Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    Ok what does it mean when someone types bump?

    Tuesday truth--some days it"s very hard to stay motivated. I miss some of the old food I use to eat and I get tired of having to think about what I'm eating all the time. Oh well I think once I see more results it will be better.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Ok what does it mean when someone types bump?

    Bring Up My Post - saves your spot and the thread shows up in "my topics" for easy access. You'll see it here a lot, we do that so we know what we've read through if we're short on time.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Good morning everyone. Well along with my husband, I've enlisted the help of my baby sister to get me back on track. I've actually given her permission to "nag" me about working out. She said okay with a grin. And she did, I got a text to make sure I went to Water Aerobics class last night. I was very happy to report a YES. I gave her my schedule for the week so she doesn't bug me on my scheduled off days.

    I got some good news last night. They are adding two more sessions of my favorite water class. I burn 400+ calories during my sessions and starting May 1st, I will have the option for that class on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday!! :love:

    Tuesday Goal: To get 7 straight days of eating within my goal and working out 5 of those days. One day down and 6 more to go :glasses:

    @ MyMOwMOw -- boy he got addicted to those walks fast! Wish I would fall in love with my exercise program like that.

    @kvandeest -- my mom suffers with arthritis in her back and hips. Good luck!

    @karenleaona -- one day at a time, that's all we can do.

    @jtconst-- love your reminders of water. I always take some big gulps when I see it! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    @lmackbeth -- Great hikes!! Spring seems so far away when we still have about 12" on the ground from that last storm. We in the Dakotas (and probably Minnesota too) sure hope that spring falls on a Saturday this year. :laugh:

    @lauriek70 -- you are an inspiration!!!!

    @GrammyWhammy -- glad you had a nice visit. Alzheimer's is tough on families.

    @Kris -- very successful 3 weeks -- love it when your hard work pays off!

  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    @bohemian- It's great to be back. I definitely didnt fall off the band wagon while I was gone, just got difficult to get on here and type lol work had me busy with auditors and such. I dont think any of the races I've seen are free here, the good thing is that some of the proceeds from a few of them go to charity. Which means, tax write off LOL

    Tuesday goals- To go to the gym tonight and do some pushups when I get home. I have been working my lower body out like crazy and have only been putting half that effort into my arms. I'm tired of seeing my arms still waving after I've stopped. This has ALWAYS been my problem area.

    Everything else is going well. I see lots of new folks on here since I've been gone. Keep up all the good work ladies and gents, it really does pay off. :)

  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Tues goals: to exercise at the gym more and make it a priority.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    mackbeth - haven't gotten on a golf course yet - too much rain - I envy you all your hiking and kayaking - so much fun!
    Kvandeest - as another person with arthritis, I say - don't give up! We all can't be marathoners, some of us have to be the "slow ones" in the race....just do what exercise you can do but stop before you are in pain...
    Laurie - I'm SO GLAD you won your bet with your trainer, can't wait to hear Chapter Two in this saga!
    Anitadanafit - welcome. Glad to hear you already are working out. Kudos to you.
    Grammy - glad you had a good visit with your sister and BIL. Cancun must have been lovely and I hope you got some sun.
    Pandora - welcome. And your so right. Consistancy is the key to everything. You MUST be consistant in your eating and your exercise to succeed.
    Boho - great goal!
    Kaye - if you Right Click on Reply and the choose Open Link in New Tab, you will open a New Page and can Toggle back and forth and can compose your answers to everyone, then post from the New page.
    So sorry about your knee, but on the other hand, your oxygen news is good.
    Suzee - your motivation will get stronger as you start seeing results -
    tih - great idea recruiting family to "prod" you into exercising!
    Rachel - I love your new picture - your dedication is inspiring!

    Tues Goals - to keep on exercising on the Wii Step Up board.
    I am DOWN to my previous weight again - I am so happy and relieved to be shed of the extra pounds I put on when I was in the worst of my depression - I had gained almost 10 pounds and it is ALL GONE!
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    I am back with lessons learned!!! I knew I would not have internet and that I would be off plan this weekend, and really thought I did OK. But not logging my calories was a HUGE mistake!!! I did not gain a ton or anything but I FEEL the difference and can tell it is harder to get fully back on track!!! I am taking this lesson, and making sure I bring my computer this weekend while we are away again and LOGGING my food, even if it looks ugly!!! Ugly truth is MUCH healthier than any of lies I can tell myself!!!

  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    My goal this week is to log my food all week. I am going to attempt the exercise bike and see if my knees and back will like it or not. Time continues to be an issue. Either I must get up at 4:30 - but then my whole body is stiff and I haven't had my medications yet or do it at night. Lately, I have come home and sat - being really tired, maybe some depression, and sometimes hurting.

    I am trying to stay positive and happy that I have every day, but I'd sure like to see some progress to get me going. Thanks for all of the positive feedback.
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Tuesday goal:get a good work out in tonight. I am feeling pumped today because I came in an hour early to work and kicked some major butt! I got a lot done this morning and it feels great. I got a huge relief. All I have to do now is get confirmation on wires and payment info on open invoices. Wire confirmations will be fairly easy but payment info from customers on terms will take some time.

    I had a talk with my bf about how i just didn't feel like I was getting the support I need. I just felt like everyone is telling me I need to lose weight but not offering support or to help me in any way. He told me that he does support me he just doesn't want me to do this for the wrong reasons and doesn't want me to feel like he doesn't love me for who I am now because he does. I think that is really something that I needed to hear. He promised to be more supportive and help me how ever he can.

    Have a great day!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    kaye- glad your knee is feeling better. Hope you have good results from the overnight oximeter

    got a new bed, dresser and nightstands delivered today. Gonna put linens on them then go out and do some gardening
  • jack_yve
    jack_yve Posts: 35
    "Tuesday - Goals you have any Goals you want to update us?"

    So i guess I should state my goals.
    1) get healthy and active
    2) build stamina and endurance
    3) take off and keep off 120 lbs
  • barbd70
    barbd70 Posts: 35
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good evening everyone. I hope you all had a great day. Robin I am happy to hear you managed to get rid of the pounds you had gained. I know they were bothering you. Great job Helena speaking up to your boyfriend instead of internilizing those feelings. I think we all struggle with that from time to time. Kaye I am happy your knee is feeling a little better. I hope you were able to find something that didnt put to much strain on the knee.I think the only goals I have at the moment is to just keep going the way I have been. I want to be a little more consistent with the food. I have started to let small things slide and am seeing the results by no movement on the scale. I have been doing a lot of yard work the last couple of days and have more planned for the rest of the week. I am trying to make a little oasis type area in our backyard before my husband comes home to surprise him. There is a big annual plant sale at the grange this weekend were I hope to find most of the plants I will need. Did a short (35 min) workout in the pool at the gym today. I figured just get the muscles all loosened up and then go abuse them in the yard:laugh: Well have a great evening everyone and c ya tomorrow:happy:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @karenleona & tammy--gardening is a very productive way to burn some calories! :smile:

    @helena--glad the BF is trying to support you. My husband had the same issues back when I started this. He wanted to support me, but didn't want to inadvertently call me "fat." :laugh: It really took a lot of communication and me telling him exactly what I needed him to do/say. Sometimes it was trial and error, too. For example, I thought I wanted him to push me to go to the gym, but when he actually did so, I found it annoying. We learned that when I whined "I don't feel like going to the gym!" he should respond "You should do what will make you feel good" rather than "You should go to the gym." Now, instead of whining that I don't want to go, I say things like "I don't care that the house is a mess; I'm going to the gym!" Progress. :smile:

    @kvan--I think figuring out a workout schedule is one of the biggest challenges in this process. For me, that was way harder than curbing the eating or changing the types of foods I eat. I still struggle to balance exercise and grading during the school year. Just keep experimenting with different approaches--you'll figure out what works best eventually.:flowerforyou:

    @robin--CONGRATS on losing that 10 lbs. that snuck back on! :drinker:

    @mel--what I said to kvan above--it's hard, but you can do it!

    @rachel--I also love your profile pic--it really shows the great progress you've made! Every race I enter has a fee, but they all go to charity (at least in part), so I also feel that justifies the cost. I hadn't thought about the tax deduction--will have to remember that for next year's taxes.

    @tracy--love your tuesday goal!

    @suzee--can you find substitutes for those foods you are missing? Or can you just eat a little bit, so you don't feel deprived? When I started this, I promised myself I would never deny myself a food I really wanted--instead I would earn the calories through exercise. I quickly learned that some of my old "favorites" just weren't worth the amount of sweat they would cost. And even though, in theory, I wouldn't deny myself any particular foods, there were still a lot of things I just couldn't keep in the house anymore. For example, I went over a year without Frosted Mini-Wheats b/c I knew I couldn't keep them in the house without eating the whole box. :blushing: Once I felt I could control myself, I bought some and it wasn't a problem, but I still don't buy them very often.

    @tina--yeah, since your clinicals are only a couple of days a week, it makes more sense to log some exercise for those days vs. switching your activity level. I think it's fair to give yourself about a third to half the time back depending on how active you were during that time. Ultimately, I would err on the side of caution, but you'll know if it's not enough based on hunger and your progress overall.

    @kaye--congrats on impressing your doc, and thanks for the support. I can't figure out which is harder to break--the nicotine addiction or the general habit. At times, I know I'm only using the e-cig b/c of habit--when I'm on the phone, driving in a car, after a meal. However, I also have moments where I getreally irritable and then I know I just need the nicotine (though not much at all).

    @kelley--I think one thing that has helped is that IL banned smoking in all bars and restaurants a few years ago, so I've already gotten used to having a cocktail without a smoke. Otherwise I agree, that would be the hardest part.

    @alison--yes, as I said--I try not to judge (don't want to become one of THOSE people :tongue: ), but I can't imagine going to the gym to NOT sweat. I tell myself that perhaps all of those people have medical conditions that keep them from working really hard, and at least they are doing something vs. sitting on the couch. It doesn't really bother me so much as baffle me...

    @pandora--ooh, a trip is always a great motivation! Where are you going?

    Tuesday Goals:
    My goal for this week is to balance grading with exercise--I've had a bit of a break from the grading since returning after Spring Break. I have some AP papers and journals, along with some Advanced Grammar projects that I need to complete over the next week, so here's my schedule:

    Wed--grade journals and projects during school day (it's state tests, so I'll have some time); then gym after school
    Thurs--finish grading journals during school day; haircut and pedi after school (grade AP papers in between)
    Fri--rest day for both
    Sat--long run then grade AP papers
    Sun--meet friends for brunch then grade AP papers in afternoon

    Walk gunner everyday that weather cooperates--it's pretty rainy today, but should get nicer as the weekend approaches.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Grammy- I usually don’t run that fast and can barely make the one lap or 200 M. Don’t get discourage you will do it. Glad you enjoyed your trip to Cancun, it was a great place to get away.:glasses:

    Kris- Congratulations on your weight loss. :flowerforyou: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Karen- Great job using the e-cig. I am also interested to know if his workouts will change after he experiences rock climbing. I am guessing he will be sore after that workout. Can you keep the rain in Chicago? I think it is suppose to hit us tonight and tomorrow. :drinker: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    Pandora- Welcome. You are right about being consistent during this process and eating smaller portions does help. Don’t knock the jumping because that is a great way to burn calories. You are using more parts of your body which increases your heart rate.

    Alison-I love the fact that you are playing Badminton and doing Morris Dancing. That type of dancing sounds like a great workout. My workouts have been building up over time so don’t get discouraged you will be there before you know it.:happy:

    Kah- I love your goal of #60lbs in one year. Enjoy your Saturday workout will you combine any of those exercises during your session. :happy:

    Kaye- Glad your knee is feeling a bit better. Rest and ice may be the best thing for it. I hope you can get rid of the oxygen at night. My key to doing personal is to open a word document and type my responses as I read. Then copy and paste into MFP, if I don’t then I don’t remember what I want to say.

    Tina- Hope you feel better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Suzee- Motivation is important and there are times when it is difficult to maintain. :grumble: However, once you have been doing this for a while you will know what to eat without much thought. I think more about food when I want to try something different or go out to eat. If you are able then use the food you are missing the most as a reward but limit your intake of it only eat a part of it or just one- don’t go overboard. Sometimes when we limit or cut out our favorite foods we lose sight of the purpose of our weight loss which is to achieve a healthier life style. :drinker:

    Tlh- Yeah for water aerobics- A great way to exercise.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Robin- Yeah- 10 lbs gone that is wonderful. The step up board sounds like a great work. How high is the step? Doing step up is a great way to improve your balance as well. Happy Dance for you. :flowerforyou: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Kvandeest- If you are starting back on the exercise bike make sure it is set up appropriately for you with regards to height and seat placements. Start slowly maybe 5 minutes at a time then rest, that way you can see how your knee handles the stress on the bike.
    Helena- I am so glad that your boyfriend is being supportive. :bigsmile:

    KarenLeona- A new bed and bedroom sets sounds wonderful. I am looking forward to picking out a new bedroom set when I get my own place. :love:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Tuesday goals - Stay as close to 'on track' as I can. I have a work potluck tomorrow so I'll be eating stuff I'm not used too anymore..... Was a busy day at work so LOTS of walking. My runkeeper app logged it as 3 hours of walking, but I only logged 25 minutes of it (tons of back and forth across the campus).

    When I got home I made potato salad (5lbs of taters), macaroni salad, and pretty little chocolate cupcakes with amazing red icing rosettes all over them. I rarely do this, but I actually logged 45 minutes of 2 hours I spent in the kitchen. With what I had on hand and some epic couponing, it only cost me 7.95 out of pocket and that was only because I splurged on that icing, without it I would have only used about 3.00 of my own cash.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Tonight I worked out with my friend and her trainer. It was a different workout that what I am use to but I was able to turn on my gluts during one of the exercises- which is a great accomplishment for me. Tonight was really about strengthening the core and the balance. I did learn some new exercises and realized that I enjoy my hour sessions with my trainer. I am not sure 30 minutes would do the same thing for me even with my trainer. This was a low-key workout which I needed after last nights all out effort and I felt so much better afterwards.

    Grading: I need to stop procrastinating about doing the re-grades for the weather unit test. I would rather be on MFP than grading those papers. Tomorrow I will at least get them started since I will have time after school.

    Pull together a Stem lesson for my 7th grade students on building a water filtering systems using everyday supplies plus find additional information for my co-workers so we can make it a STEM day. All because we have a meeting next week and we want to make it look like we are doing something like we have time for anything else.

    Fitness goals: To keep exercising this week by finding something active to do on a daily basis by taking a walk around my school and doing all the stairs before heading out to my meetings.

    Goals for the week-
    Saturday-Rock Wall/ walking and stretching DONE
    Sunday- Swim DONE
    Monday- Trainer DONE :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Tuesday-Not sure--might need to attend a training session for work not looking forward to it. Workout DONE with a different trainer and a friend.
    Wednesday- I might walk at Kinder Park or take a rest day REST DAY
    Thursday- Gym REST- another meeting after work
    Friday- Rock wall

    Saturday and Sunday- will be at special Olympics- so lots of walking and being on my feet. I will most likely walk to the event depending on the weather so the rain needs to stay away for the weekend. Especially on Sunday, since we are planning to be outside.
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    I wonder how many calories I burn wrestling with a self-injurous and aggressive seven-year-old in a child-control-hold for half an hour? :grumble: Other than that, I got virtually no exercise today and I also went way over calories. :explode: Well, it happens every once in a while, I guess, and hopefully I learn something in the process. It was cold and rainy here all day, after I bragged about spring, :laugh: but I could have gone for a walk at least or tried harder to stop the stress munching. Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 70s and sunny, so I will head out in the kayak for sure! :happy: My dad and his hiking partner got dropped off at the house of some former PCT through-hikers who now host anyone who wants to stay there on their way to the trail for kick-off. Dad says they are hosting 47 hikers tonight! I can hardly believe that my 73-year-old father is about to embark on a 2665-mile hike from Mexico to Canada through 3 states, 24 national parks, 33 wildernesses, and six out of the seven climate zones in North America! If anyone is interested in following their trail journal, let me know, and I will post it. I'm hoping to get in shape to hike the trail myself some day, perhaps when I hit 50.

    @kelley - with virtually no steps today, I've left plenty of room for you to catch up.
    @karen(skjb) - growing up in western ohio, I learned to ski on a garbage-dump-turned-mountain-resort :laugh: so I am quite familiar with the flatlanders' perspective on hills. but perhaps you should use the incline treadmil (much as you hate it) a few times before your trip to Switzerland? :wink:
    @robin - congrats on the loss :flowerforyou: - what a little movement will do, eh?
    @tammy & karenleona - good luck with the gardens!
    @laurie - I forgot to mention, it's good to see you stepping up the social :flowerforyou: ... I remember that was a goal of yours.
  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks everyone for the words of wisdom. They really are helpful. I was going to go for a walk but the weather has once again turned cold. Yesterday when I left work it was 89 degrees. Today when I left it was 46 and has gotten colder. Too cold for me.
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    @robin and skinny---Thank you my loves. I was 31 pounds down in that picture on the right. Once I get to 50 I'm taking another one :) I have seen so many changes in my body. It's unreal how unhealthy I was.

    Wed Wish---Wishing I could get more sleep. I have been struggling with that..yet AGAIN. I did get 8 1/2 hrs last night, but I woke up feeling so sluggish and exhausted. I go through these periods of time where I will sleep alot and then not sleep. Very bizarre.

    Anyways, it's a lovely 70 degrees out and I'm going to take advantage of that by going for a walk after lunch. Gotta love getting paid to exercise. :) Have a great day my loves!!!! Drink your water!!!
