

  • Thanks for the encouragement everyone. Just feeling sorry for myself I suppose. I'll continue to read, learn and experiment. Thanks again.:smile:
  • I plan out my meals during the week by taking all of my food for the work day (breakfast, lunch and snacks) with the total calorie count established. That way I know what I need to do in the evening. I also plan out evening meals 1 week in advance. I try to eat something every 2 hours or so throughout the day so that I'm…
  • Hey, what is your exercise routine? I agree with most of the posts. Sounds like your body is fighting you thinking you are starving it. If you have a good daily exercise routine, I would suggest a modest increase in calories (balanced of course) and maybe switch up your intensity levels (hard one day, easier another) and…
  • I do about everything in the gym i.e. lifting, elliptical, treadmill, sit-ups, etc. and I can say that swimming kicks my butt. I swim 2x per week for 2500 yds and burn about 800 cal. It works everything and is easy on the joints. My son is a competitive swimmer and has the 6 pack and -0- body fat to go with it. I think it…