Spring break diet

I might be moving back to Florida for 2 months (March and April) While I'm there I will be working roughly from 12pm - 4am 3 days a week and 5pm - 4am another 3 days a week. This leaves me very little to no time to make or healthy meals. I'll pretty much grab fast food when I can. And since it's spring break, I'll probably consume a lot of alcohol when I'm not working. So my question is what is a good type of liquor that is lower in calories. And what are some fast food restaurants that offer healthier choices?

Good news is I am always standing or walking around at work. So I'll get plenty of exercise!


  • choley222
    If I were you I would invest in the eat this not that book. It breaks down everything in all the fast food chains and gives you healthier options. As far as the liquor goes I'm not sure because I am not a drinker. Good luck!
  • kno337
    I'm pretty sure vodka is one of the better.. Of course wine and champaigne are the best.. But nobody wants that.. Dark liquor has the most callories after beer. google it! I bet you will find lots of info!