nsquires3 Member


  • Hi there I also joined for the accountability ,,, I will friend you ,,, so anytime you want to check in or say hi , I'm on here all the time ! I have found this is a great place for encouragement ! So WOO HOO , good for you for making the commitment ! Good luck !!!!
  • Smart !!! I will definitely do that !!!! I didn't know how to combat it with out becoming a (b) itch from not eating what I want or going over board! Thanks !
  • I am drinking I am drinking , I might just float away ! This is what I needed !! Thank you !
  • Thanks all you have been awesome , today was my first REAL REAL DAY ! and yes I am hungry right now , so I am gonna go drink some water. great advice about eating slow , I am so used to being in a hurry , I don't think I even breath while I eat ! and putting half my lunch back int he fridge - I am so going to try that !!…
  • I pre plan my meals for a week , I am feeding 2 kids and a husband that loses so much weight at work in the summer he has to eat EXTRA calories everyday, I shop once a week all dinners are planned for the week! Lunch is usually my down fall I think , I like sitting down with a bag a chips after cleaning the house or…
  • Hi , you sound just like me.... I'll try to friend you on this site , I've been using this site to track calories for a while or at least a week here and a week there, but this time as they say I am all in. Man this is going to be hard giving up the excuses I give my self! I hope we get some great advice here and it works…
  • I am queued in to my cycle - I get cravings like I did when I was pregnant, I usually will let it fly on those days , but that is usually when I fall of the wagon so to speak! This month I'll be ready for it !!!
  • Ok I opened my diary , please be gentle ! My goals are to not feel hungry all the time , and not to think about food or eating all the time. I would like to lose 1 to 1.5 lbs a week, with minimal exercise (because of my pain level) I say that because as soon as I walk or bike or whatever I will be in pain and then say…
  • Hi , I'm looking for the same thing! I've tried to lose weight before , but never really committed to anything. This time I am really trying to commit! Good Luck to you!
    in Hello Comment by nsquires3 July 2013