Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! I've been a bit MIA--busy at work and home. Just a quick drive-by to catch up on posts b/c I need to go back to work soon to finish some grading and attend a meeting.

    May get to personals tonight depending upon what time I get home.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. I have a minute of peace so I thought I would log on real quick and tell all of you how great you really are:wink: Thinks are hectic right now and will stay that way for the most part through the first of the year but there are worse things in life.

    I think my Thursday truth is i am great at talking the talk but walking the walk has been a little elusive. Over all this week has been better but still not what I know I am capable of. I am trying out a new crockpot recipie with chicken which if it all turns out should come in just around five hundred calories for my whole dinner. That should see me in the black for the day. It is chicken in an italian flavored cream sauce that I am going to serve over angle hair pasta and then a big side of mixed garlic infused veggies.

    Well guys have a great night and for all you worker bees tomorrow is FRIDAY. YAY. :drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    I've been absent for a few days...with my long work hours Mon-Thurs I only have two hours in the evening before going to bed...just to get 5 hours of sleep. Anyway, I am staying on track and can't wait to weight in tomorrow to see what I lost. I'm not worried about the holidays. I have already planed now to help conquer Thanksgiving Day. Plus added a couple of extra work outs to counter act any extra calories.

    @plxynlxy-Calorie Shifting=Chris Powell is the guy on TV who takes people who have 100+ pounds to lose and does it in a year.
    I got his book on my Kindle. Anyway, it is pretty basic. Every other day you eat like you are on a low carb diet and on
    the other days you eat healthy but eat higher carb veggies and fruits. He has it listed out in pretty simple terms including
    what type of exercise on what days. On your 4th week it is all higher carb days. Please keep in mind that high carb
    doesn't mean high cal. For women he recommends 1200-1500 cals on low carb days and 1500-2000 on high carb days
    as long as you are exercising. He also has you break it down in three phases.The book is called Choose to Lose, The 7 Day Carb Cycle Solution. I downloaded it of Amazon for $11.99.

    From his book my new favorite mindset is; YOU DO OR YOU DO NOT, THERE IS NO TRY
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Haven't been to the gym since Sunday. :(
    Have worked around 45-50 hours since Sunday night.
    Have slept roughly 15 hours since Saturday.

    This week blows. Forgot my ipod at home, now I won't have music for the gym. I know I need to go (and I will) but I'm just so worn down and exhausted, I just want to rest. :( My body is telling me I need a break.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Queen - I have some kind of mouth problem that causes my tongue to burn and I have trouble talking. The pain is very severe. The drugs they give me make me sleep about 16 hours a day too. But I'm slowwwwly getting better.

    THursday Truth: I took my first shower in 4 days...then I washed my sheets and jammies. I was a total grunge-fest, but I was really proud of myself for getting all this accomplished today.

    Now to watch the Big Bang Theory and eat something soft for dinner tonight.

    Everybody, pull up those big-girl and big-boy panties and keep on keepin' on! Its just one day at a time. If you need to rest, do it. Tomorrow is another day.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    The carpet is in, but he didn't finish until about noon today. Now the process of getting everything put away. Its looking much better. I still have to reload that curio cabinet. Today was a high stress day for a number of reasons, but I have survived. I had time after DD picked up the kids to go for a good walk. It was cold, but it sure made me feel better!
    DD had a batch of evil brownies in her kitchen yesterday and I ate some of them. They were sure good, and since I subscribe to Nellie's interpretation of this journey, I didn't cheat. I just had log them and count them. I will burn some more calories tomorrow vacuuming and putting stuff away. I'm really glad to have this done. It looks wonderful.
    Have a good evening. Kaye
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Thurs Truth: Finding it hard to keep my momentum up and continue logging....want to lose some weight this week..

    me too
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    hiding out in my computer room till the urge to ransack my kitchen passes!!
    I am sore all over from raking leaves the past two days, moving boxes from my spare room to the storage area under the stairs and scrubbing ceiling, floors and walls in the now empty room in the basement. While i was down there i decided i may as well vacuum the family room, clean the laundry room and wash the floor. Also took an old tv to the recycle place. Had no trouble carrying it or walking with it up and down the stairs!! Picking up a small dresser tomorrow for the room but i think i have to assemble it....that will be a challenge!! Going to try and go to the gym for a rest from all the work around here! Frustrating that i cannot do much cardio or my heart has a hissy fit so just some med walking a biking. Hopefully the other weight machines or free weights will not cause too much problem. Although even scrubbing the walls was an issue/
    Hard to beleive i actually WANT to work out HARD!!!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member

    @KarenL~Wow, you worked hard in the yard and house and still wanted to go to the gym. That’s great. I’m sorry for the heart issues you’re currently having, I hope the docs figure out what is going on and it’s an easy remedy. It strange, sometimes we find all kinds of excuses not to workout, etc. but when we can’t we really want to – I hope you are able to find some things to do at the gym that don’t aggravate your heart. Hang in there!

    @Robin~Have you gone to see an oral pain specialist yet? I’m sorry you’re still suffering so much and can’t do much, I really hope you have answers soon.

    @Kaye~Hooray for the new carpet, glad all is done. Good for you for logging those evil brownies! :wink:

    @Alupinsk~Sorry for the long hours and stressful days. Give your body the rest it needs, really it’s a wasted effort if you try and workout when you are that tired – it just won’t respond and you’ll make yourself prone to injury. Hang in there the weekend is almost here, hopefully you can get some extra rest.

    @Michelle~Thanks for sharing the info on Chris Powell’s book, I think he program is interesting. I often wish he (or Bob Harper) could be my trainer. :wink:

    AFM~I’m not sure what today will bring. I really wanted to go to the gym after work but I need to get caught up with some housework before Thanksgiving so I have a feeling housework will win. I will definitely get there in the morning for a long workout though, before heading to get my hair colored/cut in the afternoon. As for the rest of the weekend, should be pretty quiet – my sister and nephew’s arrive tomorrow afternoon so will probably head to my parent’s at some point. I think chili will be on the menu this weekend too, temps dropped today and I don’t like it! :grumble:

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Gym, HIIT on elliptical DONE! :bigsmile:
    Tuesday~Rest Day DONE!
    Wednesday~Gym, training session DONE! :bigsmile:
    Thursday~Rest Day DONE!
    Friday~Gym, arc trainer/weights (or housework)
    Saturday~Gym for running drills (too cold to be outside)
    Sunday~Gym, training session

    Cleaning Goals over the next week:

    1. Get clothes put away
    2. Vacuum/straighten master bedroom
    3. Vacuum/straighten game room/office
    4. Wash wood floors (big job)
    5. Clean master bathroom

    Entire house needs deep cleaning, which I'll start in December. Also need to start looking at paint colors and make some decisions - plan to paint master bath, downstairs bath, and small bedroom this winter. Also have some furniture to refinish. You wouldn't believe the list of "projects" I have, its almost overwhelming.

    Have a great day!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    NSV - Yesterday's workout consisted of a lot of floor work. At the end of it he has us get into a 1 legged kneeling position and using your bent leg to support yourself to a standing position. Since beginning the routine, I have never been able to stand up like this without putting one hand on the floor. Yesterday I was determined to do it so I tried once again. Guess what...I was able to get up with ease!!! I was so amazed and proud of myself for how much stronger I have become over the past 3 weeks. I love the little things in life. It made my day. :happy:

    Lives2Travel - Hope your painters are done soon and you can get back into your routine.

    kah - Congrats on having a runner's heart! I am glad to hear your appointment went well!

    jtconst - That dish sounds yummy!

    Michelle - I am not worried about Thanksgiving either. We are going to my in-laws and because I am a vegetarian typically there is not much for me to eat. Vegetables for them consist of opening 1 can of corn, heating up and calling it a day. They never do a salad, the stuffing is StoveTop which is not veggie friendly, and there is a small portion of mashed potatoes that aren't very flavorful without the gravy. I can't eat the gravy because it is made with the turkey drippings. I usually end up bring my own dish and just eat that. Now if you were to ask me about Christmas that would be an entirely different story. We spend Christmas day with my family. We have Italian roots and go overboard on a ton of food. I usually host and go all out with a 5 course meal. YUMMY! I am very much looking forward to it. :happy:

    Alupinsk - Sometimes our bodies tell us that we need a break. I think it is important to listen to our bodies. From what you wrote, it definitely sounds like you need rest. You have been working a lot lately. Just for your own mental health you need to take some time for yourself. Just promise yourself you will get back into your routine once you are well rested. This way you won't fall into that rut of bad habits.

    Karen - sounds like you have been really busy! I still have to get out there and rake my leaves. I am hoping the weather won't be too bad on Sunday so I can get out there and get it done. Sunday is my rest day so that would be ideal so I can burn a few calories. Especially since I have some mozzarella in the fridge that I have to use up before it goes bad. I want to make eggplant parm for dinner. I surely can use some extra calories. LOL
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    Just dong a quick drive by to shout out I LOST THREE MORE POUNDS! Which is 51#'s down from my heaviest and 32#'s since joining MFP.:happy:

    And to ask....While I am not having any issues right now, I am concerned about having folds of extra skin just hanging around. I have done a little research and I there is a lot of confusing info. Has anyone else researched this? Anyone have tips on minimizing the effects on the skin with extreme weight loss?
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

    - soon, we will soon come to the end of this current thread - every 20 pages, - we start a new Thread - you will see at the bottom in the last post on page 20 a sentence like this :

    (<Continued at this topic >) and the words “this topic” will be in blue.

    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    I ended up skipping the gym last night. Came home and went promptly to bed (at about 9pm!) and slept until 5:30 when my alarm went off. I'm still a little groggy, but I made myself get up and I put in an hour of weights before I did anything else today. Feeling better now. I'm not so disappointed in myself for skipping, and I still have all day ahead of me to get work done. :) Thank you to those of you who commented. Sometimes we all get discouraged, but it's pushing through the hard days that shows us we can do this! :)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Just dong a quick drive by to shout out I LOST THREE MORE POUNDS! Which is 51#'s down from my heaviest and 32#'s since joining MFP.:happy:

    And to ask....While I am not having any issues right now, I am concerned about having folds of extra skin just hanging around. I have done a little research and I there is a lot of confusing info. Has anyone else researched this? Anyone have tips on minimizing the effects on the skin with extreme weight loss?

    Congrats on the loss, awesome! Most of it has to do with genetics. However other things that affect it are how quickly you’ve lost the weight, how long you were overweight, exercise, and age. For some people, it just bounces right back and for others there is nothing that can be done without medical intervention. That's why it’s important to exercise, especially with weights and core exercises, along the way. There is just no way to know how your body will respond.
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    Belated Thursday Truth - While I did stay under my calories yesterday, I did NOT eat the best foods. Hoping to rectify that today.

    Friday Fitness - For this next week I'm cutting back on my exercise a bit. My body has not been doing so well with all the stuff I've been trying to do physically and I'm taking that as a sign that I need to take it a bit slower. I'm definitely going to keep moving, I'm just going to do back off on the intensitity for a little while until a little more weight is gone. Here's my schedule for next week and into the forseeable future.

    Sunday - Walk Dog - 30 mins
    Monday - Walk Dog - 30 mins
    Tuesday - Personal Trainer Session - 60 minutes
    Wednesday - Walk Dog 30 mins, Zumba - 60 minutes
    Thursday Walk Dog 30 mins, Weights/Cardio Class - 60 minutes
    Friday - Walk Dog 30 mins
    Saturday - Walk Dogs 30 mins

    *If it's raining I'll do the 30 minutes on the treadmill. The dog does not enjoy walking in the rain. :)

    Have a nice weekend everyone!
  • kdet07
    kdet07 Posts: 117
    Hi there! I know I'm right at the 20 page mark so here goes to not getting lost in transition.

    I'm Karen- 27, married, 18month old daughter, 2 bull terrier pups. FT working mom who lost 44 lbs on MFP before I got pregnant. I was SMALLER THAN I WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL. Life gets hectic, but I feel so much better when I make responsible choices and exercise. Recently rented our starter home and bought a second property that we're renovating. I'll have to go hop on a scale to update my CW, etc as I have been away for a while. Trying hard to stay motivated :) Interested in the support and motivation this page has to offer :)
    Newbies, Welcome to our Thread! You can join us just by posting to this thread.....

    Friday - Fitness: I've been slacking on this front. Need to get my act together!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Well my fishing plans for the evening got cancelled... but at least that means I will go to the gym AFTER work and did not have to get up before 4am...

    Tonight should be a really good workout and then the run in the morning... The car stuff is still up in the air and is causing me way more stress then I would like today...
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning, I am approaching this day with mixed feelings. My little guy has an earache today so his mommy called in sick. I am feel bad that he is sick, but I also feel like I have been handed a bonus day to get things done around here. There is so much to do! I've already reloaded that curio cabinet and vacuumed the laundry/sewing room. I'm not going to list my goals here because I have whole page of stuff in a notebook. I love checking off the lists. :happy:
    It is going to be another cold but sunny day. I'll get in a walk later this afternoon when it warms up a bit.
    Have a great day. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Kaye - sorry the little one has an earache but YAY for your bonus day! Just what you need after getting all that work done in yuor house!

    Today I had an amazing burst of energy so I hauled myself to the grocery store. It all went well till I got back home and had no strength to put anything away except the frozen goods. Oh well, the rest can wait. I feel so proud of myself like I climbed a mountain.

    I also am getting a second opinion on Monday with a friends Doctor. She insists he's great and he's 70 years old, and an Otolaryngologist, compared to the young ENT man I am seeing. Called my insurance and they will pay for it, so will gladly get go see him.

    Now for a nap. I am keeping an eye out for the roll-over.
  • Rae123456
    Rae123456 Posts: 23 Member

    I'm new to this thread and I'm looking for a restart to my weight loss.

    I need to lose somewhere around 140 lbs to be at my "goal" weight. (I say "goal" because I really don't know what my goal is. I've never been at a healthy weight as an adult.) Anyway, I'm looking to meet new people that are going through the same process so feel free to add me as a friend!

    Friday - Fitness: I'm hoping to start C25K over the weekend. I'll probably do it on the elliptical first to work on my endurance before I move onto actually running. Has anyone else done this while they were still really overweight?