Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Friday Fitness: going to the gym to do the elliptical. Weekend goal: buy groceries and plan healthy meals, I will not buy junk food and ask hubby not to buy any.
  • Mo11yT
    Mo11yT Posts: 12
    I did my first exercise last nite and tracked my food for two days. Need to keep it up.:yawn:
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Ugh I had a horrible week. And I don't know why. The scale says I am up 3 of the 5lbs I lost...How is it you can gain wait so fast and it takes so long to lose it. I know I ate a lot of calories these past few days. I don't know why either.
    But today is a new day.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Tom - the cars are sooo cute! Isn't it great to learn a new craft?

    jack_yve - congrats for staying under your calorie goals!

    kvan - although your struggling - keep up the fight - I am a bad backslider myself, but have still lost weight overall. I think its worth all the effort. YOUR WORTH THE EFFORT!

    Laurie - I have you to thank for getting me started on the step! Now, its a matter of CONSISTENCY. I have to stay with it. You made great decisions with the chicken and half candy bar and salad since you didn't have pizza for dinner. Kudos.

    SusanThin - I love your post about your conquering your inner sloth! Its great your doing your exercises, and I'm happy your out of school for the summer!

    Kris - tell us more about what your 3 day diet consisted of?

    lizmil - we always like hearing from you!

    queen - I've created training manuals before - I hear your pain!!!!! Have fun at the Romance party (don't spend too much!) and glad the snow has stopped!

    Lin - ZERO pounds to go - OH HAPPY DANCE!!!! First thing I noticed! You rock lady! So sorry to hear you've had a rough week with your father. Glad to hear your burning up your stress with the weight vest and Leslie Sansone. You must be very well adjusted mentally :wink: balancing your life so fully. And happy one year anniversary a bit in advance.

    Kah - that chirping sound could be raccoons - they sound amazingly like birds. Have a great weekend - really tear into those chores you outlined - you'll feel so proud of yourself!

    Mel - having healthy food in the house is essential. Having hubby's cooperation is awfully nice too. If he buys treats you can't eat, designate one place to keep all the bad food and you NEVER look in there ever!

    M011yT - Congratulations!!!!!! What a good beginning. Glad you made it back to the thread to post your progress.

    Tearjar - are you logging your food? You must feel so frustrated!!!

    I am still logging my food and staying at 1450 cal a day, sometimes going over by 100 or so calories a day. I am using the Wii Step up board every other day for 5 minutes at a time for 15 min. a day.

    For the April Challenge I have finally found something to do in the evenings - I found some felt bird ornament patterns and will be making them for my nephews and nieces for Christmas presents. Its hand sewing and decorating and scissor work, a little easier on my arthritis that chrocheting or knitting I HOPE. I'm really looking forward to making them. They are so cute!
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Another quick check in because I NEED it... the roller coaster that is end of life (my Mother-In-Law) is getting bumpy again with another serious health decline,this possibly being the last one. While this has been expected, it is always hard. It is also when I tend to lose all sense of healthy eating, and that is where I REALLY need the prayers and support of others who have and are walking this road. So please remember me this weekend. I will try to check in at some point and I am determined to log my food even if it is bad.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I just wanted to mark where I've caught up to in the thread, but I can't help commenting on how I love that we all just ignore the blatant sales pitch for beachbody. :laugh: That woman has been cutting and pasting that post in to every thread on the boards today.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~LOL, yep I noticed that too! :bigsmile:

    @Robin~I hadn't thought of raccoons, wonder if they can cohabitate with armadillo's - which we have a lot of. :laugh:
  • jack_yve
    jack_yve Posts: 35
    UGH...Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?


    So, I walk 1 mile daily, and just started the squat challenge this week, doing it very very gently.
    day1 6 squats
    day2 6 squats
    day 3 12 squats and 12 lunges
    day4 rest
    day5 12 squats/12 lunges/12 sidesteps TODAY! :-)

    I feel pretty good!

    prep for the weekend just requires hitting the store and buying lots of veggies for juicing! :tongue:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    my fitness lately is all just unpacking. it's amazing how much stuff i have. it just seems to keep coming no matter how much i unpack
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Quote of the day: - "You have failed only when you quit trying. Until then, you're still in the act of progression. So, never quit trying and you'll never be a failure.---Tommy Kelley
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @ Susancanbethin -- kick that inner sloth's butt!!!
    @LaurieK -- its hard enough to wait to eat until late when its self induced (those are my Wednesdays generally) but ughh...great job on making a health choice when you were so hungry.
    @kris -- what is the 3 day diet?
    @kah -- I love waking up to the birds chirping, but NOT at 3 am
    @trhyrh - you didn't gain it back, probably just water retention

    The leg lifts didn't go very well. I only got 40 done. They were way harder than I thought they would be. However, because I could feel them, I think I'm going to try to get all 150 done by Sunday night.

    Friday Fitness:
    Monday - Water Aerobics DONE
    Wednesday - Zumba - DONE
    Thursday - Rest - DONE
    Friday -- 30DS
    Saturday -- Cardio and Weights
    Sunday - Rest

    Tomorrow, I pick up my next order of Bountiful Baskets. Can't wait to see what will be in my basket!!! Once I see what I get, I'll plan my next two weeks of meals. That has been a life saver -- I used to do a great job of menu planning and then it fell to the wayside. Getting back on track and it has really helped with my meal planning and keeping me on track for my calories.

    I'm headed to a fun evening of scrapbooking. Never done it here with this group before so I'm hoping to make some new friends. I have my 2012 pictures ready and my supplies all in order. Water bottles are packed. Have a great Friday everyone.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. Sorry I didnt check n yesterday. I was POOPED. I went and started my strength training and then did 25 min of cardio after that. From there I went to the store and pushed a huge bag of potting soil around the store for 30 min while I did the rest of the shopping. Then it was home and back out into the back yard to get some more work done. Then One of my team members from the gym called and reminded me it was the night for the kickboxing takeover. I went and lasted 30 of the 60 min and that was it my body said nope I am done. I was pretty sore by the time I got home but I cuddled up with my heating pad and by this morning I was still feeling lots of new muscles but more an ache than actual pain. Went to a plant sale sponsered by the grange this morning with my mom. Got a whole bunch of fun stuff to put in the planters and beds when I finish getting them ready:laugh: Well have a great Friday everyone.:bigsmile:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Well, I guess I should have made a wish on Wednesday. I took my car to be inspected, it passed - but needs front brakes, struts, and something else. Its in the shop to the tune of $1500! Ack!!! Its 7 years old so I know this day was coming. :sad: The nice thing is that the service manager gave me a ride home so they could get started on my car tonight - such sweet guys at my Firestone (not bad eye candy either). :laugh:

    @Tammy~You are doing great with your commitment to the gym, excellent workout even if you didn't last the full 60 min!
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    hi all- Friday fitness...I ended up taking our clients for a walk in lovely Atlantic City today on the boardwalk. I ended up walking 3.11 miles in 67 min. It was great, today was supposed to be an off day. Good thing I did, because my friend and I went to dinner...oh wait till you see my diary for tonight LOL----NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT good, but it was really worth every calorie.

    Tomorrow I have to cut my grass (its unbelievable) and take my daughter to her soccer game. Somewhere in there, get my car inspected..should be fun.

    Have a great night everyone! Its pj movie night for the kiddies and I. We are watching wreck it ralph and eating popcorn. Yes, I was a fat girl today :) weigh in is tomorrow AM.

  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    tom- I love those wooden cars and i know they are a huge hit with children. What a great service your group provides!

    tired and sore after 2 hours outside cutiing lawns and trimming back the ivy on my fence. Got about half of it done. Gonna rain for 3 days so the rest will have to wait.
    Found out i am going to have my second knee replacement done on June 10....Yikes!!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    The diet that i am doing is the Birmingham diet . You don't get much to eat for 3 days and then for the next 4 days you eat sensibly ! It is working for me . My dad got the diet along time ago and i am trying it to see how it goes! You can do more research online if you would like too it might be like a cleveland clinic diet too ! Hope this helps you !
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kah, cars are great and a necessity but they can be expensive when it comes to repairs. At least you had a hot guy driving you home.:bigsmile:

    Jt- You made me tired just by reading what you did for exercise yesterday.

    KarenL- Glad you have a date for that knee surgery.

    tlh- You can also do the leg lifts one leg at a time. It makes them a little easier just make sure you keep your back against the floor. I prefer both legs at a time and you really do feel the benefits of leg lifts. Good luck reaching 150 leg lifts, I know you can do it.

    Survived a very busy week. Did okay with food this week and exercise was good since I had a couple of strong exercise days. This weekend I will be helping with special olympics so that will keep me on my feet but not sure how much walking I will do both days. Depending on the weather I may walk over to the games or at least walk home. Annapolis has a boat show in town so traffic will be crazy and walking will be easier.

    Goals for the week-
    Saturday-Rock Wall/ walking and stretching DONE
    Sunday- Swim DONE
    Monday- Trainer DONE
    Tuesday-Not sure--might need to attend a training session for work not looking forward to it. Workout DONE with a different trainer and a friend.
    Wednesday- I might walk at Kinder Park or take a rest day REST DAY DONE
    Thursday- Gym REST- another meeting after work DONE
    Friday- Rock wall DONE

    Goals for next week-
    Saturday/ Sunday- Walk around Academy at special olympics
    Monday- Trainer
    Tuesday- Rest??? depends on m y schedule.
    Wednesday- Gym
    Thursday- Rest
    Friday- Rock wall
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey everyone! Super tired tonight so just catching up on reading your posts. I will post and do personals tomorrow. My plan is to sleep in, but we'll see what gunner has in mind. :smile:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    My car is ready, thought they would have it most of the day - my friends will be picking me up later for lunch, so we'll swing by there afterwards to get my car out of hawk. :wink: Then, we rented Life of Pi to watch later - after their playtime with Zoe, of course.

    Saturday Success~This is a non-scale week, so my success today is that I have managed to clean the bathroom downstairs (floors included), dust living room, clean paperwork off of dining room table and get downstairs floors dusted. I see all kinds of kitty paw prints, so do need to wash the wood floors but that may not happen until later or tomorrow.

    Time to finish up my coffee and then get started upstairs.

    Everyone have a super Saturday!
  • jack_yve
    jack_yve Posts: 35

    "Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories)"

    I feel really blessed this week my juicing is really adding energy and vibrance to my life. Plus I've rededicated myself to being happy, to not focusing on my lacks and instead being thrilled with all the small changes I have made that are impacting my state of mind and the health of my body. :happy: