

  • The rotating stair machine for sure!!! when i am short on time i hop on there for the best burn!!
  • I'm pretty sure vodka is one of the better.. Of course wine and champaigne are the best.. But nobody wants that.. Dark liquor has the most callories after beer. google it! I bet you will find lots of info!
  • Pretty sure we are headed for los cabos! (: Im pumped (: and yea, when do something good its awesome to have people congratulate you and when you have not so great day, someone is here to keep you going (: I love itttt (:
  • yea! i was doing awesome the summer before college.. then when christmas came around i started to go back down hill... and now here I am (:
  • Hey (: I'm a college student too!! And I know exactly what you mean. I also play basketball so when i get home from class i don't have time to make lunch before i got to practice... I like to stay stocked on granola bars, apples, and bananas!! Something you can just grab and go.. it help relieve the hungry feeling (which…