Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Des and Boho = thanks for the Challenge Ideas. Here are the May Challenges:

    1. Lose 4 lbs. for the Month. Or,
    2. Try a new exercise, tape or DVD. 0r
    3. Update your look or try a different look or style.

    and thank you too Kah.

    Des - I'm sorry you're struggling with depression. As someone who's been there, I can just say, good for you for sticking with your efforts to get up each morning. That's good enough, plus a little more each day. Glad you've learned you can't go without your meds (at least without Drs. supervision) - that's VERY risky and can bounce you right into an even worse depression than you were in in the first place. Don't HESITATE to call out for a cheerful word when you're down. I've done so and these great folks have lifted me up time and time again.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Thanks, Robin! I didn't MEAN to go off my meds, it's just that I take them at night and for a few days I was getting home really late and I pretty much just climbed into bed when I got home and forgot. Now I keep them by the bed so I will see them. I used to keep them in the kitchen so I would see them when I made dinner (better when taken with food) but if I don't eat at home, I didn't see them.

    I'm feeling much better now. Not quite 100% but not so much a struggle anymore.

    Besides, I'm only 3 pounds away from having lost 50 pounds! YAY!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Wednesday Wish - that today would be my high calorie date :devil: I had a friend call this morning. She lives about an hour out of town and works weird shifts with the oil fields...she was going to be in town and wanted to do lunch. I had a salad, but it did have Calamari on it so not all that low calorie.:brokenheart: And then tonight, we are having our end of year choir supper. Looks like I might run out of calories, but we'll see. Luckily, I know its going to be soup for the main dish but there will also be dessert bars -- yumm.

    @skinneyjeans -- mmmm, cookies! That was very thoughtful.
    @Alison -- I'm glad your clothes are going to find good homes. And I'm glad you found some new/old space. Closets can be a little overwhelming.
    @Des - Good luck. My husband suffers from depression (although, ta-da, he quit drinking and has gotten better :love: ). His doctor prescribed him to watch sitcoms and comedy movies. It was a fun thing for us to do together and it lifted his mood.


    Yesterday, I was able to walk 40 minutes without any shin splints with my new shoes!!

    Suggestion for future challenges -- set a time of activity in a week. Right now, I'm doing a challenge through work -- they had 4 levels of activity -- 150, 300, 450 or 600 minutes per week. This was my first challenge, so I did the 150. Next time, I think I'll challenge myself to the 300.

    Happy May Day and I'm looking forward to our challenge!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi Everybody!
    I’m back at work today after hurting my back on Sunday. I have been taking muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatory, and pain killers. It feels great to be back at work, even though it will probably take me the rest of the week to catch up.
    Good news is I have lost some lbs. I did not move very much since hurting my back Sunday and I ate pretty much food so I’m surprised that I lost.

    Quote of the Day: - "Men succeed when they realize that their failures are the preparation for their victories."
    ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Here is to hoping you all have a healthy day!

  • jack_yve
    jack_yve Posts: 35
    May goal - Update your look or try a different look or style. OK
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! Drive by, but I'll be back later to post more.

    Welcome back, Des!!! :flowerforyou:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    May goal - Update your look or try a different look or style. OK

    i kind of like that idea
  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    Hey Robin. I'm up for the 4 pounds in May!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Thanks for the encouraging words about being an Aunt. I know it will be fun.

    Robin and others I love the challenges especially doing something nice for ourselves. I think I am going to aim for 2 lbs loss this month. I am heading to NY for 2 days on a bus trip with school next week. In addition, I have multiple meetings this month so it will mean eating out. I will also try to update my look.

    Des- Welcome back it is good to see you again.

    Kaye and KarenLeona- Hope the knee surgeries go well and that you are out of pain soon.

    Welcome Matt.

    Goals to keep working out this week and to give my trainer a great workout on Friday when he goes rock climbing with me. I will report back on that adventure.
    I have a lot of grading to do so I need to get busy and it needs to be done by Tuesday.
    90 comic strips
    90 regrades

    Wish- That my trainer gets hooked on rock climbing and that he discovers new muscle groups.
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    I'm definitely in for the May challenges - no loss in April, despite increased activity... need to be more careful with my calories to get the scale moving again. I will also update my look and my workouts! Thanks for the great ideas! Well, I will catch up more later. Pretty pooped tonight.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Wednesday wish. Wish that I hadn't eaten so many calories today. I had baked salmon when we ate out, and it was way more calories than I thought it was. Then we went to a little party honoring my granddaughter and other graduating seniors. I indulged in the dessert while there, too. Today is, without a doubt, the worst day since I started this at the end Sept. Must be more careful!
    Have good night. Kaye
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @Robin - First of all, how did I not know your name was Ellen? I swear I thought your name was Robin. LOL!!! Second, you were right on target with so many of your comments. I never want to admit I need help or can't do something or just feel like I'm in total control. I love the new job and really trying to prove myself, but I do need to slow down or I'm going to completely burn out. Actually, I have many of those snacks on hand. The Emerald Dark Chocolate Almonds are my favorite! I do pretty good with breakfast/lunch, but lose it at night. I definitely need to focus on my night time snacking. You know you're my fearless leader through the ups and downs. Thank you again for your support!!

    @Skinny - I know you can relate especially as a teacher. The month of May is NUTS as your winding down the school year. I think that's part of my stress too is balancing my job, getting Cyrus through his baseball season, end of school activities, etc. . . While I'm just trying to maintain, I still need to push myself. Thank you again for your support and I agree we need to be ALL in come June.

    Welcome to all the new folks! I'm awful at personals, but I do read your posts and will respond when I can.

    Wednesday Wish: I need to get out of this funk and fast. Plus, I'm really struggling with a friend who just got the gastric sleeve. She's already posting a 17 lb loss and logs her 350 calories each day. While I know it's major surgery and it's still making lifestyle changes, who wouldn't lose weight eating only 350 calories? I'm sorry if any of you had the surgery, but I've been battling this journey for 16 months. Yes, I've lost and have hit so many plateaus and just trying to maintain through some life challenges right now. It's a HUGE mental challenge for me that I have to figure out. If it was as simple as eating less and exercising more, I wouldn't have 100+ lbs to lose. I know I'm further along than I've ever been. The old me would have completely derailed if I gained 5 lbs, but I'm holding on. Yes, this may take be a lot longer, but I'm doing it the healthy way (in my honest opinion).
  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    Hang in there Susan, I know exactly how you feel. I have a co worker who had the gastric bypass. She has lost an enormous amount of weight. Her first surgery she just had the band and gained it all back. Now she eats crap still (like 2 pieces of cake) while I'm struggling not to eat any. Anyway I know where you're coming from. I just try to remember any thing worth having usually involves a struggle.

    @Kaye. I always have to put thoses days behind me and just regroup.

    Hope everyone else is doing ok.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    Just checking in. I like the new goal for May. I am in!

    Will be back by later. It was a hard stressful day at work I am heading to bed.

    Night all!

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    I am truly sorry for all of those that are struggling right now, we ALL go through these phases. What I love about everyone here is that none of us is perfect, we have bad days and we have good days but we’re never afraid to be honest with how things are going or how we’re feeling. We just need to do our best to get through stressful times, we know it’s just temporary. So hugs to each of you! :flowerforyou:

    Weight loss surgery is kind of a sore subject with me, as a result I have never been an advocate but for some people it’s the only way out. One thing we need to remember though is that once they have that surgery, their stomach cannot hold as much food as it could before – oh, they can “retrain” it to hold more, but then what would be the purpose? If they are following the plan their doctor’s have outlined for them they can only eat 2oz of food at a sitting (including beverages) – as a result they have to eat a diet limited in calories (usually no more than about 500 a day), they are closely monitored by their doctors. Actually, any more than that and they will become very sick. So, while we hate to see them eating so little – they don’t have a choice. It is not a healthy option. It is a terrible way to live, a lot of patient’s have a lifelong of health problems afterwards. I watched a neighbor go through it (the old Reux-en-Y procedure) and the complications that came with it, she eventually lost that battle.

    @Kaye~We are going to have days like that, we just need to make sure that our good days outweigh the bad. Today is a new day! :glasses:
    @Ellen(Robin)~Great options for the May challenge. I am planning on the 4#, but with a shopping spree on the horizon for new summer clothes I plan to update my look a little too!
    @Laurie~Another climbing session with your trainer? Fun, I like that you can challenge him a bit too!

    Thursday Truth~Had session with trainer last night, we did station training with heavy lifting (he even did some lifting with me, which he never does). He pushed my muscles to their absolute fatigue and I’m feeling it this morning, my poor arms are like wet noodles!

    Busy day, I better get back to it…
  • caramel1920
    caramel1920 Posts: 271
    Happy Thursday everyone!!!!
    It's especially happy since today is my Friday! And I have been working my tushie off lately! I have also been eating not the best for the past few weeks which for me is not good! I have been killing it with Combat (almost finished first round) yay me!:happy: And while I am losing inches, there is no weight lost for me in a while because of my eating habits. I do plan to kick it into high gear next month with cleaner eating to prepare for my cruise in September, but even I know that sounds crazy to wait until then, so I might as well get myself together now, cause it's not just for a vacation it's for my life!

    One frustration I'm having with others is they tell me that I look so good, I shouldn't lose anymore weight! :mad: I've had more than one person in my life tell me that! It's not helpful, not that I'm letting it discourage me, but it's just like...encourage me and keep it moving please! :grumble: My aunt told me that last week and I told her thanks but I'm not staying fat for anyone else to be comfortable! I'm still obese and I won't stop until I'm at a healthy weight/size for me! I'm healthy and I intend to stay that way! The funny thing is the women in my family all have high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease...why oh why would I want to just lay down and accept that?! I think NOT! I am going to do whatever I can to break the cycle and rage against the dying of the light! Okay...rant over! Have a great day and weekend everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    This weather is ridiculous! After 2 80 degree days (in which my air conditioner broke) We had snow last night! Fellow was going to come and repair my A/C today but its too cold to do it! Sheesh.

    Thursday Truth - uhh..... I hate that this comes under Thursday truth, but I have been exercising all week :laugh: I have been either doing the Wii Step Up (twice this week) or vigorous housework, or mall walking. I'm quite proud of myself. I've been hurting all week too, but hey that's what Ibuprofen is for, right?
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hello Friends,

    Thursday Truth--- I am just so wiped out trying to keep up at work, school, with kiddo and logging that I read posts here but never get back around to making personals. I am sorry for not being here as much as I have been in the past. Once finals are over I can post more for I dropped my summer classes because I didn't have the out of pocket money to pay for books and part of tutition.
    Work is crazy busy with working on projects for Canada and India the office move went okay I enjoy walking the Skyways.

    @ All Successes - Congrats

    @All Struggling- Keep your head up you can do this
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Hello, all!

    Re: Surgery. Again, not bashing anyone who took that route, you have to do what's best for you. But last month when I went to see my doctor, I was feeling kinda down. I hate hit a plateau and I just got off a miserable TOM and was still feeling bloated, etc. I told her "I need a cheerleader!" She pulled out a chart to show me weight loss statistics of people who lose weight different ways. And for people who have surgery, they tend to lose a lot of weight at first, but over time gain back and maintain an average of 15% of their weight loss. So a 300 pound person would level out at about 255 EVEN IF THEY FOLLOW DOCTOR'S ORDERS TO THE LETTER. These are people who eat what they're supposed to post-surgery.

    I had lost more than 15% of my weight, so she was using that as a boost to show I had better results and hadn't spent thousands of dollars on surgery.

    Now, of course, I'm still in the losing stage. Who says I'll be able to maintain my loss, too? But it was interesting, and she really is a great cheerleader. One of the nice things about this program is that they will follow you for life, if you will come in for appointments. Once I'm maintaining well, I only need to go back a few times a year to touch base and get help with any struggles, and get me back on track fast if I slip. But I think that accountability and support will be nice.

    Anyway, I'm thrilled that I am now in a new "tens place" and only 2.5 pounds from losing 50! I need a really good reward for hitting 50 pounds lost. Maybe new clothes. We'll see!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    happy thursday peeps! hope everyone is having a great week.