Upping my metabolism:) advice?

I've been really concentrating on upping my metabolism. I've been focusing on eggs, olive oil, whole wheat, almonds, flax, green veggies, old fashioned whole grain oats, PB... There's a slight complication though. From Sep/Oct of 2012 until late Aug of 2013 I struggled with all sorts of eating issues. Dieting, restricting, over-exercising, binging, starving, you name it. I've recently overcome it all with the help of a fabulous dietician and by quitting the BC I was on which (combined with my soy-rich diet) was causing a huge hormone imbalance. This is my typical diet/exercise regimen:

(I don't eat meat)
2 mile interval run or 10 mile bike or yoga or insanity tape
Breakfast of 3 eggs over a plate of raw veggies, Brazil nut for selenium, joint supplement.

Morning snack of whole wheat toast with almond butter or veggies and hummus or a different complementary protein mix

1 mile walk over lunch break
Lunch of kale/spinach, quinoa, almonds, raisins, sun dried tomatoes, veggies dressed in extra virgin olive oil

Afternoon snack of apple with cinnamon and a square of dark chocolate or maybe sea salted seaweed snacks or dried plums.

Another small workout of whatever I didn't do in the morning or rest if I need it,
Dinner of whole wheat noodles mixed with kale, almonds/walnuts, craisins. Flax milk with protein added mixed with some naked juice occasionally. Sometimes a bean and veggie soup instead.

I drink a lot of plain water, tea, and 1 cup of coffee throughout the day. Occasionally I'll have frozen yogurt or a special dessert at work if someone brings it in. I'm flexible.

The problem is I'm still gaining weight and fat. I can't tell you how much bc I don't weigh myself. I don't count calories so I don't have a diary on here bc it's healthier for me to eat when I'm hungry and try to be intuitive than the calorie counting I used to do almost neurotically... I understand that my body is clinging to fat bc it used to be in starvation mode a lot and my metabolism was derailed. I've heard many different things in regard to that though. I've heard that my metabolism is permanently wrecked, that it could take a few months to adjust itself to the new eating style, it could take a couple years, and that it could take a couple weeks. I don't know what to believe. My best guess would put me at 5'5" and between 130-135 pounds currently. I'm carrying more stomach fat than I used to when I've weighed this amount before. These are pretty much things only I notice so it's not hugely drastic.


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Undereating causes a loss of muscle. Muscle helps increase metabolism, and strength training of course maintains muscle. Which strength training program are you following?
  • I try to balance my workouts. If I do cardio in the morning I try to do strength or flexibility based training in the evening. My strength training is body weight exercises like lunges, squats, and push-ups. Should I be making more of an effort to add weights? Like the ones at the gym? I usually do bench press, free weights, and box squats if I make it to the gym weight room. Is that what I should do more of rather than body weight type exercises?
  • nour_a
    nour_a Posts: 10 Member
    Another strategy is to change up your meals. When you eat the same things day in and day out, your body becomes efficient at burning those calories and so your metabolism kind of goes into "auto-pilot". Switch up your meals. That might help a bit :)
  • I never knew that! Definitely rethinking the Costco size bags of spinach and kale. But a good reason to try new recipes
  • nour_a
    nour_a Posts: 10 Member
    It is also one of the reasons why a lot of dieters hit a plateau!! Give it a go, plus these days there are tonnes of vegetarian/vegan blogs online that can give you meal inspiration: ohsheglows.com is one that I've followed for quite some time
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    caffeine, ephedrine etc
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    You should try counting calories, at least for a while to see where you're at. Even if you're eating healthy food, if you don't have a calorie deficit you won't lose weight. "Intuitive" eating doesn't work for most people.
  • Thanks for all the responses! I will def check out ohsheglows. As for calorie counting, ahh I don't want to go anywhere near that again. I know I'm not overweight (though I'd like to be more toned), and that has never been a good method of eating for me. I'm much happier and at ease with food when I eat intuitively. My weight doesn't yoyo and I never binge any more, it's been great for my relationship w food!