Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    TOPS - I am so sorry to hear about your mother in law. I will include her in my prayers. Do the best you can for yourself on this roller coaster you're on. If you can, try to have high protein snacks in your purse for emergencies, like almonds.

    jack_yve - way to go on the walking and the squat challenge. WOOT for you girl!

    Toots - unpacking is a real calorie burner - and I imagine with that big house you are losing a lot of things after you put them away!

    Tom - lovely uplifting quote!

    tlh - good attitude about the leg lifting - just like Toms quote - just keep on doing them! Love your Basket plan!

    jt - I am just amazed at all your energy! You find so many different ways to burn off calories it is amazing. I like the idea of pushing dirt around in a home improvement store - great idea for those of us who don't garden or have a gym membership!!!

    karen - yikes times two!

    kris - I'll google the BIrmiingham diet -thanks

    kah - sorry about the car expense! That sucks. I know you'll enjoy LIFE OF PI today - I sure did.

    I played my first round of golf yesterday - it was great fun - although my score was dreadful - almost 10 strokes per hole!!! I hit mostely grounders , I haven't learned how to loft the ball into the sky yet! We played 9 holes and my shoulders - where the arthritis is worst were really aching after - but this morning they are NOT complaining, so I have a BIG smile on my face!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin--sounds like a great success that your shoulders don't hurt today!

    @jack--yep, the small changes all add up! :flowerforyou:

    @kelley--it stinks when we have unexpected car expenses with older cars, but it's still cheaper than making car payments every month. :ohwell:

    @laurie--have a great time at Special Olympics! :flowerforyou:

    @kris--I could never do that diet as I don't like most of the foods in the menu--good luck with it.

    @karenleona--glad the 2nd knee replacement is scheduled--even if it's daunting, you know you'll be in better shape when you come through the other side. :flowerforyou:

    @rachael--sounds like a great walk!

    @tammy--you are doing so great with your workouts and challenges! :drinker:

    @tracy--is bountiful baskets like one of those veggie co-ops? I've thought about doing that, but with just the two of us, I worry stuff will spoil.

    @marca--so sorry about your MIL.

    @beth--I know right!?! I complain about tiny little hills, yet I'm going to be in the Alps in a few months. I think you may be right about using that incline on the treadmill. :laugh:

    Saturday Success:
    Well I got to sleep in a bit--gunner woke me at 6 to go out, but he let me go back to sleep for a couple of hours. I'm going to the gym and then I have to grade AP essays. My house is also a wreck, but cleaning will have to take a back seat to the gym today.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Lin -- I'm wondering if I missed the post where you reached goal! Fantastic congratulations! I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!
    @Kelley -- I think I've finally got back into the swing of exercise. It's so much better when it's a daily habit -- you know, only on the days you eat.
    @trhjrh06 -- the good news is that when you gain a lot very quickly, some of that is water and it will come right off when you get back on track.
    @Marca -- thinking of you; these times are very difficult and I think the best we can hope for mfp-wise is to make the best choices we can while remembering to look after yourself. And have friends who will help if you think you might try to use food to bust the stress.
    @tlh0407 -- sorry to hear about your shin splints; have you had proper shoes fitted? Sometimes it's caused by an overlong stride so it might be worth talking to your running store. But otherwise what a great exercise week!
    @Tammy -- you are such a workout star these days!
    @Rachael -- moderate walking is a brilliant thing to do on rest days; it just loosens you up and lets your muscles rest.

    Saturday success -- well, after managing a night out more or less within my target yesterday, I was a bit worse for wear this morning, ducked the parkrun and chilled most of the day. And then I dragged out the dance mats and did an hour of Dance Dance Revolution. I feel so much better now! And my inner sloth is well and truly spanked. I'd sort of stopped dance mats in favour of actual outdoor things, but it makes a nice change and it's good on a rainy day when there's no way I'm going running.

    Fitbit, which can be rotten sometimes, has given me a startling 88 calories for that. Hmm. I think 400 would be about right. I need to work out with my HRM again to get calibrations for running, badminton, cycling and all the sorts of dance I do. And I'm super proud of my son; they did an inter school math challenge last week and he thinks he got every question right. I checked the solutions online and he's missed a couple; but still, I think he's probably done well enough to get through to the next stage of the competition.

    OK. Family movie night tonight and we are watching The Hobbit. Hope you're all having a great weekend!

    -- Alison
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    So I weighed again this morning, and some of the "gain" was down, but now all of it.

    This morning my daughter and I got up and went to the Community Link Buddy Walk for the National Down Syndrome Society.
    It was a 1 mile fun walk, my daughter and I did it. It was cold and raining but it was fun!
    Now she is napping and I am cuddled on the couch trying to warm up!

    Watching a movie and then going to do some homework.

    Tried to start C25K again yesterday, my knee wouldn't handle it so instead I ended up walking for 57 min. a little over 3mile walk.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I took gunner on a long walk--the weather is just gorgeous! So much so, that I was tempted to skip the gym and just run outside; however, I needed to do some sort of strength work, so I went. Did about 20 minutes of weights, 2.5 miles on the treadmill, and 6.5 miles on the bike. It was a good decision b/c tomorrow I'm going to brunch with garetie and her friends so there's no way I'll make it back in time for the gym (mine closes at 3 on Sundays). It's supposed to be even nicer out tomorrow, so maybe I'll go for a run outside. Next weekend is the 8k, so I'm excited about that.

    Now I'm at Starbucks grading--only one goal; I need to finish them by Thursday, so I hope to get through about 12 more today.

    1. 3/47 AP essays
  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    Well I finally replaced the battery in my scale and I am down 6 pounds! It certainly helps when ou see some results. I got a walk in yesterday but today I have been trying to help my son get ready for prom. He is so handsome. Tonight I am watching my daughter practice in her race car so I am sure I will get some walking in. Hope everyone is doing well and hope to check in again later.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I'll start out with my success. I had someone take a picture of my daughter and I while she was reading to me at her school's open house. When I compare that picture to the one from Christmas, even I can tell the difference. Plus someone noticed on facebook and said I was "looking good." April hasn't been good for me (only 2 pounds this month so far) so I've been a little down about it, but I know its my fault as I haven't been as dedicated as in the past. However, this week I've been back on track but I can't see it on the scale because I've had my monthly visitor. Which leads me to my second success -- I craved sunflower seeds (as I always do) and held out...:smokin:

    Yesterday, my goal was to do the 30 DS-- the day got away from me and by the time I got home, it was after midnight. I still did it!! Not as aggressive as I've done in the past, but still did it.

    @ jt -- Wow's that's a heavy exercise day -- good for you!
    @kah - sorry to hear about the car. It's so expensive, but it'll be good as new now that its all taken care of.
    @rachael -- fun day at work, dinner enjoyable and fun with the kids -- SUCCESS!!
    @karenleona -- surgery (and recovery) is no fun, but it'll be nice to have the knee done.
    @lauriek -- thanks for the hints and vote of confidence. 100 down, 50 to go!
    @skinneyjeans -- 6 am would not be sleeping in for me :yawn: Yes Bountiful Baskets is a co-op. I get it every 2 weeks so most of it lasts. I decide what to eat based on the basket and the "fresh" timeframe. This time for fruit we got strawberries, small watermelon, bananas, a pineapple and mangos. My vegetables were two heads of romaine lettuce, lots of red potatoes, celery, several tomatoes, broccoli and green onions. I use some of the greens in smoothies. You get about $50 worth of produce for $15. If you are worried about using it all before it spoils, you could see if a friend would want to share until you get in the rhythm. My sister and I do that with the "big" orders. For example, last time, I bought 8 lbs of strawberries for $13 and she bought 21 lbs of pineapple (7 in case you are wondering :wink: ) and we split them 50/50. I also buy the homemade bread. I get 5 loaves for $10. It changes. This time, I got 2 loaves of 9-grain/oat bread, 2 loaves of English Muffin bread and a french baguette. I've been very happy with it.
    @BohemianCoast -- happens every time I change shoes, I just forget about it and then it catches me by surprise. LaurieK gave me some suggestions about how to break them in. It's getting better.
    @Tina - fun day!!
    @Suzee - Nice - 6 pounds!!!

    Today my plan was to go to the gym and do cardio and weights. It was 80 degrees here (although we do still have some piles of snow) and just couldn't force myself inside. So, after I did my shopping (2 hours of walking the mall), I took the kids to the park and played basketball with them and just hung out. Burned about 260 calories at the park, so I'm calling that good for the day!

    Have a great night!!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Today was a success and it my pride my have been my undoing. Lol! Today was :he Autism walk /run. It went hood I made it the entire way no breaks my body wanted stop but I was so afraid of coming in last I didn't allow it. So made it in the best time yet for me. I did the 2nd wave which is only 2.5. And I did it in 48 minutes. On the treadmillthe best I do is a mile in 28 minutes that about al I can fl so this was good for me. Except I am in so much pain rlight now ouch! I have been thinking my workouts are getting better yet I can see how not. I can do 45 minutes in the water but my go to change this my next one in in August its a 5k The Color dash Run. So I need to get on the ball.

    @Lin so happy for you 0 lbs to go!!' Sorry about your week with your Dad.

    @Suzee. Congratulates on 6lbs!!!

    @Robin thanks

  • debtyler61
    I really have to say,after reading 100's of posts,and quite fitting that relm....hello...My name is Debora....friends call me Deb. I love your open realistic approach to our quandary of weight loss. Thank you soooooooooooooooooo much for spelling it out. Its steps every day..every minute that emulate our behavior to reach that ever loving successful end! Your new are my new person to follow...please friend me for inspiration and encouragement.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: I just caught up on all the posts starting with page 1. Sorry I've been completely MIA this week. I thought I had this whole new job under control, but I'm starting to realize I'm not superwoman. I've been pulling 12 hour days and just plain exhausted. I haven't been planning my meals and grabbing stuff on the go (not good). Exercise? Yeah, right. Plus, I'm totally stressing about our housing. Currently, I'm renting, but I know paying way too much. The Vegas real estate market is so volatile and has moved into a sellers market. A house goes on the market and by the time I try to see it there's multiple offers. Schools are not very good here so that's my other obstacle. Prices are starting to go up so I'm afraid if I don't buy something now I may not afford one in the future. Again, I'm very selective on schools so that's making the area available very tight.

    I did go out this morning for a 3 1/2 mile walk, which actually felt pretty good. Cyrus had a baseball game and it was soooo HOT!! Hopefully, I was sweating some fat away. I enjoyed some pool time and read my Shape magazine so it was a relaxing afternoon. On Sunday, I really need to plan my meals for the week, schedule my exercise on my calendar, and commit to leaving the office at a decent time.

    I'm maintaining right now and just trying not to gain. As much as I want to keep losing, I just can't take the stress of worrying about that while I've got so much else on my mind. Baby steps.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Skinny - I spoke too soon about the pain. It came on in the afternoon after an hour's worth of driving, and its still with me today plus a lot of low back pain, but its still worth it. My doc said to engage in any activity I wanted so I'm going for it!
    Hope you enjoy your brunch - Hello to Garetie!

    Boho - very impressed with both you and your son - for doing Dance Dance and him for his high placement in the competition - best of luck to him! :bigsmile: Haven't seen the Hobbit yet - thanks for reminding me I must rent it.

    Tina - Nice that you did the Buddy Walk with your daughter. :love:

    Suzee - WOOT on the 6 lb. loss - batteries are our friends,aren't they? :laugh: <sigh> son and prom that's so sweet! Keep on doing what youre doing, Suzee!

    tih - way to go on doing 30DS after midnight last night and avoiding temptation too! You have a very strong mindset going. Were you always this strong willed?

    lizmil - congratulations on your 48 min victory race finish time - did you feel a rush when you finished? I'll bet you did! I'm so impressed with you! And you've signed up for a Color Run - thay sound like so much fun!

    debtyler - welcome - so glad you've posted and want to use this thread on your journey to a new you. We're a great bunch of people and full of support . Hope you are logging your foods, if not - its a good thing to do.

    Susan - HUGS to you - now, good for you for your attitude that you will maintain your weight for now and NOT GAIN. Thats great. Now, you also need to make sure your attitude includes that you will maintain GOOD HEALTH. So, you need healthy foods and adequate rest. Its time to address the house issue with your boss and get some mornings or afternoons off to go house hunting, and time to just cut back on your hours - temporarily, like the summer, to 40 hr weeks. Next, you need to write a list of high energy snack foods you can keep at work, and in your purse, to turn to in emergencies. One I can recommend is Blue Diamond Chocolate flavored Almonds 100 cal Snack packs. Fiber One makes 140 cal peanut snack bars that are sinfully delicious. (Stay away from their Brownies, they are just plain sinful :glasses: )
    And maybe, just maybe the next time your at the pool, you could slip over the side and do some leg kicks? :wink:

    Here I am doling out advice as if I knew the answers but I really don't - I can only guess at possible solutions, so forgive me if I've stepped on your toes. You're one smart business woman, Susan, and I see your working on a game plan for the week ahead, I just wanted to get behind you a little bit.

    Today its beautiful weather, 78 degrees, so I spent time trimming my arborvitae trees on my tiny condo deck. I trimmed off the lower branches that were growing below the rim of their 3 pots. Then I sat in the breeze and listened to birds in the nearby trees for over an hour. My kind of spring day.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @suzee71 -- great SV, aren't new batteries fantastic?
    @tlh0407 -- actually, 2 pounds down is great. You might have liked it to be faster, but it's all moving along the path.
    @Liz -- brilliant success on the Autism walk/run. I hated the thought of coming last but I came last on about my first three parkruns and it turned out to be just fine. I was just pleased to finish and reckoned I'd done better than all the people who'd stayed in bed. And now the weather's nice I'm not last any more.
    @Robin -- I love the spring! But not so much that I didn't kick DH out into the garden today to mow the lawn. It's looking a lot better now.

    Sunday share -- for the new peeps. I'm Alison, and I live in London, England, in a ramshackle late-Victorian terrace in which everything is falling down. Ha! We were in IKEA today and they said 'let us come round and look at your house for our research and see how you use IKEA products and we'll give you a £50 IKEA gift card.' So I signed up and am awaiting their call. The poor girl whose job it was to get people to sign up said 'I've been told to get 100 people and I only got 7 all day yesterday and you're the first today.' So I think the £50 bounty is not quite enough. Though £50 for an hour of my time tax-free is good enough for me really. Anyway, we will obviously have to TIDY THE ENTIRE HOUSE before they come. Which would in fact be good. Ahem. Anyway. My partners in shabby squalor are my husband and my two kids, daughter aged 16 (permanently attached to phone) and son aged 12 (permanently attached to Minecraft).

    The good news, as far as IKEA is concerned, is that most of our furniture comes from there.

    Hope you're all having a fantastic Sunday.
  • jack_yve
    jack_yve Posts: 35
    OK, Sunday share...this is a little and relationships?

    .tick tock.

    .tick tock.

    .tick tock.

    *sighs* I got nothing... generally relationships are tough for me cause without being comfortable in my skin, I'm not comfortable when I get compliments.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi - I'm Ellen and I'm 61 and divorced, no kids. I live in Omaha Nebraska and I have been inactive most of my life. I am retired on disability with rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and a whole slug of other illnesses that come and go. I have an artificial left knee.

    But I started this journey over 2 years ago and am down 30 pounds with some uphill climbs over the holidays and after some surgeries that occurred, and during this bout of predisone I am now on for my RA. So my diet and journey to a healthier me has been a roller coaster, but I have hung on with the help of this thread and the lovely wonderful people of it, MFP, and logging my calories. I have only intermittently exercised. I would like to see that change and this month I have made better effort to be consistent with exercising three times a week.

    I also have depression, so I think 30 lbs in 2 years is quite a victory, if one considers the alternative. If I had done nothing, I would have probably gained another 10 pounds over 2 years. I would be a size 26-28 instead of a size 20. I wouldn't be exercising - heck I wouldn't have gone golfing, that's for sure! I'm enjoying my life, and I'm not feeling miserable by my dietary choices. I've given up pop (soda to you easterners) and I eat way more vegetables that I ever ate before I started this change.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I did it!! I made my 7 days of eating well and exercising consistently. Now to do it again :tongue:

    @Susan -- good luck with housing and it sounds like you have a game plan for this week. Way to go!
    @RobinsEgg -- If I was so strong willed, I wouldn't be here looking to lose 100 pounds. :sad: :laugh: No, some things in my life I've been very strong willed about but not my health, weight and diet. But you gotta start somewhere right?
    @Bohemian Coast -- Sounds like good motivation to clean your house. I should invite someone over soon so I get that same motivation. :blushing:

    Sunday Share: My name is Tracy. I am a recent replant to Bismarck, ND and for the first time in my adult life, live near my mom and two of my sisters. They were the ones that got me motivated to do this journey and turned me on to MFP. I grew up on a farm and was VERY active year-round with sports and farm work. Went to college and that all changed and the "growing" began. My goals are to be able to enjoy the same activities my kids do and be involved and not just a sideline cheerer. I played my first half court game of basketball in years with my son yesterday. I was panting and had to take some time outs, but we had fun! I'm learning to be patient as that has never been a strong suit of mine. I have to remember that I've taken this off fast in the past and it came back. I'm doing it the right way this time.

    My plan today is to plan next week's meals, figure out my workout schedule and just enjoy the family. We have the Lion King on TV right now and supper on the stove. Today is my rest day, so no gym for me. Have a great end to your weekend!
  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    Well my daughter cooked fr my birthday so I may by way over today but I don't care it was delish!

    @Tracy. Great job on the 7 day stretch. That's wonderful.
    @ Ellen ( really thought your name would be Robin). RA is a nasty disease. My mom has it and finally decided to go on methotrexate. Still has lots of damage but she seems to still outdo me in the exercise department. Hang in there and don't let it whip you.
    @Alison sounds exciting to be getting a gift certificate. I love London! I can hardly wait to go back.
    @ jack_yve. Hang in there. If they don't like us at our current size they sure aren't going to like us in our new bodies.
    @ skinny. Hope you get your papers graded.

    Hope everyone has a fabulous week.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    This was a very busy weekend with special olympics so I did lots of walking and standing. It is about a mile walk from the academy to my house so I did get my exercise. Food choices were not great today but not awful since I walked most of them off. Today, I opted to use my HRM to determine the number of calories I burned in one day. I am trying to get a better sense of how many calories I burned in one day. I will most likely repeat this experiment a couple of times this week. In 13 hours and 49 minutes, I have burned 1987 calories. This includes the time I spent walking and resting after special olympics so I think is close to a normal day's activity level for me. I will use this information to change my calorie settings to help with the weight loss.

    Have a great week everyone. May everyone make good choices in both food and exercises.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    @tracy--6 am in NOT sleeping in for me either! After gunner woke me at that time to go outside, he let me sleep in for a couple more hours. :yawn: Great job meeting your 7 day goal! :drinker:

    @laurie--what kind of device do you have to measure calories burned throughout the day? Is it a Bodybug? I've read that regular HRMs aren't accurate for any activity other than cardio, but maybe I'm mistaken about that.

    @suzee--thanks, I got one class done! Happy birthday!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    @robin--sorry about the delayed pain :grumble: ; that stinks, but you're a strong lady. I think 30 lbs is splendid progress!

    @jack--I used to always downplay or brush off compliments. Then, years ago, I read an article all about how to graciously accept a compliment. I've tried to practice it ever since b/c if you think about it, as hard as it is to just say "Why, thank you!" to a compliment, anything else could come off as rude or tacky. I never realized that until I read the article. I think as you continue to do for yourself in this process, you will start to feel better about yourself and appreciate the compliments. :flowerforyou:

    @alison--that's great motivation to clean. My husband would never allow me to sign up for such an offer. He would be suspicious that "they" were casing our house to come back and rob us. I get to make most of the decisions about the household, but when it comes to stuff like that, it's not worth the worry it would cause him. He's really quite ridiculous about it--especially since we have almost nothing worth stealing. I put up with it since he's perfect in every other way. :laugh:

    @susan--You and I can be "Maintenance buddies" since I'm in the same boat right now. Between quitting smoking and end of school-year stress, it's really not worth trying to lose right now. I'll get back to it hardcore in June.

    @liz--great job on your autism walk/run!! :drinker:

    Sunday Share:
    I'm Karen from Chicago--HS English teacher, dog-mom, runner.

    Good day today--walked gunner before brunch w/ garetie. Afterward, I graded for a couple of hours then ran outside. The weather was PERFECT for it!!

    Grading goals:
    1. 26/47 AP essays
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    drive by today... love ya all!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Monday check-in. I have lost another pound, so that's my plateau consigned to history I hope. Turns out that careful tracking and regular exercise works. Who knew?

    @Jack_yve -- I think there's a trick here, that we all need to try to find ways of loving who we are right now, and being comfortable in the skin we happen to have. I know it can be hard, but can you try to spot all the things that make you a *wonderful* person *right now*, just the way you are? Because I absolutely promise you that you are. It's very easy for people with a lot of weight to lose to think 'I'd be happy if only I was thin'. But it's not some magic wand; we're happy when we start loving ourselves properly. I do find that taking regular exercise makes me happier, so that might be somewhere to start if you're not.
    @Robin -- it's a great achievement really, especially with all the meds you're on and your health issues. Good luck with the exercise goal! And THANK YOU again for starting this thread -- I can't tell you that often enough.
    @Tracy -- I am not sure it's really about 'willpower', but rather about having the strength of character to put our own health above all the other things that press on our lives. I have a secret shame which is that I couldn't be properly active when my kids were little, and so they missed out on a lot of fun.
    @Suzee -- I'm on methotrexate and it's been brilliant for me; it's made a huge difference to how much weight-bearing exercise I can do in particular. I was very tired for the first few weeks, but it just got better from there.