Rae123456 Member


  • Hello everyone! I'm looking for friends to motivate each other too! About me: - 27 years old - Engaged (wedding in 1 month!!) - No kids at this time - Diagnosed with PCOS two years ago but likely a long time sufferer - I'm looking to lose about half my weight (145lbs) I lost 55lbs using this site a few years ago.…
  • Love these! Thanks!!
  • These are all great ideas! I'm trying a few of the egg-in-the-muffin tin recipes today for the work week coming up. I ended up buying a little smoothie maker and tried it buy throwing things in it to see what came out! :laugh: Now I'm going to try and use some of these great recipes that are significantly healthier than my…
  • The cupcake tin idea is great! Do you usually have to put something in first to "grease" it or is it pretty non-stick?
  • Sounds great!
  • See, I wasn't sure that eggs would re-heat that well. It's good to know that others have done it with no problems! :smile: Has anyone ever tried the "Ninja" (or whatever it's called) to make smoothies in the morning?
  • Hey! I found the new thread! :happy: I'm at work so I can't catch up on everyone's week at the moment but I'll add my daily info. Sunday Share: Let's see... I'm 27. I'm getting married next Spring... and I'm worried about not fitting into my dress! I bought my dress a few months ago and I tried it on recently. It's pretty…
  • That's why I want to start on the elliptical. I have a tilted patella and arthritis in my left knee and high impact exercises are not advised until I lose some weight and/or strengthen the muscles supporting the knee. It's good to know that others have done it though!!
  • Hello! I'm new to this thread and I'm looking for a restart to my weight loss. I need to lose somewhere around 140 lbs to be at my "goal" weight. (I say "goal" because I really don't know what my goal is. I've never been at a healthy weight as an adult.) Anyway, I'm looking to meet new people that are going through the…
  • Good idea! I should take a look at mine. I know I saw such a big change back then that maybe it'll help me get motivated to get back there (and beyond).
  • I'll look into the groups a bit more, thanks! And thanks for your suggestions about getting back into things. I do understand that it is a personal thing but I was hoping that someone had an idea that I haven't tried yet and you guys did! :smile:
  • When I first started using this site I found a great group of people and a couple challenges that really kept me on track during the first few months. They kept me coming back to the site and since I was already on the site, I ended up recording things more often, better, etc. Lately I find myself recording a day or two…
  • Thank you for sharing! That was amazing!
  • This is just what I was looking for! I'm hoping to loose close to 40lbs by the end of the year (~20 weeks at -2lbs a week.) I think this challenge will help me keep focused through the next few months. Anyone feel free to friend me. I'm looking forward to getting started!
  • I know how you're feeling! About two years ago I had 145 lbs to lose. I started MFP and lost 55 lbs in six months, but it was really hard work. I ended up injuring myself by doing too much, too fast and I fell off the proverbial wagon. I've since gained 35 of those pounds back. I'm starting my journey again with 125 lbs to…
  • Hello! I'm new to this group too. I'm not a newbie to MFP though. About 1.5 years ago I managed to lose 55 lbs (before gaining most back). Feel free to add me!