nour_a Member


  • I didn't have any problems losing weight before or after the surgery. Before the surgery - the gallstone attacks actually motivated me to avoid high fat foods (cinnamon buns, fries, and other not-so-healthy guilty pleasures) because the pain is terrible. After the surgery, however, I did have a complication. The removal…
  • @jusbar71 if you do find that you're interested in exercising a little, aquafit classes are a great option if you have arthritis or fibromyalgia. Most gyms that offer them have a heated pool and it can help ease the pain. Ask your doctor first though :) Good luck!
  • They aren't healthy food, but they are useful for portion control and when you are transitioning your diet from crap to wholesome. It is very hard to leave behind all your more processed foods for whole nutrition. I use these snacks to give me a taste of what I crave, but enough for me to say "ok, that tastes good" and I…
  • It is also one of the reasons why a lot of dieters hit a plateau!! Give it a go, plus these days there are tonnes of vegetarian/vegan blogs online that can give you meal inspiration: is one that I've followed for quite some time
  • Another strategy is to change up your meals. When you eat the same things day in and day out, your body becomes efficient at burning those calories and so your metabolism kind of goes into "auto-pilot". Switch up your meals. That might help a bit :)
  • Meusili Ryvita crackers w/ low fat ricotta cheese and a drizzle of honey. So yummy
  • The thing with fiber supplements is that if you don't drink enough water, they can be constipating. I eat fiber1 cereal at some point during the day as bfast or a snack, and I drink a 500ml bottle of water. On days I don't meet my 25 g, I take metamucil with an extra glass of water after.
  • I've started posting them under "Food Journaling" on my website:
  • Thank you for this post! I too am eyeing a fitbit device and have been leaning to the fitbit flex. After reading your post, and a few others, I'm definately going for the fitbit one! Thanks again ...
  • I wouldn't cut back, as you suggest in your post. You might end up hungry and binging again. Life happens, just continue on tracking and exercising as you have been. In the grand scheme of things, one day isn't a deal breaker :)