How do I stop feeling hungry all the time?



  • Hi I just signed up but planned to start Monday. I have the same problem. I'm a realtor so we're always on the go but lately the effects of being overweight is taking a toll on me. My back hurts so do my legs. I hope to get some guidance on how to make quick not expensive yet healthy meals or What do you suggests if at lunch time a fast eat and grab place? I've been seeing SUBWAY advertise their chopped salads. I quit smoking 2-3 months back so I was already fat now just added more to the problem.

    Glad to be with a good support group.
  • mebepiglet123
    mebepiglet123 Posts: 327 Member
    One of my friends put this on her think its pretty cool...

    101 things to do instead of eating......

    Imagine a healthier, energetic you * Walk around the block * Call a friend * Make a list of your Top Ten Reasons to get active * Read a child a book * Make a To Do list * Dance a little * Plan a vacation * Get a massage * Jot a thank you note to someone * Go to bed early * Read a great book * Write in your Awareness Journal * Give yourself a manicure or pedicure * Plan a healthy meal for your family * Surf the Internet * Finish an unfinished project * Walk your dog * Feel your feelings * Volunteer in your community * Start a hobby * Brush your teeth * Tape your favorite show to watch whileexercising * Take 5 slow, deep cleansing breaths * Practice an instrument * Balance your checkbook * Plan a party * Say a prayer * Buy yourself some flowers * Do a few sit-ups * Make a phone call to someone you like * Chop veggies to keep on hand * Set your priorities * Try a new hairstyle * Give a massage * Write about something you are proud of this week * Clean out a junk drawer * Play a game with your kids * Try a new route on your walk * Scream! * Plant fresh herbs to use in your cooking * Drink a glass of water * Kiss someone * Try on some clothes * Catch up on your reading for work * Look at old pictures * Rent a video * Smell the roses * Wash your car * Chew some gum * Plan a “date” for someone special * Swim a few laps * Read Eat What You Love * Take a hot, soothing bath * Update your calendar * Get it off your chest * Build something * Check in on an elderly person * Work in your yard * Start your holiday shopping list * Count your blessings * Write a letter * Fold some laundry * Listen to your inner conversations * Take a nap * Run an errand * Work on your budget * Take a bike ride * Check your e-mail * Make a positive statement about yourself—repeat often * Give your dog a bath * Start a project you’ve been wanting to get around to * Send a birthday card * Meditate * Try a delicious new recipe * Play cards * Set your goals * Freshen your make-up * Hug someone * Rearrange some furniture * Go take a hike! * Help with homework * Light a fire or some candles * Say “STOP!” out loud * Put your pictures in an album * Walk around your workplace * Try a new relaxation technique * Talk it over with someone * Get a head start on your taxes * S-t-r-e-t-c-h * Do a “Honey Do” * Say what’s on your mind * Go pick up your mail * Straighten a closet * Think * Do something nice for someone anonymously * Check the stock market * Plan a romantic encounter * Clean out files * Tell someone how you really feel * When you become truly physically hungry...
  • kathleenjoyful
    kathleenjoyful Posts: 210 Member
    I add chia seeds (soaked so they become a "gel") to my porridge in the morning, or to smoothies. They are a complete protein (they have numerous other health benefits if you google them) and they "swell" in your stomach and keep you fuller for longer. I find my concentration is better throughout the day if I have them too. You can add them to anything really, baking, salads etc.

    If you're hungry and doing a lot of exercise, eat more. I eat my Basal Metabolic Rate (around 1700 calories) instead of the calorie goal MyFitnessPal gave me. I don't eat back all my exercise calories, but I do often eat over 1700 calories a day. I'm still losing weight. As someone suggested, eat some low calorie deserts. I feel better when I'm not "denying" myself. Or think about what time of the day you are hungriest (I hate going to bed hungry), and eat the majority of your calories at that meal. I always have a big dinner and snacks cause I work out in the evening, and my breakfast and lunch are more average.
  • Sally4020
    Sally4020 Posts: 3
    And Dunkin Donuts is the worst thing you can have. I have actually gotten to where if I smell a Krispy Creme it actually smells bad to me, and I used to be able to sit down with a box of them, just for the sugar and flour. Sugar BAD!!
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    Drink more water!!
  • dixieracer27
    dixieracer27 Posts: 79 Member
    I skimmed over some of the posts in here, and there's some good advice. The first thing I saw that might help you is to not watch tv while you eat. You need to focus on chewing and tasting your food and being in tune to what your body is doing. You said you like to sit down with a bag of chips, I'd definitely break that habit quick. I totally stopped eating chips because they're so high cal and don't fill your body with good nutrients, try substituting fresh fruit like pineapple, grapes, cantaloupe, watermelon, or things that are dense. You'll be shocked how long you can go after filling up on the lower processed foods. My rule of thumb is if its easy access it's probably not the greatest, things that need to be washed, and cut up are the best best. One more thing, I noticed you had a yogurt on your diary, try eating Greek yogurt its more filling and has protein. Best of luck with your journey, you start with small changes and they will pay off.
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    What has worked for me is cutting down on sugars (ALL types - refined white, honey, fruits, etc.), eating much less processed foods (including grains & flours, pastas, anything in a box or bag really), and drinking more water! However, ensure you're eating enough and getting in lots of lean protein and unsaturated fats, those help to keep you feeling satiated. Including lots of non-starchy veggies into every meal can help make you feel "stuffed", I needed that when I first started eating at a calorie reduced diet.
  • socalikristi
    socalikristi Posts: 2 Member
    Your diary doesn't show how much fiber you're consuming each day. Your body breaks down carbohydrates first when it enters your intestines, then fiber and protein as the food moves through body. To help stay full longer, you need to combine carbohydrates, protein and fiber at each meal.
    Also, are you really hungry? Assess your mood and figure out if you are sad/lonely/bored. Then create a plan to do something instead. Sad?- watch some comedy on tv. Lonely?- Chat with the hubby or call a friend. Bored?- Do something with your hands. Like draw, knit, paint, write out your motivation to lose weight.
    Chew gum or drink water to get the oral fixation, if that is what you feel like you need.

    I hope this helps!!
  • OMG I want to eat RIGHT NOW too lol I have a beautiful cake in the fridge and I'm contemplating eating some, or throwing it in the trash and yelling at it!! I'm right there with you girl. How about you and I go drink and much water right now as we can....may it be a few cups, but that will help us feel full. GO DO IT!!! :) HuGs
  • armywf07
    armywf07 Posts: 245 Member
    The man reason you seem to be hungry all the time is that you consuming too many simple carbs and not enough complex carbs. The complex carbs backed with protein or fiber will keep you fuller longer than the empty simple carbs.

    Have you looked into trying some hungry girl recipes? They are healthy, low cal and awesome sizes as it comes to what a serving size is. Example. 1 8oz. mug of her smores oatmeal is 290 calories for the whole mug. Old fashioned oats= complex carbs and fiber is what keeps you fuller longer for help with the sweet stuff you have the sugar free hot cocoa mix and mini marshmallows with mini chocolate chips. I couldn't finish the full serving, I got full.

    With Breakfast and dinner being your biggest meals of the day and lunch a simple meal, you can make yourself lots of 100 calorie snacks to help you through the day. I would make your snack more veggies and fruit to help you get the amount of servings you need in a day.

    Women ages 19-30: 2 cups Fruits + 2 1/2 cups Veggies = 4 1/2 cups TOTAL
    Women ages 31-50: 1 1/2 cups Fruits + 2 1/2 cups Veggies = 4 cups TOTAL

    Increase your water or do at least 4 oz of water and maybe 4oz. green tea to help detox all the sodium and extra sugars you are consuming. There are alot of websites that have awesome fruit water recipes as well as low cal 100 calorie snack ideas. Once you start doing these things as well as working out your body will become use to it and it will be like second nature for you.

    I wish you luck in this journey in weight loss and eating healthy.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    1300 calories is probably way too low for you, is why.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,360 Member
    I pre plan my meals for a week , I am feeding 2 kids and a husband that loses so much weight at work in the summer he has to eat EXTRA calories everyday, I shop once a week all dinners are planned for the week! Lunch is usually my down fall I think , I like sitting down with a bag a chips after cleaning the house or shopping or whatever and eating while I watch TV .. Note to self I gotta stop that ! I ate dinner at 6 pm , its 8:30 and now I'm hungry I want to eat something, so now I'm getting cranky , gonna go drink a glass of water , maybe that will help ??

    Skipping the chips at lunch is HARD! To stop from eating at the end of a meal, I started doing Sudoku. I know it sounds weird, but it helps me. I do it in the evening when everyone else is snacking as we watch TV. You might try knitting or crochet, but I can't do those.
  • diamondfit1
    diamondfit1 Posts: 47 Member
    Im not sure if anyone mentioned this yet but if you make the changes suggested by others and still feel hungry all the time you may want to get your thyroid gland checked out by your doctor to make sure its working right and regulating your hunger signals correctly.
  • I eat at least six meals a day, that's three main meals and two snacks. I also drink half my body weight in ounces of water, so I'm about 134-140 depending and I drink 70 oz of water a day. This seems to help and it also helps your body adjust. Do not starve yourself, that just sets yourself up to fail.
  • nsquires3
    nsquires3 Posts: 10 Member
    I am drinking I am drinking , I might just float away ! This is what I needed !! Thank you !
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    I am queued in to my cycle - I get cravings like I did when I was pregnant, I usually will let it fly on those days , but that is usually when I fall of the wagon so to speak! This month I'll be ready for it !!!

    Up your calories and exercise on the days that coincide with your cycle hungry days. that helps me fro totally losing my mind on those days.
  • nsquires3
    nsquires3 Posts: 10 Member
    I am queued in to my cycle - I get cravings like I did when I was pregnant, I usually will let it fly on those days , but that is usually when I fall of the wagon so to speak! This month I'll be ready for it !!!

    Up your calories and exercise on the days that coincide with your cycle hungry days. that helps me fro totally losing my mind on those days.

    Smart !!! I will definitely do that !!!! I didn't know how to combat it with out becoming a (b) itch from not eating what I want or going over board! Thanks !