Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    Hi again. Everyone's posts are so inspirational. I haven't been good about posting every day. I am trying to get my weight loss started, so I am doing some protein replacement shakes and eating small meals. I am hoping this helps me get started on losing again.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning. I am thrilled that I actually lost .3# instead of the gain that I expected after our trip!
    Karenleona, I hope that we are getting our second knee replacements at the same time. I'm sure that is what is going to have to happen for me, too. I just hope that he can do it that soon. I need to be ready to take care of the grandkids by the time school starts in the fall.
    Welcome to the new people. This is a good place to be.
    Goals: Get back into logging my food, and keeping my calories down as I won't be able to walk. Still hoping for ONEderland by my birthday. I have 3 weeks and 3# to go.
    Have a good day. Kaye
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Well, so far so good. Yesterday met my calorie goal, did the water aerobics and then hit the weight machines. UGH. I can feel it. My sister has been suggesting that I join her in the lifting heavy, free weights but I'm too intimidated right now. However, yesterday, I did the lift heavy part -- well, at least for me. I set the weights at 70 and was proud to be able to chest press 3 sets of 10. However, by the time I got to the last machine, it was 3 sets of 3 at 30 pounds for the bicep curls. :grumble: My first reaction was to be frustrated but then I thought about it and I'm proud of myself. :flowerforyou:

    Taking Emma to her basketball practice and going to go walking on the suspended track (got my old and new shoes packed!!). Then I get my mom's homemade meatballs tonight and then strawberry shortcake for dessert. Love that I get to partake in family birthdays now that I'm in Bismarck. My baby sister's birthday is today and that's her pick for food. And to top it all off -- I have enough calories for it!! Since Mom and I use the same recipe, I know the calorie content. Double bingo!!

    @ Helenavee -- Amusement parks are wonderful and while I don't know what you weigh, based on your amount to lose, you would be fine on all the rides. Last summer, at about 250, I went to ValleyFair in Minneapolis and the only ride I wasn't able to do because of my weight was the hanging roller coaster (actually, that's what got me motivated for weight loss -- we're going back this summer and I'm going to enjoy that ride!!).
    @LaurieK -- Happy on one hand and sad on the other. I can relate as my husband and I were told we would never be able to have children (not the same situation as yours, but...) Its hard because you are so happy for your brother but just sad for you. And never say never -- I have two children now -- one natural and one adopted. We never know what is in store for us.
    @Liz -- proud of you for finishing!!
    @skinnyjeans -- MMMM Doritos (sigh) My HRM has a chest band that when it dries it quits working so I couldn't really wear it all day, but I'd love to know what my true "daily" calorie burn is.
    @Matthew -- it is possible. I'm glad you have a realistic goal of 2 per week. Slow and Steady (although if we are all honest, sometimes the slow is more prominant!! :laugh: )
    @grandmaKaye -- glad to see the loss. It'll take some steal focus, but 3# in 3 weeks is doable. Good luck!

    Happy Tuesday!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Tuesday goals: to eat healthy this week and get to the gym on Thursday and on the weekend.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Welcome to our new members! I'm so glad to see you here and see your determination! We are here to support and motivate you, as well as address and questions you might have.

    Folks we need to discuss what is to be our MAY CHALLENGE. I know some of you are on maintenance, ie. SkinnyJeans and Susan, but for the rest of us, I'l like to suggest a weight loss challenge of 4 pounds - that's 1 lb. a week. What does everyone think about that?

    I am open to other suggestions as well. :flowerforyou:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin--sorry I'm not participating in the May challenge. Even if I weren't already resigned to maintenance, I have so many events in May, it would be really hard to lose. I promise to be back 100% come June! :smile:

    @mel--nice goals!

    @tracy--glad you are able to fit the b-day celebration into your goals! I think that's a bigger success than trying to avoid such treats--I feel like it means so much more to be able to live our lives, but still stay on track than to try to abstain from special occasions. Great job!

    @kaye--great job losing while on your trip and I hope the doc gets your knee all fixed up according to your timeline.

    @kvan--I think upping the protein is a smart move to get back on track.

    @kelley--thanks for the info--see, I didn't have any idea Body Bug required a monthly fee, so I learned something new. Are you planning to go somewhere for your vacation?

    @hayley & matthew--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Tuesday Goals:
    Well my main goal was to get to the gym today which I did. Thought about running outside instead, but I really needed the variety of the gym so I could do some weights and the rowing machine and bike in addition to running.

    I'm feeling completely overwhelmed by work, but just taking it one day at a time. Trying to keep up with all of the "little" bits of grading throughout the week b/c I'm collecting more essays on Thursday. :grumble: It's not really working, but I could be doing least I got a bit of grading done today. Tomorrow will be devoted to after-school grading.

    Making my lunch helped with the food. However, one of my students had been on vacation in Hawaii and returned today. He brought me a bag of macadamia chocolate chip shortbread cookies. They're very little, but they are also very addictive. I put them out in the office so others would help me eat them--I still ate too many. :ohwell:
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Popping in... was on a small vacay last weekend (Thursday-Sunday) and had a ball, AND didn't log and paid no attention whatsoever to calories. So as much as I'd like to join the May challenge, with a 2 week trip to California in the middle of May, I think my goal is to not gain. :smile:

    Hugs to all, now off to read backward for a bit and see what I've missed....
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Oh dear, I don't want to make an unpopular challenge. Just need some suggestions for the May Challenge. Put on your thinking caps, 'k?
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I'm afraid that just keeping up with the basics is going to be a challenge for me. I'm in a lot of pain and daughter goes back to work tomorrow. I'll have the 5-year-old again and the new baby, now 2.5 months old until school is out the end of May. Karen, I know how busy the end of school will be. Daughter is going back to work just in time to get all of the books in, and close up the library.
    I have a small landing, 2 steps up and 2 steps down, into my laundry room. I've been doing fine all day getting the laundry done. This evening I forgot to turn around and go backwards down the step and really hurt my knee. I hope it quits hurting so I can sleep. I've had ice on it for awhile.
    Have a good night. Kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Kaye~I’m sorry for your continued knee pain, I hope you get some relief soon. How long before your see your ortho?

    @Karen~The fee for the BodyBugg isn’t bad – you can pay for a full-year in advance or its probably around $10/mo. After my year was up I never renewed. You can use the site to log your foods like you do here and you upload info from the device – I think the newer devices (mine is about 5-years old) may upload via Bluetooth capabilities. Also, I think it syncs with MFP now. I’m going to Colorado for vacation this year to visit my sister and celebrate my nephews 6th birthday (my visit will be his birthday surprise – we’re keeping it a secret).

    @Shrinkrapt~Glad you enjoyed your mini-vacay, sometimes it’s nice to just get away both figuratively and physically.

    @Robin~I’m okay with the challenge, but since we have thread members at so many different stages of this journey maybe we should focus on something other than weight loss. I got to thinking, its May – as in “May flowers.” A lot of us spend so much time doing for others, maybe we have a challenge where do something for ourselves. What if the challenge was to do something nice for ourselves – whether it be treat ourselves to a massage, mani/pedi, new clothes/jewelry, new workout DVD, etc.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Welcome newlings! It's definitely a doable thing, this journey. I'm thinking of it as a pilgrimage to a better way of life.

    @Robin -- I'm definitely up for a weight loss challenge in May. I ought to lose this week as we're having a very active weekend's holiday, and that will be a good start. Four pounds would get me down below 180!

    Shopping was mixed. I went to lots of shops, but I didn't find lots of things to buy, and I think the things I did get were a bit boring. But a big win today; I have spent the morning finally finishing my wardrobe sort-out. A few more bags for the charity shop, a big bag for the next time my pals do a clothes swap, and all the clothes that fit me are tidily put away. There's a little bit in the wash but not much, and not one item in my wardrobes that I'm not planning to wear again. I have so much space!

    -- Alison
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Hi, guys! Remember me?

    I have been MIA on the boards, but have mostly been keeping up with logging. It's been a really tough month. I had a birthday, which was nice and I did a whole day of pampering -- massage, facial, mani/pedi, hair cut and color. I was at the spa from 9:30 am until 4:30! And yes, they served me lunch :)

    And I went to the steampunk event in town and was able to fit into my corset! Here's a picture of me from that day: 20.29.01.jpg. I didn't realize my hoop was slipping so badly!

    But in spite of all the goodness, I've been really fighting the depression. I can write down all the good stuff in one list and all the bad stuff in another list and it's so obvious that the good outweighs the bad, but yet I'm still in a funk. I just want to stay in bed and it takes every bit of willpower to make myself get up and do the essentials. I messed up on my meds and forgot to take them for a few days. I didn't realize 3-4 days without my meds would mess me up so much, but I've been super careful to remember to take them and I am getting better. I guess if there was any question about whether I need to be on them, that answers it.

    My dad has been having a lot of health problems and has been to a slew of doctors and had a bunch of tests run. So far, they have discovered that his adrenal glands have shut down, and he has fungus in his esophogus (probably from all the inhaled steroids he's been taking because of the non-functioning adrenal glands). He already was showing the first signs of dementia. So postiive thoughts and prayers for my dad are appreciated.

    Well, I guess that's a brief update on me. I'm going to try and be around more. I think if I had come by in the depths of the depression, it might have helped me, but it was just one more thing to do and I had troubles just getting up and to work in the mornings. But you all are a fantastic group and I'm really glad I found you.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    May challenga idea -- I'm not a huge fan of weight loss goals because sometimes you can do everything right and the scale still doesn't move. So I like to focus on healthy activities that can lead to weight loss. Since it's Spring and sort of a time for renewal, what about something like...

    1) Try a new healthy recipe (and share it!)
    2) Try a new exercise class/DVD/activity
    3) Clean out the closet of clothes that don't fit/ you don't like/ you haven't worn in a year
    4) Update your look with a new haircut, go to the makeup counter and get advice on applying makeup, buy a new accessory that's different than what you usually wear (a scarf, a bold necklace, etc.)

    What do you think? I'm feeling Springy!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Des and Boho = thanks for the Challenge Ideas. Here are the May Challenges:

    1. Love 4 lbs. for the Month. Or,
    2. Try a new exercise, tape or DVD. 0r
    3. Update your look or try a different look or style.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Stapia - Welcome Shelly from Maryland. Don't get discouraged. A pound a week is not bad. You're working out and that's great!

    Laurie - congrats on your .8 lb. loss. You're going to be a great aunt, and you'll love the feeling. Who knows what the future will hold for you personally?

    Matthew - you'll meet a few other men in this group, nice guys too. We love our men here, and we'll support your efforts gladly.

    Haley - great attitude with wanting to work out every day. Consistency is the key to exercise. No exercise program works if you don't do it consistently.

    kaye - so excited for you that onderland is within your sight!
  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    I like the choices for the May challenge. This is day 3 of my higher protein food plan and protein shakes. I have to admit I haven't been as hungry during the day and my cravings have been minimal. I just don't want to get in a rut and get bored. I got on the excerise bike for the first time in over a year (due to 3 surgeries) this weekend. Slow and steady but made it for 15 minutes without a lot of pain. Need to get back on it again tonight.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member

    @Robin~I’m okay with the challenge, but since we have thread members at so many different stages of this journey maybe we should focus on something other than weight loss. I got to thinking, its May – as in “May flowers.” A lot of us spend so much time doing for others, maybe we have a challenge where do something for ourselves. What if the challenge was to do something nice for ourselves – whether it be treat ourselves to a massage, mani/pedi, new clothes/jewelry, new workout DVD, etc.

    Sorry, kah! I didn't read your post before posting my ideas and inadvertantly said many of the same things! Great minds....
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning, I have the kiddos for all day for the first time. Baby went right to sleep for a morning nap. If my knee didn't hurt so bad, I would be up for getting a lot done while she sleeps.
    I'm with Des. I don't like weight-loss goals for the reasons she stated. The other ideas are great.
    Someone asked when I see the ortho about my knee, May 13. I know that is soon but it looks a long way off right now.
    I need to try to get a nursing blanket and burp cloth made for a baby shower gift. The shower is tomorrow night so if I get on it, I should have no problem getting it done. I have some errands to run in a nearby town this evening after the kids are gone, so we will be eating out tonight. Should be okay because I can plan for it.
    Glad to see Des back. I've never had to deal with depression, except for an occasional short-lived "funk". I admire those of you who have to and keep on going. It is very difficult.
    Have a great day. Kaye
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Thanks for the welcome back, Kaye! I have been doing so well for a year since I started the meds, and this is the first time I've gotten sloppy and forgotten to take them for more than one day. I'd been doing so well, I even talked to my doctor about reducing the dosage, but she said she'd like to keep me at this level for a little longer. Seeing how out-of-whack I got when I didn't take them for a few days, I think I agree with her :)

    I did miss you all!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Robin- I love the May loss challenge, because it's the perfect challenge for me right now. I *NEED* to get in gear and see a loss, to stop this backslide. I can freaking do this....dammit. (Picture a stamping foot with that sentence).

    Des - I can relate when you say it's all you can do to get out of bed and go to work. I feel the same way lately. I LOVE the guys I worth with and i LOVE my job, but some mornings (like yesterday) it just seems like TOO much to deal with. I spent the morning snoozing in bed with my boys and the rest of the day hiding in WoW. Glad to see you back and hope things smooth out for you now that you're back on your meds.