WrathfulKatherine Member


  • Scrambled egg whites with sharp cheddar, a fruit smoothie and coffee.
  • If you're looking for TDEE less 20%, you then need to subtract that 590 from the 2953 to get your answer.
  • It depends on what kind of candy it is. Also depends on if the bag has been opened or not. I know what you mean though. It's like they are calling my name until I eat them up!
  • I wear a Polar HRM while on an elliptical machine. After 40 minutes, the elliptical says I've burned 400 calories and my HRM says I've burned about 325. I use the HRM calorie count just to be on the conservative side. Also I usually eat back about half the calories I've burned. I've lost 8 lbs in 4 weeks, although 7 of…
  • I usually under eat and exercise in advance. Trying to "bank" calories, you know? I don't know if it's right or wrong, but it seems to work for me.
  • I make fruit smoothies for my family daily. It's the only way my kids and husband will eat fruit. To make about 4 6oz servings I use: 1 banana 2 slices canned pineapple about 1 cup frozen blueberries (I don't measure these so that's an estimate) about 1 cup frozen strawberries (I don't measure these either) 2 ice cubes…
  • I did Brazilian Butt Lift 5 days a week for 8 weeks. It definitely firmed up my rear. Never did pass the "pencil test" though. As with any DVD workout, once I was able to talk right along with the leader of the class, I was bored and moved on to something else. If you like step aerobics, Christi Taylor is really good and…
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