Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Wednesday wish:I wish that I could get another good work out tonight.

    So even though I hadn't been logging I had been watching what I eat. I have lost another 2 lbs which means I am now 10 lbs down total. Slowly but sure losing the weight. I plan to really get with it especially things might get really tough soon so I need to get a routine set and stick to it.

    Have a great day!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    lmackbethl- wow!! your dad sounds amazing!!! what a trip that will be. Will they be keeping a blog? would love to follow their travels

    tuesday goals- CONSISTENCY!!!!
    was so sore after gardening, mowing lawn and bike riding yesterday that i REALLY enjoyed my new bed!! Nor sure what is on the agenda for today.....probably more work in the garden
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    I was home sick Monday from work, cold/sinus headache:cry: . I am feeling better now though and went back to work Tuesday.

    Today the company I work for has given us a service day off to go build toys for smiles:bigsmile: . Which donate toys to kids. We are going for the afternoon shift 12:00 to 4:00pm.

    Quote of the day - "There is no fate that plans men's lives. Whatever comes to us, good
    or bad, is usually the result of our own action or lack of action."
    - Herbert N. Casson

    Stay healthy!

  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Went to the gym today and worked out. Feels good. I really want to keep this up. Trying to log in food. I do really well eating all day and then night time is when I have the most trouble staying on track.
  • jack_yve
    jack_yve Posts: 35
    "Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not)"

    My Wednesday Wish: I wish I was already free, from aches and pulls and joint swellings and happily 150lbs light on my feet! :-)
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Wednesday wish.... that I would get past the "feeling hungry all the time" phase!!! Though I do know that being off plan last weekend has stretched that out more.... my own fault, I know. I am just ready to enter the "feeling healthy" phase!!!!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Kaye -- I keep notes as I'm reading in a notepad window otherwise I could never do personals!
    @Rachael -- I got a really cute new t-shirt today, it's quite fitted, and the sleeves are just not quite long enough... so my upper arms just flap away. I guess I'll be wearing it under a jacket.
    @Robin -- I'm so glad to hear you're back at your low weight! Well done for really getting to grips with things. Just keeping on every day is the key to this I am sure.
    @Marca -- I find I can't take a day off without logging, or I just eat ludicrous amounts. So I try to log everything, even on days when I'm off plan.
    @Helena -- I do think it's hard for our nearest and dearest often to really know how best to support us.
    @Laurie -- morris dancing is really hard work, and some of our practices are particularly exhausting. But the actual shows, not so much. There's often a lot of standing around and only a couple of dances. (The side will do 5 or six dances in total). Also it's hard on the knees. And we drink... badminton is just all-round excellent though. I'd recommend it to anyone.

    Wednesday wishes -- that this lovely warm weather continues. I made lots of salad for dinner today; there should be some over for lunch, and the crisper drawer is full of brilliant fresh veg so more salads await. And I actually did some strength training today; I thought it was just a bit of basic dumbbells and bodyweight but afterwards I found myself having to have a quick nap. Plan is to get some strength work in 3-4 times a week. How many times have I said that?

    -- Alison
  • Denise8P
    Denise8P Posts: 23
    Omigosh ... you people are SO GOOD at keeping up with this thread and each other!! I am still bug-eyed at all the information on this site and learning how to start taking care of myself the way I shoulda been for years. Call it information overload but in a very good way :)

    I started walking two weeks ago after months of inactivity due to surgery and then general lack of motivation. I've already gone from wheezing after a 20 minute stroll to 40 minutes of steady walking up and down hills in a nearby park. Its amazing what this ol' tired body can do when given the chance :)

    My Wednesday wish is that I never lose this feeling of accomplishment and glimmers of actual pride in myself. Its been a long time coming :)
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    How'd your Tuesday goals turn out? I have two days down and five to go!! I walked last night on the suspended track while my daughter had basketball practice below. The bummer was that I have new tennis shoes and about 10 minutes into it, go shin splints. :cry: I only made 18 minutes total -- forgot that that could happen with new shoes...hopefully doesn't last long. But I guess 18 minutes is better than none.

    Wednesday wish? I got two...That today's brief snow :explode: was the last of this spring. We are suppose to be in the 70s by the weekend -- fingers are crossed!! My second one, that I figure out the moves in Zumba. I think I'm going to try to be more dedicated to at least one (if not two) Zumba classes a week. They are a great burn. And going more often will truly be the only way to get better at it. :sad:

    @Marca -- It's amazing (aka terrifying) what can happen when we don't log our food. Even on days that I go over, it helps me stay in check

    @Helena -- sounds like a good guy. Sometimes I think our spouses are in a d@mned if you do, d@mned if you don't spot. I want support, but don't call me fat -- poor folks! :huh:

    @lmackbeth -- Good for your dad! I'd be interested in seeing their journal. What a great way to travel! (maybe he'll inspire one of my bucket lists)

    @Morgori -- you work for a great company to do that. I'm proud of my company as well, anytime you want to volunteer, they actually don't require us to use PTO as long as we can prove we really volunteered. We serve breakfast and suppers at the local food shelter several times a year and they pay for it and "give" the employees time.

    Well, I'm off to Zumba and then choir practice. Have a great evening!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    macbeth-Your dad's trip sounds wonderful and I would be interested in seeing the block. It will be interesting to see how he adjusts to all the different climates.

    tlh- While you are breaking in the new shoes bring the old one with you and change shoes. That will give your feet time to adjust to the new shoes and extend your walking time.

    Wish- That I continue to be social and find time to do fun things even with school getting busy right now.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    jt - love your oasis plan for your yard - gardening is such vigorous upper body exercise - you go girl!

    Skinny - thanks for the atta girl! Glad your still coming along with the e-cig. You're doing great!

    Laurie - the Wii Step is only about 3 inches. Any higher and my knees would be complaining too much for me to do it. Its enough that it does get my heart rate going!

    MowMow - I didn't realize you were going to make more than potato salad! Wow you really went all out - your co-workers must love you!

    mackbeth - your dad's a gunner isn't he!

    suzee - congrats to you for your walk. Can you find something to do indoors when the weathers bad?

    racheal - I hope your sleep patterns straighten out!

    Helena - congratulations on the 2 lb. loss - WOOT! HUZZAH!! I do believe in logging one's foods, and I hope you will learn to like doing it. Its helpful and very educational!

    Karen - CONSISTENCY - yes good word, I should write this in my mirror so I see it every day. I should meditate this and use it as my mantra. Thanks for the reminder.
    Glad your new bed was so comfy!

    Tom - glad you're feeling better, and what a nice company you work for that you can go build toys for kids - kudos to you for giving up your time and energy and skills for doing it as well.

    Mel - the evenings are the hardest for everyone! LOL! Seriously consider what you can do with your hands - some kind of craft work, or chew gum, or save some protein for your evening snack, as protein seems to be more filling.

    jack_yve - I'd like to see you get your wish too! Give yourself a year and a half and it will come true!

    TOPS - the hunger is really a pain. I'm doing better now that I upped my breakfast calories. Something to maybe consider.

    dWilliams - so nice to see you've progressed in your walking and are feeling "glimmers of pride" - I"M EXCITED FOR YOU!

    tih - walking AND Zumba - that's really pouring your heart into exercise - so proud of your efforts. YOU"RE A WINNER!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Just got home from helping my daughter put her little ones to bed. They're delightful. The weather turned cold here today, and it started snowing this afternoon and is still going strong. Really, heavy snow, perfect for snowballs and snowmen, so I took the 2 year old out after dinner and we played for about an hour until I couldn't feel my fingers anymore. I thought his little hands might be cold (mittens on), but he was fine. Saw a huge rabbit run by in front of us...looked pretty (brown) on the white ground. Everything looks beautiful, but, It's April 24th....I'm ready for some warmer weather.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Karen - so sorry you're having problems with stress eating. I've recently taken up chewing gum. Trident Orange is my go to gum these days, its helpful, and keeps my jaw busy. Also, I'm finding my big breakfast of eggs, bacon and potatoes is so filling, I'm just not hungry and so don't fall prey to snacking.... I'm proud of you for continuing the FIGHT when your pooped and don't have 100% to give!

    one of the sugar free gum things (unfortunately they all have nutradeath) has a lemon square flavor, which is completely yum....
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Wednesday wish: that I was better at keeping up with everyone!

    So sorry I've been MIA - just stressed out to the max from work. Today I will be over on my numbers... BOO :embarassed: , but it was one of those "Beer - it's what's for dinner" kind of days.....
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Happy hump day all you beautiful, strong, amazing super heros!!

    @MacBeth - Speaking of super heros, your dad sounds AMAZING!! I would love to do something like that one day!
    @Laurie - Fantastic NSV! Great job sprinting!
    @Anita- Welcome!
    @Pandora - Welcome!
    @GrandmaKaye - I sure hope you get that knee figured out one way or another really quick.
    @Helena - I'm so glad your hubby was understanding and will be the support that you need right now!
    @RObin - That is FANTASTIC that you are down the weight you gained. Good job!

    Robin, I wasn't planning on making quite so much but I realized when I started that I had the ingredients for the pasta salad. On the way home I stopped for cereal and decided to pick up stuff for cupcakes since only one person had committed to dessert. There was a TON of food, but mine was the only homemade. I ate about 2 days worth of calories and don't regret a thing. I decided not to worry/stress about what I was eating or count a single calorie. Just enjoy the good food and great company. I love my team at work and truly enjoy spending time with them. Our counterparts from Ireland were here for some training this week so they were able to join us as well, it made the day that much more enjoyable. Work provides a beautiful courtyard with high end Weber BBQ grills (that they keep cleaned and maintained) and brand new umbrella'ed tables. Tons of sweet smelling plants and flowers. It was a gorgeous 74 degrees with clear blue skies and I have the sunburn to prove it!

    The only exercise I got in today was when MowMow made the great escape from the apartment. The downstairs neighbor brought up a trout he caught today (was very grateful he cleaned it first) and when I opened the door my little monster shot out. He started towards the road but the neighbor intercepted him and MowMow veered off into the walled in grassy area, that gave me time to catch up and pounce on him when he stopped to graze. The rest of the evening was spent casually opening the door and hitting him with the squirt bottle (the water, not the bottle) when he moved towards the door. I WAS going to take him out on Saturday but now I think he needs to stay firm inside until he stops being quite so desperate.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone, I hope you all had as good as me. I got errands run and did some more work on the yard. I also had Zumba class today which I am just loving:bigsmile: I think I even got some of the steps right this time.:laugh: I had my eval this evening and will start strength training on the machines 3 days a week starting tomorrow. I have been patiently waiting for this day since all the reading I have done has emphasised (spelling) the need for it if you want to look good in your new body. I am happy to see that overall it looks like everyone is doing pretty good. For those of you struggling know that I beleive that you can really do this. I am going to go scrounge up some dinner since I am starving.
    My Wednesday wish is that I dont lose this amazing drive I have had going for the last couple of weeks.
    Have a great night everybody:heart::heart:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    bump from me too! :flowerforyou:
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Vickimieth -- in the UK we can get gum without aspartame, but you have to look hard! I don't chew it regularly but it's a bit of an occasional treat for me.
    @Tammy -- I too am convinced that strength training is a must. The thing that convinced me wasn't reading, or the web generally. It was looking at the success stories on this website. All the people who really looked fantastic after looking a lot of weight, were doing strength work as well as diet and (normally) cardio. Amongst my friends, the ones who look brilliant (at whatever size) tend to be doing strength work too, though there are exceptions (I guess the horse rider gets resistance work from dragging her recalcitrant nag around, for example).

    Thursday truth -- this long, slow plateau has got me doubting my ability to do this thing over the last few weeks. But I was very cheered today; my weight's down a little (not much), but my body fat count is down a bit more -- and when I looked back over a couple of months, it doesn't seem so bad. As in, I was desperately trying to get under 200 for New Year, and now I'm just a shade over 180. I am sure that it doesn't matter how slow you go as long as you go.

    Now. Off for a run, and then a swim. Because it's too beautiful to stay in the house today.

    -- Alison