right now. I'm battling post-partum depression and I'm trying to start taking better care of myself. Please feel free to add.
  • shazz88
    shazz88 Posts: 28
    Hey, I joined a while ago but never really tried, giving it another go. Need all the support I can get, got a long way to go :)
  • Hello! I am new at this... I am starving and need to stay starved for a few more weeks, please help??

  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    "LilacDreamer has logged in for 375 days in a row!"

    and I'd like to celebrate it by making some new friends.

    Feel free to add me (but please include a message with your friend request, I don't accept new friends without one)
  • mztoogood2betrue
    mztoogood2betrue Posts: 17 Member
    Hello everyone I defiantly need some support i will support you as well I am a newbie that is here to take this serious to change my life. Have A good day!!!!!!:smile:
  • Who doesn't need supportive friends?! Add me if you'd like!
  • I'm starting again and doing my best to keep with it. Looking to help support others as well!
  • aka1030
    aka1030 Posts: 15 Member
    Yup, another newbie here, looking to give and take some motivation! I've finally made up my mind to get on the right track to health and be a better me. Feel free to add me!
  • feel free to add me too im a newbie and as you can see ive a long way to go so i will be here a while :laugh:

    i log daily and will do my best to support and encourage
  • Meeeee! haha!
  • can i ask for my hubby too lol he's on his mobile and cant post on here his name is iamimmortal or add me then add him through me :laugh:
  • trinics_416
    trinics_416 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey All,

    add me too....
  • Loving the support. Add me.
  • amberlynnsinspired
    amberlynnsinspired Posts: 438 Member
    Always in need of motivation, support, or just simply a friend or someone to talk to. I log every day(: I'm 25 pounds away from losing 100 and I'm here for anyone who needs some inspiration, motivation, support, anything!!(: I'm Amberlynn, by the way(:
  • nayeliholmes
    nayeliholmes Posts: 12 Member
    I need friends on here, so add me!
  • Lynz61
    Lynz61 Posts: 1
    Hello, Support is always great! I will send my support your way to :)