Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Friday fitness: Still training. I'm starting to jog a bit now, which is an improvement. I actually jogged for 7 minutes straight the other day. I could go longer, but I have issues with my breathing. I'm trying to breath with my steps, but I just haven't gotten it down yet.

    I noticed my quads are getting more muscular. I keep touching them because I think it's pretty cool. Also, I've rediscovered my clavicles and they're starting to show again. :):):) so many happy faces.

    I shall head to the gym after work. It's back/tris/abs day. Although my abs are still sore from yesterday. I've also noticed that (although it's still covered by a layer of cushioning) my abs are getting firmer. I can definitely feel a difference when I flex and I'm laying down. WOOHOO! :)

    This weekend I'm hoping to stay within my calories, but I'm considering having a cheat day tomorrow. It's been a month-month and a half since my last, but I'm not sure what I would cheat with. Perhaps some pizza or cheesy bread.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Friday Fitness: It’s been a decent week. I keep doing what I’ve been doing and definitely getting stronger. I’m pushing my HIT more on the elliptical and getting in the 185 range for 1 minute. I try do between 8-10 throughout the 30 minute work-out. I’m sweating up a storm. The trainer has been upping my weights too on a lot of my resistance work, which has been challenging too. I’ll keep doing what I’m doing. Yes, I wish the weight would drop off quicker, but my body is not reacting that way so I’ll just keep pushing through and doing what I’m doing.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Tracy - I know you've been super busy this week trying to get the house in order before the big trip. How long will you guys be in town? Unfortunately, I'm traveling on business Monday thru Thursday. Also, you mentioned you were arriving on Sunday. This is huge. Sunday is actually the Rock 'N Roll Marathon. The strip is going to be a complete mess and all shut down. Harrah's is a lot of fun and right in the middle of everything BUT with that said it's going to be in the mess of the insanity. It's like 6 different races into one (5K, 10K, 1/2 marathon, full marthon, etc. . .) The race starts at 3:00 and goes as late as 10:00 so all the roads will be shut down preparing for the racers. Are you guys going to have a rental car or just take a taxi? If a taxi, tell them to NOT take the highway but Koval. It will be half the cost. They try to cheat the tourist all the time. They may not have a choice though with all the roads shut down. Also, if you shoot me your e-mail, I'll send you a list of things to do - Free and not so free. I would still love to see you, but I'm staying as far away from the strip as possible on Sunday.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi everybody.

    I was having problems getting below 263. I just could not break into the 250”s. I hurt my back and was pretty inactive and blew up to 278. My back is still not right but it is much better. Today I was back into the 260’s!

    Beth I’m back to working on the 250’s by year end.

    Nettie- If you have your fitbit synced with MFP it will change your calories. The more steps you get the more calories are added.

    Ellen- Hope you get to feeling better.

    Best wishes to everybody reading this thread!

    Quote of the day: “All great achievements require time.” ~Maya Angelou

  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Friday Fitness: went to the gym and did 45 minutes on the elliptical without killing myself. I seem to be getting stronger at the gym and aren't as exhausted as I was when I started. Also, my heart rate seems to be getting more in the range it should be in. It's been high when I work out.
    Preparing for a busy weekend: I have company coming on Sat. and on Sunday and I'm cooking up a storm. I think I'll log my food ahead of time, so I won't have to think about what to eat with everyone here.
    "Feeling a little bit better everyday".
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    @michelleborma - Thanks for the note
    @skinnyjean - Back again... good to see old friends.
    @nettie - thanks!

    Well going to try to log truthfully and get back to watching what I eat. Today the wife took me to Chili's so I HAD to have soup... wow logging that was not fun. This is what I need to know so it is all good. Have to change the way I eat.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    nettie - thanks for the link to that article - that was very timely for me - I needed to read that tonight.

    Ushkii - welcome back -

    I am lurking and reading everyone's comments. I just don't feel well - am in lots and lots of pain and not taking pain meds per doc's orders. What a bummer that is. Tried a little Baileys last nite but don't think I'll make that a habit. Looking forward to the tv show Dracula tonight. I have quite gotten to like it.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    @ushkii--the honest logging is the best place to start--but you already know that; you're an old pro at this game! :drinker:

    @mel--that's great that you are noticing an increase in your endurance. I had the same issues with a really high heart rate when I first started running--it has since come down as my body has gotten used to the exertion. Enjoy your company!

    @tom--woohoo for the 260s! :drinker: I :heart: Maya Angelou.

    @susan--I'm in the same boat--I can feel a difference in my strength and endurance with the lifting and HIIT, but the scale hasn't budged much. Like you, I will keep at it knowing the results will come with time.

    @alupinsk--It;s not uncommon to have to "work" at getting the breathing right as you run. I had to really concentrate on my breathing for several weeks--focusing on taking a breath every 3 steps or so. Now, it comes a lot more naturally. Just keep practicing and you will get it. I LOL'd when you talked about touching your quads--I've been doing the same thing to my arms as I'm starting to see a lot of definition in my delts and triceps. :blushing: :laugh:

    @lives2--I :heart: pumpkin pie!!

    @kaye--I love the 30 days of gratitude idea! I have some friends doing it on FB, but I never thought of it for our thread.

    @laurie--is your 5k saturday or sunday? I hope your work stress has diminished some--if, not, at least it's friday! :smile:

    @tammy--glad you are getting back into an exercise routine. Sounds like your puppy found a new friend in his "cousin."

    @michelle--congrats on 2 more lbs down--even with those 2 cookies--proof that we don't have to be perfect to make progress. :flowerforyou:

    Friday Fitness:
    Friday is usually my day off from exercise, but I did get in a decent walk with gunner. Speaking of the naughty boy--he came seriously close to getting skunked last night. My DH let him out in the yard, and he went tearing around and scared a skunk into spraying. Fortunately, the skunk was on the other side of the fence. We realized what was going on and got him back in the house before he could get coated in skunk stink. :grumble:

    I had a pretty good week at work. Parent teacher conferences went okay, though I did have a somewhat strange conversation with the parents of a student. He was in my class last year and is in my AP Lit this year. We have a good rapport--he's smart and can be a little goofy in class, but never a problem (he's the one who quoted Donnie Darko a few weeks ago).

    Anyways, his parents came in and after the hellos, they asked "Has he talked to you at all about what he wants to do after HS?" I was surprised and said "No, I just assumed he would go study music somewhere." (he's a really talented musician). They said that was his plan until about a month ago when he started talking about taking a "gap year" to teach English in Asia. We discussed the pros and cons a bit, and then the dad interrupted and asked "He really hasn't talked to you at all about this?" I explained that he doesn't really talk to me about anything outside of the course work, and the mom said "Oh, well you're his favorite teacher EVER--he talks about you all the time, so we just thought maybe he'd have discussed it with you."

    It was a really nice compliment, but completely unexpected. I mean, I know this boy loves the readings we do in class, but he seems pretty indifferent to me--nice to know I'm having an impact even when I don't know it. :happy:

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (run 5k) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--nada--Parent.Teacher conferences until 7 pm
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (run 5k)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 70
    Dead lift = 75
    Squat = 85
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 45

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    nettie - thanks for the link to that article - that was very timely for me - I needed to read that tonight.

    Ushkii - welcome back -

    I am lurking and reading everyone's comments. I just don't feel well - am in lots and lots of pain and not taking pain meds per doc's orders. What a bummer that is. Tried a little Baileys last nite but don't think I'll make that a habit. Looking forward to the tv show Dracula tonight. I have quite gotten to like it.

    Sorry you're still not feeling well, robin. Bailey's is yummy, but that stuff makes it too easy to down a whole lot of calories without even realizing it.:ohwell:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Nettie- My dad is doing better but still in rehab. The PT is good for him and will help him get his mobility back plus they can get his diabetes and blood sugar under control. He will be switching to insulin when he returns home so that will be a new experience. Right now his sugar is spiking in the afternoons for no noticeable reasons. Thanks for asking.

    Susan- Are you coming to Washington DC for the opening? If so, let me know. You will be about 45 minutes away from me. Not that I am a fan of driving in DC but maybe we could get together or at least talk on the phone.

    Karen- Stress is still high at school and will be until next week. I have several things that must be finished this week like SLO's (pesky things), grading, planning etc. The week after we have parent conferences so that just adds another level of stress. Today, I found out that on of my mentor teachers is resigning due to the amount of stress she has been under this year. Not all of it was due to a low-performing intern. She has really tough classes and the stress was affecting her health and life outside of school. I fear she will not be the first. The university supervisor will need to find a new home for the intern since I do not have a new place for them-lack of LA teachers in 7-8th grade who are qualified. Just one more thing to stick on my plate. I hope your stress is also coming down this year. The 5K is Sunday.

    Yesterday, I smack my hand on the ellipitical machine and it is bruised today. At least it is not black and blue but there is a bump there and lack of pain unless I touch it. Tomorrow, I will most likely see the chiropractor to run therapy on it and to double check to make sure it is not fractured (hairline). Yes, I hit it that hard.:explode: The best part I was able to climb tonight but keep it relatively easy. I was not sure how the hand would handle gripping the holds but it did not hurt. The chiropractor will most liklely take priority over water aerobics tomorrow and it doesn't help that TOM has started so I really don't want to swim tomorrow but I might.


    Exercise plan
    Sunday- bike 20.22 miles DONE
    Monday- Trainer- lower body and cardio DONE
    Tuesday- Walk or running drills, Rest DONE
    Wednesday- Rest DONE
    Thursday- cardio: ellipitical DONE
    Friday- climb DONE
    Saturday- water aerobics and swim May do the spin bike instead
    Sunday- 5K
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @ Laurie - No, unfortunately, I'm not going to make the open. Between the owners, trainers, ops people, etc. . . they will be in corporate overload. I actually fly into Philly on Monday and head to Delaware for meetings. I fly back out on Thursday evening. At some point, I do need to get back to the area though. It will probably be in the spring though. We'll definitely stay in touch though when another trip to the east coast comes up.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--glad to hear your dad is doing better. Hope they figure out what's causing those sugar spikes. Also, hope your hand isn't fractured--that sounds painful! Sorry you have so much stress at work. We just got through conferences and it's a huge load off, so I know where you're coming from. Have you decided if you will do the run or the walk route on Sunday?
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I lifted today and my sister and I teetered back and forth. I was able to make the 90 pounds on both the bench press and the bent over rows. However, I missed my 135 squats by one -- dang it!! She missed the bench and rows but made the squats. I have to say I felt like a bad *kitten* having the big 45 discs on for the squats. :glasses:

    I'm so excited -- heading to Sioux Falls tomorrow and flying to Vegas on Sunday morning!! It's here!! I'm going to log, but I'm not going to be too worried about the actual calories (just try to keep it under control). My plan is to hit the gym each day do get in some cardio at least...hopefully they have some weights so I can keep up with the Strong Lifts, but I guess we'll see when I get there. They didn't really have a good description (just says weight machines and that it's a state of the art gym) and no pictures of the gym online. I'm having my husband bring his pedometer to see how we do for mileage. :bigsmile:

    I just have to pack yet, but I have all the clothes figured out, just need to figure out how to get them in a carry-on after the kids are in bed. :noway: Luckily my husband packs lighter than me so I can sneak some stuff into his. :devil:

    The scale really isn't moving for me, but as I've shopped just recently in two stores that I'm consistent with size, I went down a size in both tops and pants!!! Until the scale starts to move again, I will train my thoughts on that NSV. I'm about one size away form fitting in to my snow pants, so that is my next goal.

    I only have my iPhone so I will not be part of any topics here, just able to log. Have a great week (and Susan -- I know it will be a bit cold there, but compared to the 20-30 that are going to be here, I'll take the high 60s). That's the way you want it to be -- it's been in teh 50s this past week but it's nice to know that I'm going to miss this cold snap. Whoo-Hoo!!!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Saturday success - Short and simple. I have gotten through my 2nd week of my workout. Some of the workouts are still a bit challenging. Sometimes I have to do low impact when they do high or else I will be out of breath. But I stick with it and keep moving. It's all good. I know eventually I will get there.

    Michelle - It only happened to me that one day. It changed calories on me 3x after I completed my diary. I didn't go back in and add anything either. It was really weird. At least I have not experienced any glitches since then. My bestie is though. Last night she was looking at my diary. She wanted to know why I didn't eat lunch. I didn't know what she was talking about. She then took a screen shot and sent to me. MFP had my lunch as my dinner. No lunch listed and my actual dinner wasn't there either. But on my phone and pc it was correct.

    alupinsk - I noticed my arms are starting to become a bit more defined. I keep touching them all the time too! LOL

    Tom - Unfortunately the change happened after I synced fitbit and completed my diary. It went from - 11 to - 17. Then the next morning when I woke up I noticed it changed again. I don't remember the exact number but I think it went to -73. I did not go back in and add any food either. It was very bizarre.

    Robin - I am glad you liked that forum. She was very inspirational, right?!!! I am glad it came at the right time for you. I know it is hard with all you are going through but hang in there. Eventually this will pass. I hope it passes soon and they are able to find out what is causing so much pain.

    Skinnyjeanz - What a wonderful compliment! Congrats. I had a boy in my class one time who rarely spoke and always just stared at me. One day I bumped into his grandmother in the school and she told me he spoke about me non-stop and how he adores me. I was shocked and pleasantly surprised at the same time! It is really nice to get that positive reinforcement from time to time and know what an impact we truly are making on our students. It pushes me to be an even better teacher!

    Laurie - Glad to hear he is progressing! Hopefully they discover the cause of the sugar spikes and get that under control too. OUCH on the hand. I hope you don't have a hairline fracture.

    tlh - I hope you have a fantastic time on your trip. Congrats for dropping sizes!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Saturday Sucess i am back on track with my diet this week and i feel so much better already ! I will post on monday morning how much i have lost this week !
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning. Saturday success: I had my hair cut this week. My hair dresser hadn't seen me for 6 weeks. She said, "I just love you in jeans. You have the cutest butt." I have never thought of that butt as an asset, because I am quite pear shaped, but I guess I'll take it where I can get it. You can't have everything. At least it doesn't look I have a pillow strapped on back there anymore. Also this week, I finished a big sewing job. I was shortening a wedding dress for a friend's daughter. It wasn't that hard, but I sure had troubles finding time to work on it. I think that is my last big project until my grandkids are older.
    Didn't do so good food-wise yesterday, but I did lots of walking to make up for it, so I stayed under on the calories. DD taught me how to use the Google GPS tracker so I can figure how far I walk when I don't take my usual routes. I like to mix it up, and some days I like to walk to the store, etc. to run my errands.
    Today I am going to be getting things packed away so it won't be so hard to get the livingroom emptied for the new carpet on Wed. I have a large curio cabinet full of souveniers, mostly from our time in Japan. That will take some time to pack up safely.
    I hope that you all have a great weekend. tlh-- have fun in Vegas. The weather is bound to be an improvement over ND. Robin--I hope that you can get some relief soon.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    @kaye--what a great compliment! And great job making up for those extra calories with the exercise. :drinker:

    @kris--awesome that you stayed on track this week! :flowerforyou:

    @nettie--sounds like you are doing really great with the exercise--and you're right, if you just keep at it at your own pace, pretty soon you'll be able to go harder. That's great about your student, and I agree that it's incentive to do our best.

    @tracy--have a blast on your trip!! :drinker:

    Saturday Success:
    Made it through a tough week with no gain (though I'm still not down to my lowest recorded MFP weight). I've also been pretty successful at staying under my new lower calorie allowance over the past 2 weeks. The only days I think I went over are the 2 conference days (though I'm not sure of my calories b/c I didn't finish logging either day). My protein intake hasn't been consistent, so I'm going to focus on that this week.

    It's pretty warm outside today, so I think I will flip my workout plan and run my 5k outside today. I also have a bit of grading that I want to complete before I collect more essay on Thursday.

    Grading goals:
    1. x/53 Diction analysis (3 & 4)
    2. x/73 journal reflection

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (run 5k) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--nada--Parent.Teacher conferences until 7 pm
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (run 5k)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 70
    Dead lift = 75
    Squat = 85
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 45

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Skinny - what a wonderful compiment to hear that your that student's favorite teacher and that he's actually thinking about teaching English - you have really inspired him - how awesome!
    Thanks for the advice on the Bailey's - I drink it mixed with skim milk 2 oz baileys to six oz milk so its not too strong. But won't repeat any time soon - this new drug makes me really sleepy so I don't think I should mix with alcohol.

    Laurie - It sounds like your dad is getting very thorough care in Rehab - sorry to hear he has to go on insulin shots though. It really won't be too much of a hassle once everyone gets used to it. And perhaps once he is rehabbed maybe his activity levels will go up and his eating will normalize and he can go back to oral diabetic meds in the future. One can only hope.
    What a blow that is about your hand - you really must have smacked it! I hope you don't need an x-ray. Take care of yourself!
    And the stress level at your school sounds AWFUL :grumble: I hope it doesn't adversely affect you!

    tlh - so glad your trip is so soon - and how exciting was that to go shopping and find you fit in clothes that were smaller in size? WOWZA!!!

    Nettie - congrats on two weeks of working out - I know your so proud of that!!! :smooched:
    Yes - that forum came at just the right time - I really needed to read that. Very inspirational. What a great writer she is.

    Kris - glad your back on track - keep it up, girlfriend!

    Kaye - packing up that curio cabinet will realy bring back a flood of memories for you - what a walk down memorie lane - it will go slow because of that - so give yourself plenty of time! Thanks for the good wishes.
    Glad you got a compliment on your jeans appeal!

    To be honest, this oral pain is just killing me it has been at a ten for many day but today with the new drug kicking in it is down to a seven and I am just rejoicing over that drop in pain. Its not much but I'll take it. The new drug makes me very sleepy but I'll also take that as a gift too, as a way to escape the pain. I am hoping each day the pain will get better. That is my Weds Wish which I am rushing forward and using today. I got on the scale and I have gained 3 pounds over the past 3 weeks, because of the increase in use of constant lozenges, chicken broth, and milk, and lack of exercise. I am not going to worry about this too much, I am going to nap now as that is the most compelling feeling I am having right now.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: Well, for the most part, it was a good week minus yesterday. For some reason, I wanted to eat everything in sight especially sweet stuff. I wonder if Aunt Flo is going to come for an early visit. I guess it was just one of those days. I haven't had a bad cheat day in awhile so life goes on. Eating is good so far today and the gym is in my schedule for this afternoon.

    I'm traveling again next week Monday thru Thursday. The last business trip of the year - thank goodness!!! I'm really going to focus, keep my eating under control, exercise daily and I want the scale to move.
  • pienthesky32
    pienthesky32 Posts: 142 Member
    Hello everybody :) For my Saturday Success - some NSVs:
    1.) Doc cut my BP med in half, and it's been remaining really low so I look for her to take me off it completely very soon.
    2.) My Zumba group has a Facebook page and blog and I will be featured as a "success story" in the coming week or so. I will post the link once she puts it all together. I am far from the end of my losing, so I hope to be featured again in the future when I get to goal.

    For the not so great things...I've been weak. I wonder sometimes if I have Binge Eating Disorder, and if some therapy would help. I love being FULL and of course I know I can't have junk in the house or I will eat it until I am FULL. I threw some things away that have been in my diary too often last night and have a clean slate to work with today. I had a busy week where I didn't get to (or made excuses not to) work out...and I let it affect my eating. (As my mom would say, throwing the baby out with the bath water lol) I have a hubby who eats what he wants when he wants with no regards to health. In the past I always ate when he did and that's how I gained all the weight. I had been doing so well doing my own thing, but lately I feel the need to "keep up with him" when we go out and he get a 1/2 pound cheeseburger, fries, appetizer, etc...why can't I? I can't because I didn't plan the rest of my day to accommodate that much food. My rational thinking has been not so rational lately. There was so many times early on in the weight loss that I felt so strong, I would ask myself..."why would you ever stop doing this?" And now I struggle with just "doing this."

    Today is going better, it's not completely healthy, but it is planned out and has plenty of wiggle room. The sun is shining and I am walking. I am staying busy and not binging. For today, I am strong.