

  • I think the stepmill is probably best. It really kicks my butt like nothing else can.
  • I will be weighing myself every 2 weeks on Friday mornings. Weight fluctuates too much day to day-maybe you ate a lot of sodium the day before, or even drank a lot of water... also the time of month for us ladies.
  • I am definitely needing to work on my diet most of all...I have a weight loss goal of 12 pounds. Curious what do you all eat before running workouts or races?
  • I definitely am nowhere near where you are at with mileage, if you do marathons! That is very impressive. I have changed my focus in the last year with my running. Currently I run only twice a week... low mileage, mainly working on hill work. I basically run uphill for about 20 minutes. Then flats/speed for the last 8-10…
  • That is so encouraging Heidra!! I have had only two kids, but I have an annoying roll when I sit down or in jeans with a lower waistline. Curious, on the elliptical, what setting do you use (resistance)? I work out a decent amount, but really need to get my diet in gear. I am ok with my clothing sizes, but hate my…
  • I do not get headaches or brain freezes.
  • Sacramento area
  • I have also heard about what sbjmorgan mentioned. After the birth of my second child, my stomach area has not been the same. I am wearing clothing sizes I feel good about, but I have lower belly fat that looks horrible when I sit down, and if I wear jeans that have a lower waistline. I am hoping that if I can lose some fat…
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